- Indigenous Systems of Knowledge
- Native American Art and Artifacts
- Tribal Museums and Indigenous Curation
Research Area
- LIS 582 - Community Engagement Strategies In Information Science
Miranda Belarde-Lewis (Zuni/Tlingit) is an associate professor of North American Indigenous Knowledge at the iSchool and an independent curator. Indigenous knowledge systems are central to her work as she examines the role of social media and the arts in protecting, documenting and perpetuating Native information and knowledge. Her work highlights and celebrate Native artists, their processes, and the exquisite pieces they create. She has worked with tribal, city, state and federal museums to create Native-focused educational programming, publications and art exhibitions. Belarde-Lewis holds a B.A. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Arizona, an M.A. in Museology and Ph.D. in Information Science from the University of Washington.
- Ph D, Information Science, University of Washington, 2013
- MA, Museology, University of Washington, 2007
- BA, Cultural Anthropology, University of Arizona, 2002
- Joe and Jill McKinstry Endowed Faculty Fellowship for the study of Native North American Indigenous Knowledge, Inaugural Fellow - Joe and Jill McKinstry, 2020-2024
- Best Short Paper - Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), 2024
- Project Award for the Indigenous Curation Speaker Series - Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies, 2019-2020
- 2020 Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award “for an especially distinguished catalogue in the history of art.” - College Art Association, 2020
- 2019 PROSE Subject Category Winner for Nature’s Nations: Humanities – Art Exhibitions - Association of American Publishers, 2019
- Best Publication of 2018 (by a larger mid-size museum) - Association of Art Museum Curators, 2018
- Visiting Artist Grant - Bill Holm Center for the Study of Northwest Coast. Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, 2016
- Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum and Cultural Institution Grant - Institute of Museum and Library Services. Suquamish Museum., 2015
- Skolnick Scholar - Skolnick Foundation, 2012-2013
- Bank of America Minority Dissertation Writing Fellowship - Graduate Opportunities-Minority Achievement Program. University of Washington., 2013
- Best Group Paper - 8th Annual iConference, 2011
- Google Scholar - Best Single Author Paper - 8th Annual iConference, 2011
- Intel Scholar - American Indian Science and Engineering Society, 2010
- Bank of America First Year Fellowship - Graduate Opportunities-Minority Achievement Program. University of Washington., 2008
- Honoring Alaska's Indigenous Literature Award - Honoring Alaska's Indigenous Literature, 2008
- International Indigenous Ambassador - Americans for Indian Opportunity, 2006-2007
- Native American Art Studies Association Board of Directors
- iNative, iSchool, University of Washington
- College Arts Association
- Native American Art Studies Association
Publications and Contributions
Journal Article, Academic JournalCentering Relationality and CARE for Stewardship of Indigenous Research Data (2024)Data Science Journal, 23(32), pp. 1–16
Journal Article, Academic JournalPainful Beauty: Tlingit Women, Beadwork, and the Art of Resilience (2024)The American Historical Review, 129(1), pp. 301–302
Conference PaperStewarding Contextual Integrity in Data Services in Indigenous Scholarship (2024)Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61(1), pp. 626-631
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewA:shiwi Art History: The Strength of Pueblo Place (2023)The Routledge Companion to Indigenous Art Histories in the United States and Canada
Exhibition CatalogSharing Honors and Burdens (2023)Renwick Invitational 2023
Research ReportIndigenous data case study: Toward contextual integrity for Indigenous data (2022)
Book, Chapter in Non-Scholarly Book-NewNative Philosophies and Relationality in ATLA: It's (Lion) Turtles All the Way Down (2022)Avatar - The Last Airbender and Philosophy Wisdom from Aang to Zuko - The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series
Art PublicationTalkin’ Money: Indian Market Economics (2022)Indian Market Centennial Artist Directory and Booth Guide, Southwestern Association for Indian Arts
