- Learning in Museums: critical thinking, play, and social emotional learning
- Family Involvement in Learning
Research Areas
Jessica Luke is a Teaching Professor in the Information School at the University of Washington as well as the Director of the Museology Graduate Program. Luke’s research focuses on museums and youth development, family learning, and parent involvement. She is interested in the role that museums play in information behavior and early learning and how these impact human development over an entire life span. Luke has a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Maryland, a Master’s in Museum Studies from the University of Toronto, and a B.A. in Art History and Political Studies from Queen’s University.
- Ph D, Educational Psychology, University of Maryland, 2009
- M.M.St., Museum Studies, University of Toronto, 1998
- BA, Art History and Political Studies , Queen's University, 1995
- American Alliance of Museums
- American Educational Research Association
- Association of Children's Museums
- National Art Education Association
- Visitor Studies Association
Publications and Contributions
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe problem of play in children's museums (2021)International Journal of Play, 10(1), pp. 63-74
Journal Article, Academic Journal“The bloody hell and holy cow moment:” Feeling awe in the art museum (2021)Curator: The Museum Journal, 64(2), pp. 41-55
Journal Article, Academic JournalWhat caregivers observe about their children’s learning during a visit to the children’s museum (2019)Journal of Museum Education, 44(4), pp. 427-428
Journal Article, Academic JournalPlay in children’s museums: A path forward or a point of tension? (2017)Curator: The Museum Journal, 60(1), pp. 37-46
Journal Article, Professional JournalThe impact of art museum dementia-based programming on participating care partners (2016)Journal of Museum Education, 41(31), pp. 210-219
Journal Article, Professional JournalAn art therapy study of visitor reactions to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (2015)Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship, 30(1), pp. 21-43
Journal Article, Professional JournalChildren's museum research agenda (2014)Hand to Hand: Association of Children's Museums Journal
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe role of evaluation in re-imagining the art museum (2014)Journal of Museum Education, 39(2), pp. 197-206
Journal Article, Professional JournalMuseums and parent involvement: A landscape review (2013)Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship, 28(5), pp. 491-507
Evaluations during the pandemic
Puget Sound Grantwriters Association - Seattle, WA
Museum studies programs coming together in COVID-19
Annual meeting of the American Alliance of Museums - Seattle, WA (virtual)
The future of small, local history museums
The Board of the Bainbridge Island History Museum - Seattle, WA
Social-emotional learning in children’s museums
Presentation for the Members of Museum Advocates - Nashville, TN
What research tells us about museum studies graduate programs
Museum Studies Network at the annual meeting of the American Alliance of Museums - New Orleans, LA
Audience research and evaluation in public gardens
Museum Advocates - Nashville, TN
Getting serious about the value of play in children’s museums
Annual Meeting of the Association of Children's Museums - Pasadena, CA
Innovative evaluations
Puget Sound Grantwriters Association - Seattle, WA
Audience research and evaluation in public gardens
American Public Garden Association Education Symposium - Seattle, WA
Let’s talk about play
Annual meeting of the Association of Children’s Museums - Stamford, CT
What do we really mean? The power of museum jargon
Annual meeting of the American Alliance of Museums - Washington, DC
A discussion about work life balance
KidsQuest Children's Museum - Bellevue, WA
Audience evaluation and engagement in small, local history museums
4Culture - Seattle, WA
Ensuring the success of your grant-funded programs
Puget Sound Grantwriters Association - Seattle, WA
From field to institution: Putting research agendas into action
Annual Meeting of the Visitor Studies Association - Indianapolis, IN
Re-Imagining family-centered design
Annual Meeting of the American Alliance of Museums - Atlanta, GA
What can we do to make museums more engaging for families and early learners?
Burke Museum of Natural History - Seattle, WA
Consultant-institution partnerships for strengthening evaluation capacity
Panel session conducted at the annual meeting of the Visitor Studies Association - Albuquerque, NM
Growing a culture of research in museums
Panel session conducted at the annual meeting of the American Alliance of Museums, Visitor Studies Association - Seattle, WA
Lessons learned from institutionalizing evaluation in art museums
Panel session conducted at the annual meeting of the American Alliance of Museums - Seattle, WA
Our shared journey
Graduation Keynote Speech, Museology Graduate Program - Seattle, WA
Research agendas and field-wide capacity-building
Panel session conducted at the annual meeting of the Visitor Studies Association - Albuquerque, NM
What we know and don't know from research in the arts
The Intersection of Research and Policy: Arts and Culture Symposium, Crystal Bridges Art Museum - Bentonville, AR
Applying research results to practice
Session conducted at the annual meeting of the National Art Education Association - Fort Worth, TX
Developing a field-wide research agenda
Session conducted at the annual meeting of the Association of Children's Museums - Pittsburgh, PA
Research to practice: Developing actionable strategies
A half-day workshop conducted at the annual meeting of the Visitor Studies Association - Milwaukee, WI
The value of children's museums
Presentation for Board of Directors, KidsQuest Children's Museums - Bellevue, WA
Crossing Contexts: What Families Value about Museum Experiences
Annual conference of the American Association of Museums - Houston, TX