
  • Ethics of Information and Technology
  • Privacy, Cybersecurity, International Threats
  • Operational Risk, Governance, Critical Infrastructure

Research Area


Searle writes, speaks and teaches in the field of information risk and cybersecurity; and on the impact of technology on ethics, privacy, policy and law. She is principal of ASA Risk Consultants, a Seattle-based advisory firm that publishes research notes and books through the ASA Institute for Risk and Innovation, which she founded in 2009.

From 1999 to 2009, Searle worked at Washington Mutual, first as its enterprise technology architect, then most of that time as senior executive in charge of enterprise risk services, and as chair of the corporate crisis management team. She is one of the authors of the 2007 Blue Ribbon Commission on Mega-Catastrophes Report published by the Financial Services Roundtable, where she contributed in particular to the examinations of pandemics and earthquakes. As the report was released, she took questions at the National Press Club on its pandemic recommendations. That same year, she chaired a Critical Infrastructure Protection Congress panel on pandemics, inviting the chairs of five critical sectors as well as the head of the Department of Homeland Security's Private Sector Office to participate. She has published two journal articles on pandemic readiness preparations by the U.S. financial sector in 2007 and 2008.

Searle is one of the founders and served as President & CEO of Delphi Computers & Peripherals from 1984 to 1999, earning both a Northwest Entrepreneur of the Year and a Matrix Table Woman of Achievement leadership award. She is a lifetime member of the Institute of American Entrepreneurs. In 2011, she was an inaugural inductee to the Hall of Fame of the International Network of Women in Emergency Management and Homeland Security (InWEM).

Searle is the author of Risk Reconsidered, published in 2018. She is the author of another book for the general public, titled Advice From A Risk Detective, now in its third edition (2019). She is editor-in-chief of six other books, Reflections on Risk, Volumes I, II, III, IV, V, and VI -- collections of research notes written primarily by UW Information School students. Her chapter exploring the root causes of conduct risk is part of a collection titled Conduct Risk: A Practitioner's Guide (London: Risk Books, 2016). In the spring of 2017, she was invited to join the global cybersecurity policy initiative being hosted by the Jackson School of International Studies. She is one of three developers of the "Cybersecurity & Technology Futures" series that was presented in the winter and spring of 2019.

She is a member of the emeritus board of the Seattle Public Library Foundation, where she served for 12 years. From 2020-2022 she participated in the government's pandemic mitigation efforts as part of the Seattle Disaster Management Committee, with FEMA's supply chain efforts, and with the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

Searle is now an Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus at the Information School, a former member of the school's Elected Faculty Council, a former UW Faculty Senator, and former faculty adviser for the University of Washington's student ISACA chapter. She was awarded the 2019 iSchool TEACH award, and was the iSchool nominee for the UW's 2020 Distinguished Teaching Award. She co-led the 2021-2022 iTeach initiative; and chaired the 2023 iSchool Women's Caucus. Her previous careers include public television, the visual arts, technology, and banking.


  • MA, English, University of Iowa
  • BA, English, University of Iowa


  • Nominee, UW Distinguished Teaching Award - UW Center for Teaching and Learning, 2020
  • TEACH Award - Information School, 2019
  • Hall of Fame for Women in Emergency Management and Homeland Security - International Network of Women in Emergency Management, 2011
  • MATRIX Table Woman of Achievement - MATRIX Table Northwest, 1993
  • Northwest Woman Entrepeneur of the Year - Merrill Lynch, EY and Inc. Magazine, 1992


  • ISACA chapter, University of Washington
  • Business Executives for National Security
  • Executive Women's Forum
  • Global Association of Risk Professionals
  • Seattle Public Library Foundation
  • New York University Global Risk Network
  • City of Seattle Disaster Management Committee