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewThe (Time) Line in the Sand (2022)Indigenous Motherhood in the Academy
Art PublicationZuni Ceramic Artist: Noreen Simplicio (2022)First American Art Magazine,, pp. 82-87
Art Exhibition CatalogExploring Relationality Through Sho Sho Esquiro’s Fashion (2021)Sho Sho Esquiro: Doctrine of Discovery, pp. 12-19
Art Exhibition CatalogQuestions (2021)Dyani White Hawk: See Her
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewTribal Critical Race Theory in Zuni Pueblo: Information Access in a Cautious Community (2021)Knowledge Justice: Disrupting Library and Information Studies Through Critical Race Theory
Art Exhibition CatalogVisiting: A Conversation Between Sho Sho Esquiro and Miranda Belarde-Lewis (2021)Sho Sho Esquiro: Doctrine of Discovery., pp. 50-59
Art Exhibition Catalog“Sho Sho Esquiro: Doctrine of Discovery” Exhibition Wall Text and Labels (2021)Sho Sho Esquiro: Doctrine of Discovery, pp. 20-46
Journal Article, Academic Journal"Of course, Data Can Never Fully Represent Reality": Assessing the Relationship between Indigenous Data and IK, TEK, and TK” (2020)Human Biology, 163(Unknown Issue)
Journal Article, Academic JournalCentering Relationality: A Conceptual Model to Advance Indigenous Knowledge Organization Practices (2020)Knowledge Organization, 47(5)
Magazine/Trade PublicationMarianne Nicolson (2020)Aperture Magazine,
Book, Scholarly-NewPreston Singletary: Raven and the Box of Daylight (2019)ISBN/ISSN: 9780972664950
Magazine/Trade PublicationThe yəhaw Phenomenon: Lifting the Arts Together in the Puget Sound (2019)First American Art Magazine,
Magazine/Trade PublicationThere are many versions of the Tlingit ‘Raven’ story, but its truth and hopeful message are universal (2019)Pacific NW Magazine, Seattle Times
Magazine/Trade PublicationSeven Directions (2018)First American Art Magazine, 21(Unknown Issue), pp. 16-19
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewWearing the Wealth of the Land: Chilkat Robes and Their Connection to Place (2018)Nature’s Nations: American Art and Environment, pp. 178-187
Magazine/Trade PublicationZuni Jeweler and Lapidarian: Colin Coonsis (2016)First American Art Magazine,, pp. 64-68
Magazine/Trade PublicationExhibit Review: Here & Now: Native Artists Inspired (2015)First American Art Magazine,, pp. 57-58
Journal Article, Academic JournalImagining: Creating Spaces for Indigenous Ontologies (2015)Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 53(5-6), pp. 677-702
Book ReviewReview: Native Art of the Northwest Coast: A History of Changing Ideas (2015)Museum Anthropology, 38(Unknown Issue), pp. 48-49
Conference PosterNative Systems of Knowledge (poster) (2014)Research Fair 2014
Journal Article, Academic JournalNo Photography Allowed: Problematic Photographs of Sacred Objects (2013)Museum Anthropology, 36(2), pp. 104-104
Conference PaperA vision for information visualization in information science (2011)Proceedings of the 2011 iConference, pp. 531-537
Conference PaperSharing the private in public: indigenous cultural property and online media (2011)Proceedings of the 2011 iConference, pp. 16-24
Book, Non-Scholarly-NewMeet Lydia: A Native Girl from Southeast Alaska (2004)
Art Exhibition CatalogThe Tlingit Wool Weaving of Lily Hope and Ursala Hudson: Hand Work, Heart Work, Art WorkSharing Honors and Burdens: The Renwick Invitational, Renwick Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, pp. 43-64
Hear Our Stories: A Call to Action for Indigenizing Information Science Educational Spaces
The Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Conference - Portland, OR
Hear Our Stories: A Call to Action for Indigenizing Information Science Educational Spaces panel
The Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Conference - Portland, Oregon
Venice Indigenous Arts School, hosted by the Institute of American Indian Arts - Santa Fe, New Mexico
Keywords in Indigenous Arts: Practice, Venice Indigenous Arts School, hosted by Institute of American Indian Arts - Venice, Italy
The Radical Citation Practices of Jeffrey Gibson
A Convening to consider Jeffrey Gibson: the space in which to place me, hosted by Center for Indigenous Studies, Bard College - Venice, Italy
