Affiliate Positions
- Affiliate, West African Digital Mental Health Alliance (WADMA)
- Affiliate, Behavioral Research in Technology and Engineering (BRiTE) Center
- Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Washington, Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE)
- Visualization Studies and Critical Visual Design Research
- Computer Supported Cooperative Work
- Human-Computer Interaction
Research Areas
- INFO 360 - Design Methods
Dr. Jaime Snyder is an Associate Professor in the Information School. She is also an Adjunct Associate Professor in Human Center Design and Engineering (HCDE) and an affiliate of the Behavioral Research in Technology and Engineering (BriTe) Center and the West African Digital Mental Health Alliance (WADMA). Dr. Snyder’s research focuses on human-centered digital visualization design practices; vernacular and non-expert data practices; visual and data literacies; ethics and values in the design of visualizations; and visual research methods. Informed by prior work as a visual artist and as a user interface/user experience (UI/UX) designer, her current scholarly work in information science utilizes qualitative and design research methodologies for working closely with conditionally vulnerable community members to co-create digital interventions that align with lived experiences.
A key aspect of this work is the Grounded Visualization Design (GVD) methodology developed by Dr. Snyder to engage diverse stakeholders in the design process through a range of image-making practices. Dr. Snyder applies this critical approach to design research in a range of contexts related to integrating formal science knowledge systems with local and vernacular ways of knowing. This involves close collaborations with practitioners, both in the US and Africa, to apply GVD in contexts such as the management and treatment of serious mental illness, collaborative decision making in the care of pediatric kidney disease patients, and public engagement with biodiversity data. Dr. Snyder’s work has appeared in human computer interaction (HCI) and information science publications including ACM proceedings of CHI and CSCW; ACM TOCHI; JASIST; Computers in Human Behavior; and Human-Computer Interaction. ACM SIGCHI has recognized her work for its contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Her research has been funded by UW’s Royalty Research Fund (RRF), Group Health Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the National Science Foundation.
Professor Snyder is currently recruiting Ph.D. students for Autumn 2024 who are interested in pursuing research aligned with her focus on visual methodologies in contexts including: citizen science, personal health information, and local and vernacular knowledge systems.
- Ph D, Information Science and Technology, Syracuse University, School of Information Studies, 2012
- MFA, Visual Art, Stanford University, 1997
- BFA, Painting, Temple University, Tyler School of Art, 1993
- Best Paper Honorable Mention - DIS 2020, 2020
- Diversity and Inclusion Recognition - DIS 2020, 2020
- Best Paper Honorable Mention - CSCW 2018, 2018
- Diversity and Inclusion Recognition - CSCW 2018, 2018
- Best Student Paper Award - ASSETS 2017, 2017
- Doctoral Dissertation Award - iSchool Caucus, 2013
- Doctoral Award - Syracuse University, 2012
- Doctoral Dissertation Award - ASIS&T ProQuest, 2012
Publications and Contributions
Conference PaperDesigning for Common Ground: Visually Representing Conversation Dynamics of Neurodiverse Dyads (2023)Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW2), pp. 1-33
Conference PaperDesigning for Common Ground: Visually Representing Conversation Dynamics of Neurodiverse Dyads (2023)Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
Journal Article, Academic JournalDeveloping the West African Digital Mental Health Alliance (WADMA) (2023)Nature Medicine, 28(Unknown Issue), pp. 2680–2681
Journal Article, Academic JournalUser-Centered Development of Bolster, an mHealth Intervention for Early Psychosis Caregivers: Needs Assessment, Prototyping, and Field Trial (2023)JMIR Mental Health, 10(1), pp. 1-17
White PaperEthics in Visualization (2022)Human-Centered Data Science: An Introduction, ISBN/ISSN: 9780262543217
Journal Article, Academic JournalMy Kidney Identity: Contextualizing pediatric patients and their families kidney transplant journeys (2022)Pediatric Transplantation Journal, 26(7)
Journal Article, Academic JournalA Digital Tooklit (M-Healer) to Improve Care and Reduce Human Rights Abuses Against People with Mental Illness in West Africa: User-Centered Design, Development, and Usability Study (2021)JMIR Mental Health, 8(7), pp. 1-15
Conference PosterCo-Designing M-Healer: Supporting Lay Practitioner Mental Health Workers in Ghana (2021)Proceedings of the 23rd Human Computer Interaction International Conference (HCII 2021)
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewExamining the Ethics of Visualization Design (2021)Human-Centered Data Science
Conference PosterSarjom Project, A Collaborative Vision for a Sustainable Planet That Connects Citizen Science Stakeholders Across Four Dimensions with Open Data (2021)Proceedings of the 2021 CitSciVirtual Citizen Science Association Conference (CitSciVirtual) 2021
Conference PaperSocial-Emotional-Sensory Design Map for Affective Computing Informed by Neurodivergent Experiences (2021)Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
