Miranda Belarde-Lewis
Associate Professor, Joe and Jill McKinstry Endowed Faculty Fellow in Native North American Indigenous Knowledge
Allen Library 196Cmhbl@uw.edu ◆ 206-543-3878
Tracie D. Hall
Professor of Practice and Distinguished Practitioner in Residence
Mary Gates Hall 330Jtdhall@uw.edu
David G. Hendry
Associate Professor, MSIM Program Chair
Mary Gates Hall 330Udhendry@uw.edu ◆ 206-616-2316
Alexis Hiniker
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Program Chair
Mary Gates Hall 015Dalexisr@uw.edu ◆ 206-685-0370
Jin Ha Lee
Professor, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Executive Director of Administrative Services
Allen Library 191Ajinhalee@uw.edu ◆ 206-685-0153
Jessica Luke
Teaching Professor, Director, Museology Graduate Program
Box 359485jjluke@uw.edu ◆ 206-685-3496
Michelle H. Martin
Beverly Cleary Professor for Children and Youth Services
Mary Gates Hall 370Fmhmarti@uw.edu ◆ 206-221-5623
Nassim Parvin
Associate Professor, Associate Dean for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access & Sovereignty (IDEAS)
Mary Gates Hall 370nassimi@uw.edu
Joel Ross
Associate Teaching Professor, Informatics Program Chair
Mary Gates Hall 330Y-2joelross@uw.edu ◆ 206-685-1622
Sara Sanford
Assistant Teaching Professor, Associate MSIM Program Chair
Mary Gates Hall 330Nsanfos@uw.edu
Laura Schildkraut
Assistant Teaching Professor, iMentorship Director
Bloedel Hall 088Blaurasc@uw.edu ◆ 206-221-8409
Richard Sturman
Associate Teaching Professor, iAffiliates Director
Mary Gates Hall 330Jrsturman@uw.edu ◆ 206-616-8672
Carla Wale
Teaching Professor, Director, MLIS Law Librarianship Specialization
William H. Gates Hallcpwale@uw.edu