Visual Sovereignty in an Informatic Age
Frank Lee Lecture, Swarthmore College - Swarthmore, NJ
Visual Sovereignty in an Informatic Age
2024 Lee Frank Lecture in Art History - Swarthmore, PA
Building Cultural Information Bridges
Closing Colloquium for the Advancing Pathways for Longterm Collaborations at Dartmouth - Hanover, New Hampshire
Implementing Data Services for Indigenous Scholarship and Sovereignty
International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology Conference (IASSIST 2023) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Native Art: Holding Our Futures in Our Hands
50th Annual Native Studies Conference, Northeastern State University. - Tahlequah, OK
The Art of Time: Documenting History Through Native Art
Humanities Washington - Virtual
Uncovering Colonialism: The Textiles of Sho Sho Esquiro
College Arts Association - New York, NY
Advancing Pathways to Long-Term Collaboration
Hood Museum of Art - Virtual
Care, Curation, and Collaboration: Centering Native Values in Museum Work
UW Museology: Museology Speakers Series - Seattle, WA
Data Services for Indigenous Scholarship and Sovereignty (DSISS) project
Seattle, WA
Indigenous Curation: Outlining the Field
Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
iSchool Alumni event presenter
American Library Association - Washington, DC
Making the Private Public: Technology, Access, and the Law in Cultural Heritage Presentation and Preservation
Mellon - Virtual
Repositioning Native Art in the 21st Century Museum
The Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York City, NY
Towards Peace and Balance: Our Arts as Historical Documents
Sharing Our Knowledge clan conference - Wrangell, AK
Beadwork to Video Games: Skarù·ręʔ Design in Media Making Through Time
Native American Art Studies Association - Virtual
Conversations with Indigenous Information Scientists: Relationality, Research, and Pedagogy
Annual Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference - Virtual
Curating in Conversation: RYAN! Feddersen and Miranda Belarde-Lewis
Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture - Seattle, WA
Designing for Community: In Conversation with Storme Webber and Miranda Belarde-Lewis
Harvard Indigenous Design Collective, Harvard University - Virtual
Native Creatives and the Digital Intrusion
Internet Studies Lecture Series, Western Washington University - Virtual
Tribal Critical Race Theory in Zuni Pueblo: Information Access in a Cautious Community
Mellon Fellows at Dartmouth's Library and Hood Museum of Art - Virtual
Writing for Depth in the White Cube
We Have Words for Art Virtual Writing Symposium, First American Art Magazine - Virtual
Artivism: The Role of Art and Social Media in the Movement
Art and Social Justice Visiting Artists and Scholars Series, University of Arizona - Tucson, AZ
Embracing a Complicated Relationship: Indigenous Museum Practices
Annual Director’s Lecture, Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society - Virtual
Raven and the Box of Daylight
Artist and Curator’s Talk, Glass Art Society - Virtual
Raven and the Box of Daylight
Artist and Curator’s Talk, Wichita Art Museum - Wichita, Kansas
The Art of Intrusion: How Native Creatives Incorporate and Address Technology
Native and Indigenous Studies Association - Virtual - Cancelled
The Art of Intrusion: How Native Creatives Incorporate and Address Technology (Cancelled due to Covid-19)
Native and Indigenous Studies Association - Toronto, Ontario
Advancing Science and Innovation Through Science and Technology
Native and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) conference - Hamilton, New Zealand
Archiving Indigenous Information and Knowledge: Intent and Practice while Implementing the Protocols for Native American Materials
Arizona Archives Summit - Phoenix, Arizona
Being Indigenous Online: Traversing the Terrain of Social Media
Native and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) conference - Hamilton, New Zealand
Coffee with the Curator for the exhibit "Preston Singletary: Raven and the Box of Daylight"
Museum of Glass - Tacoma, WA
Creating Survivance: Art and Indigenous Wellness
Henry Art Gallery: Critical Issues Lecture Series - Seattle, WA
Indigenous Curation