Conference PaperBecoming (In)visible: Privacy, Transparency, and Disclosure in the Self-Management of Bipolar Disorder (2020)Proceedings of the 2020 SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Conference PaperBeing (In)Visible: Privacy, Transparency, and Disclosure in the Self-Management of Bipolar Disorder (2020)Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI '20)
Journal Article, Academic JournalReflecting on patient-generated photographs of the pediatric renal transplant experience (2020)Pediatric Transplant
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewStabilizing Digital Infrastructures in Distributed Social Science Collaborations (2020)Handbook of Distributed Cognition
Conference PaperVisualizing Biological Rhythms: A Critical Visual Analysis of Mental Health in Flux (2020)Proceedings of the ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS)
Journal Article, Academic JournalCreating Synthetic Patient Data to Support the Design and Evaluation of Novel Health Information Technology (2019)Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 95(Unknown Issue), pp. 103201
Blog Post
Conference PaperSpanning the Boundaries of Data Visualization Work: An Exploration of Functional Affordances and Disciplinary Values (2019)Proceedings of the iConference in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Conference PosterVisual Models of Privacy Experiences on Facebook (2019)Proceedings of the iConference in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Conference PaperVisually Encoding the Lived Experience of Bipolar Disorder (2019)Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '19)
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewDimensions of visual misinformation in the emerging media landscape (2018)Misinformation and Mass Audiences
NewsletterEarly Adopters of a Low Vision Head-Mounted Assistive Technology (2018)SIGACCESS Newsletter
Journal Article, Academic JournalInterpretive Impacts of Text Visualization: Mitigating Political Framing Effects (2018)ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)
White PaperParticipatory Design to Support Serious Mental Illness (2018)Lessons Learned from Community Engagement
Conference Short PaperPersonal Informatics in Interpersonal Contexts: Towards the Design of Technology that Supports the Social Ecologies of Long-Term Mental Health Management (2018)Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2018)
Journal Article, Academic JournalDouble-Edged Sword: A Mixed Methods Study of the Interplay Between Bipolar Disorder and Technology Use (2017)Computers and Human Behavior
Conference PaperLet’s Play (While Faraway)! Using Technology to Mediate Remote Playdates for Children with Autism (2017)Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII) Conference
Journal Article, Academic JournalQuantifying the Changeable Self: The role of self-tracking in coming to terms with and managing bipolar disorder (2017)Human Computer Interaction, special issue on “The examined life: Personal uses for personal data”
Conference AbstractRacial Bias in the Representation of Medical Evidence: Constructing a More Inclusive Picture of Health (2017)2017 Annual Meeting for the Society for Social Studies of Science
Conference PaperTechnology-Mediated Sight: A Case Study of Early Adopters of a Low Vision Assistive Technology (2017)19th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
Conference PaperVernacular Visualization Practices in a Citizen Science Project (2017)2017 Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Conference
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewDocumenting work: From participant observation to participant tracing (2016)Handbook of Qualitative Organizational Research: Innovative Pathways and Methods
Conference PaperObserving the Materiality of Values in Information Systems Research (2016)Proceeedings of HICSS 2016, pp. 2017-2026
Conference PosterSocial Dimensions of Technology-Mediated Sight (Poster abstract) (2016)Proceedings of ASSETS
Conference PaperTechnology-Mediated Sight: A Case Study of Early Adopters of a Low Vision Assistive Technology (2016)ASSETS '17
Conference Workshop PaperValues in the Design of Visualizations (invited paper presentation) (2016)CSCW 2016 Workshop on Human-Centered Data Science
Conference PaperMoodLight: Exploring Personal and Social Implications of Ambient Display of Biosensor Data (2015)Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW), pp. 143-153
Conference PaperMoodLight: Real-Time Representation Versus Response Elicitation in Biosensor Data (2015)Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), pp. 605-608
Conference PosterUsing Ethnography of Email to Understand Distributed Scientific Collaborations (2015)Proceedings of the iConference
Conference Non-Archival PapersVisualizing Temporality in Biological Rhythms (2015)Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
Conference PosterDocuments and Distributed Scientific Collaboration (poster) (2014)Proceedings of ACM CSCW
Journal Article, Academic JournalMaking Things Visible: Opportunities and Tensions in Visual Approaches for Design Research and Practice (2014)Human Computer Interaction, Special Issue on Design Thinking, 29(5-6), pp. 451-486
Conference PosterThe Document Practice as Insight to Digital Infrastructures of Distributed, Collaborative Social Scientists (poster) (2014)Proceedings of the iConference
Journal Article, Academic JournalVisual Representation of Information as Communicative Practice (2014)Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 65(11), pp. 2233-2247
