
  • Informal Science Education
  • Museums and Community Engagement

Research Area


  • Ph D, Molecular Biology, Stony Brook University/Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1998
  • Post-Graduate Diploma, Environmental Science, Indian Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 1991
  • BS, Osmania University, 1990

Publications and Contributions

  • Building capacity in and access to informal STEM learning settings for participants with disabilities (2022)
    News and Views, Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) Authors: S. Bellman, S. Burgstahler, Meena Selvakumar
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Engagement of Student Interns to Address Disability-Related Issues in Informal Learning Opportunities and Academic Courses (Practice Brief) (2022)
    Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability, 35(3), pp. 262-266 Authors: S. Bellman, S. Burgstahler, Meena Selvakumar
  • Pedagogical and content design practices that support accessibility and inclusion in museology courses (2022)
    AccessISL, DO-IT Authors: S. Bellman, S. Burgstahler, Meena Selvakumar
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    Portal to the Public (2019)
    The Reflective Museum Practitioner, pp. 14, ISBN/ISSN: 9780429025242 Author: Meena Selvakumar
  • White Paper
    Translation and Dissemination of Health Services Research for Health Policy: Key Insights from Museum Studies (2015)
    Authors: Meena Selvakumar, Erika Shugart
  • White Paper
    Coming Soon to a Science Center Near You: You! (2014)
    Author: Meena Selvakumar
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Portal to the Public: Museum Educators Collaborating with Scientists to Engage Museum Visitors with Current Science (2013)
    Curator: The Museum Journal, 56(1), pp. 69-78 Authors: Meena Selvakumar, M. Storksdieck


  • Access to Informal STEM Learning Capacity Building Institute (2022)
    AccessISL Capacity Building Institute in collaboration with NSF INCLUDES Alliance - Virtual
  • Improving the Translation and Dissemination of Health Services Research (2014)
    Broader Impacts Summit - Arlington, VA
  • Improving the Translation and Dissemination of Health Services Research (2014)
    Academy Health Summit - Washington, DC