Publications and Contributions

  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Checks and Balances (2024)
    Xanthus News Portal Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Disrespect and Exclusion (2024)
    Xanthus News Portal Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Setting the Tone at the Top to Manage Enterprise RIsk (2024)
    Infosecurity Magazine Authors: Annie Searle, Sean Costigan
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Speaking Up (2024)
    The Connector magazine Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    The Changing Face of Corporate Governance in Cybersecurity (2024)
    Infosecurity magazine Authors: Annie Searle, Sean Costigan
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Wake Up (2024)
    The Connector Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Looking Ahead (2023)
    The Connector Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Making Our Peace with 9/11 (2023)
    Xanthus News Portal Author: Annie Searle
  • Newsletter
    Operational Risks Associated with Global Geo-Political Issues (2023)
    The Risk Universe Newsletter Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    2022 and America (2022)
    The Risk Universe Newsletter Author: Annie Searle
  • Research Report
    Ensuring An Ethical Lens on the Board Member Selection Process (2022)
    BRC (Board Risk Committee) Report, pp. 5 Author: Annie Searle
  • Book, Scholarly-New
    Reflections on Risk VI (2022)
    Reflections on Risk series, VI(Unknown Issue), pp. 375 Editor: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Shadows at the Edges (2022)
    Xanthus News Portal Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    The Best Way Out is Always Through (2022)
    The Connector Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    The Quality of Judgment (2022)
    Xanthus News Portal Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    A Divided Country (2021)
    The Connector Magazine Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    A More Perfect Union (2021)
    The Connector Magazine Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    A More Perfect Union (2021)
    The Connector Magazine Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Education is Critical Infrastructure (2021)
    The Connector Magazine Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Is Facebook Ready (2021)
    The Connector Magazine Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    It Seems Like We Are Always Thinking of COVID (2021)
    The Connector Magazine Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Let There Be Light (2021)
    Xanthus News Portal Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Look for the Light (2021)
    The Connector Magazine Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Look for the Light, Part II (2021)
    The Connector Magazine Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    America’s Residual Risk Tops the Charts (2020)
    The Risk Universe Newsletter Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    And Hope and History Rhyme (2020)
    The Connector Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Of Thee I Sing (2020)
    PR for People News Portal Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    There's So Much We Still Don’t Know About COVID-19 (2020)
    The Risk Universe Newsletter Author: Annie Searle
  • Book, Non-Scholarly-Revised
    Advice From A Risk Detective: At Home, At School, At Work, Online and On The Road Third Edition (2019)
    pp. 147, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1733439008 Author: Annie Searle
  • Book, Scholarly-New
    Reflections on Risk V (2019)
    Reflections on Risk series, 5(Unknown Issue), pp. 288, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-7334390-1-5 Editors: Annie Searle, Emily Oxenford Hayes
  • Book, Scholarly-New
    Risk Reconsidered (2018)
    ISBN/ISSN: ISBN-13: 978-0983934790 Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Executives and Risk: What Your Teams Won't Tell You (2017)
    The Risk Universe, Author: Annie Searle
  • Book, Scholarly-New
    Reflections on Risk IV (2017)
    Authors: Andy Herman, Ermenejildo Rodriguez, Jyotsana Saxena, Keith Snodgrass, Jeffrey B. Seward Jr. , Cory Schyu, Ayush Soni, Colin Andrade , Brian Stanley, Mark Tchao, Jorge Borunda, Evan Cottingham , Ross Braine, Michael Callier, Courtney Harris , Adam Lewis, Divya Kothari, Kenny Lee, Kristine Tomasovic Nelson, Joe Pollack, Kevin Rawls Editor: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Why Didn't We See This One Coming? (2017)
    The Risk Universe, Author: Annie Searle
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    "How Does Conduct Risk Manifest and What Are the Root Causes?" (Chapter 2) and "Closing Comments on the Future of Conduct Risk" (Chapter 19) (2016)
    Conduct Risk: A Practitioner's Guide Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    A Chance for Bankers to Step Forward (2016)