Research Symposium, The iSchool, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Indigenous Systems of Knowledge at the Intersections of the Information Science Field and Academia
HASTAC 2019 Decolonizing Technologies, Reprogramming Education Conference - Vancouver, British Columbia
Intersectional Art: Native Art in Context
Seattle Art Museum - Seattle, Washington
Peabody Essex Museum's Native American Fellowship
Peabody Essex Museum's Native American Fellowship - Salem, MA
Rainier Club's annual Laureate Dinner
Rainier Club's annual Laureate Dinner - Seattle, WA
Working with Mainstream Museums
Peabody Essex Museum, Native American Fellowship Program - Salem, MA
Beyond the Frame, Tribal Perspectives
Association of King County Historic Organizations - Seattle, Washington
Curtis is Complicated
Photographic Center Northwest at Seattle University - Seattle, WA
Indigenous Curation Methods
Peabody Essex Museum, Native American Fellowship Program - Salem, Massachusetts
On Edward Curtis images at "Double Exposure"
Seattle Art Museum - Seattle, WA
Opening of "The Brink: Demian Diné Yazhi"
Henry Gallery of Art - Seattle, WA
The Past, Present, and Future of International Indigenous Curatorial Practices
Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Annual Meeting - Los Angeles, CA
The Unexpected Art of Alison Marks
The Frye Art Museum - Seattle, Washington
Indigenous Glass Art: Ancient Forms, Modern Materials
Dr. Arnold and Doris Roland Distinguished Speaker. Arizona State Museum - Tucson, Arizona
Leadership and Education for Tribal Museum Professionals
Peabody Essex Museum's Native American Fellowship Program - Tulsa, Oklahoma
Raven Strikes Again: Building One Creation Story From Many
Native American Art Studies Association - Tulsa, Oklahoma
Taking Care of Tribal Information
Nisqually Archives/Library Annual Retreat - Suquamish, Washington
2nd Annual Native American Art History Lecture Series
The Frye Museum of Art - Seattle, Washington
1st Annual Native American Art History Lecture Series
The Frye Museum of Art - Seattle, Washington
Archival Interventions: Writing Visual Histories
Native American Art Studies Association - Santa Fe, New Mexico
Keynote address
Great Lakes Culture Keepers Annual Conference - Ziibiwing Center, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
Intellectual Property Rights and Native Cultural Institutions
Great Lakes Culture Keepers Annual Conference - Ziibiwing Center, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
Water and Associated Cultural Properties
5th Annual Native and Indigenous Studies Association Conference - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
But the Library of Congress Has These! Restricting Photographs in a Previously Exposed Pueblo Community
4th Annual Native and Indigenous Studies Association Conference - Uncasville, Connecticut
A Vision for Information Visualization in Information Science
8th Annual iConference - Seattle, Washington
A:shiwi Aesthetics: Defining Ourselves
Essentially Indigenous? Indigenous Arts Symposium, National Museum of the American Indian - New York, New York
Information as a Critical Analytic for Indigenous Scholars
3rd Annual Native and Indigenous Studies Association Conference - Sacramento, California
Information: A Critical Analytic for Indigenous Scholars
Native American and Indigenous Studies Association - Sacramento, CA
Sharing the Private in Public: Indigenous Cultural Property and Online Media
8th Annual iConference - Seattle, Washington
A:shiwi Arts: A Zuni Knowledge System
4th Annual Vine Deloria Jr. Symposium, Northwest Indian College - Lummi, Washington
Information as a Critical Tribal Asset
2010 Mid-Year National Congress of American Indians - Rapid City, South Dakota
Native Systems of Knowledge: Indigenous Methodologies in Information Science
7th Annual iConference - Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
Native Systems of Knowledge: Indigenous Methodologies in Information Science
Champaign-Urbana, IL
Embodiments of Sovereignty
9th Annual Symposium of Native Scholarship, Native American Students in Advanced Academia, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
Why Is The Customer Right?
Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics - Belo Horizante, Brazil