Visually Encoding Personal Data for Vulnerable Populations
University of Colorado Boulder, College of Media, Communication, and Information - Boulder, Colorado
Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems (CSST) 2020/2021 Summer Institute
Point + Line + Plane: Visually Encoding Lived Experiences
Fraunhofer AICOS Portugal: Human Centered Design Week - Portugal
Visually Encoding Personal Data for Vulnerable Populations
University of Michigan - virtual
mHealth in West Africa: Developing an evidence-based psychosocial intervention toolkit
UW ALACRITY Center - Seattle, WA (virtual)
The Pediatric Renal Transplant Experience: Reflecting through Photographs
American Transplant Congress - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Using Photo-Elicitation to Scaffold Patient Narratives of the Pediatric Renal Transplant Experience
Pediatric Academic Societies & American Pediatric Nephrology - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (virtual)
Visualization Design Workshop for visiting LIS students from Sungkyunkwan University
Seattle, Washington
Data Visualization Basics
INFO200 Intellectual Foundations of Informatics. Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
Data Visualization Basics
INFO200 Intellectual Foundations of Informatics. Information School - Seattle, Washington
Interpretive Impacts of Text Visualization: Mitigating Political Framing Effects
SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019) - Glasgow, UK
Invited lecture
DUB Seminar, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
Obstacles to Empathy: Visually Encoding Personal Data for Vulnerable Populations
Data Analytics group, University College Dublin - Dublin, Ireland
Obstacles to Empathy: Visually Encoding the Lived Experience of Bipolar Disorder
Department of Psychiatry, University of Ghana School of Medicine - Accra, Ghana
The Pediatric Renal Transplant Experience: Reflecting through Photographs
American Society of Nephrology (ASN) Kidney Week - Washington, D.C.
Visualization Studies: Creating and Using Visual Representations in Collaborative Contexts
Microsoft Whiteboard Working Group - Bellevue
Data Visualization Basics
INFO 200: Intellectual Foundations of Informatics. Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
Quantifying the Changeable Self: The role of self-tracking in coming to terms with and managing bipolar disorder
SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018) - Montreal, Canada
Social Issues in Personal Informatics: Design, Data, and Infrastructure
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing - New York, New York
Visualizing Bipolar Disorder: Encoding Personal Data through Co-Design
Behavioral Research in Technology and Engineering (BRiTE) Center - Seattle, WA
Credible Images (HICSS-50 Digital & Social Media Ignite Presentation)
HICSS - Waikoloa Village, HI
Data Visualization Basics
INFO200 Intellectual Foundations of Informatics, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Data Visualization: Principles and Tools
LIS530 Organization of Information and Resources, Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Evaluating Visual Practices in a Citizen Science Project
CSCW 2017 Workshop, The Science of Citizen Science - Portland, OR
Infographic Design
FISH 478 Topics in Sustainable Fisheries. College of the Environment, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Racial Bias in the Representation of Medical Evidence: Constructing a More Inclusive Picture of Health
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science - Boston, Massachusetts
The Reproducibility Concept, Practice & Toolset
eScience Data Science Studies Workshop - Seattle, WA
User Centered Visualization Design Workshop
INFO474 Interactive Information Visualization, Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Vernacular Visualization in the Management of Serious Mental Illness
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science, UC Irvine - Irvine, CA
Visualizing Bipolar Disorder: Visual Materiality in the Representation of Biological Rhythms
STSS591 Science, Technology, and Society Studies in Action, Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Data Visualization Basics
INFO200 Intellectual Foundations of Informatics, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Data Visualization Basics
INFO200 Intellectual Foundations of Informatics, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Meet, Greet, Teach: Gaming for Good
College of the Environment, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Native Girls Code Design Thinking Workshop
Na'ah Illahee Fund - Seattle, WA
Visualizing Temporality in Biological Rhythms
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science - Denver, Colorado
From Effects to Entanglements: A Fishbowl Discussion on Sociomateriality
Panel at the iConference - Berlin, Germany
Traces of Work: Visibility & Documenting Practices within Distributed Social Science Collaboration
Sharing, re-use and circulation of resources in cooperative scientific work, Workshop at CSCW 2014 - Baltimore, MD
Transections: an interdisciplinary exploration of design between science and the humanities
Invited presenter and panelist. Symposium organized by Professors Anda French and Lori Brown, Syracuse University School of Architecture - Syracuse, NY
Light, Color, Affect, and Stress
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science - San Diego, California