    The Risk Universe Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Can the Center Hold? (2016)
    The Risk Universe Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    History is Always Being Made (2016)
    The Risk Universe, Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    The Encryption Dustup (2016)
    The Risk Universe Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    When Does 'Taking Full Responsibility' Have Consequences? (2016)
    The Risk Universe Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    "Dear Member of the Board" (2015)
    The Risk Universe Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    "Dear Member of the Board" (reprint) (2015)
    The Corporate Report: Facilitating Business in South Africa, 5(1) Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    "ISIS is an Operational Risk" (2015)
    The Risk Universe Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Managing Privacy Risk (2015)
    Author: Annie Searle
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    People Should Be Your Greatest Asset (2015)
    The Risk Universe, Author: Annie Searle
  • Book, Scholarly-New
    Reflections on Risk, Volume III (2015)
    ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9839347-6-9 Editors: Annie Searle, Emily Oxenford
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    Will We Always Have to Talk About Ethics? (2015)
    The Risk Universe Author: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    "Are Living Wills the Answer?" (2014)
    THe Risk Universe magazine,, pp. pp.13-14 Author: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    "Ebola Risk--From Epidemic to Pandemic?" (2014)
    The Risk Universe Author: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal
    "Insider Threats Escalate Operational Risk" (2014)
    The Risk Universe, Author: Annie Searle
  • Book, Scholarly-New
    Reflections on Risk, Volume II (2014)
    pp. 333, ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9839347-6-9 Author: Emily Oxenford Editor: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    "Every Wall Is A Door" (2013)
    The Risk Universe Author: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    "Perfect Pitch: Writing for Executives" (2013)
    The Risk Universe Author: Annie Searle
  • Book, Non-Scholarly-New
    Advice From A Risk Detective: Second Edition (2013)
    pp. 135, ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9839347-5-2 Author: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    Remembering 9/11 (2013)
    The RIsk Universe magazine,, pp. pp. 16-17 Author: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    Vendor Risk and Intellectual Property (2013)
    The Risk Universe magazine,, pp. pp. 16-17 Author: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    "Ethical Misconduct: Is it Your Bigget Risk?" (2012)
    The Risk Universe Author: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal
    "Reflections on The Lost Bank" (2012)
    The Risk Universe, I(#7), pp. 34-39 Author: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal
    "The Crisis Management Playbook" (2012)
    Continuity Insights Bulletin Author: Annie Searle
  • Book, Non-Scholarly-New
    Reflections on Risk, Volume I (2012)
    ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9839347-2-1-51495 Authors: Akshay Bhagwatwar, Shirish Munshi, Emily Oxenford, Andrew Hansen, Editor: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal
    "How Worried Are You?" (2011)
    Seattle Business magazine, pp. 1 Author: Annie Searle
  • Book, Non-Scholarly-New
    Advice From A RIsk Detective: At Home, At Work, Online And On The Road (2011)
    ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9839347-0-7-51495 Author: Annie Searle
  • Conference Short Paper
    "A Seat at the Table for Operational Risk" (2010)
    Proceedings of the 7th International ISCRAM Conference Author: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    Data Protection: Five Simple Mitigation Strategies to Minimize Personal Information Loss (2010)
    Nymity Privaworks Author: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    Pandemic Readiness in the U.S. Financial Sector: When Failure is not an Option (2008)
    Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning, 2(4), pp. 8 Author: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    U.S. Financial Sector Prepares for Pandemic Flu (2007)
    Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning, 1(3), pp. 10 Author: Annie Searle
  • Regular Column in Journal or Newspaper
    Monthly column
    ASA News & Notes Author: Annie Searle
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    Museums and the Public Interest
    Museum News Author: Annie Searle


  • Creating the Next Generation of Leaders in a World of Uncertainty (2021)
    The Great Conversation - Virtual
  • In House Warrior: The Risk Detective Annie Searle, Professor, Author and Consultant, speaks with host Richard Levick of LEVICK about the vaccination efforts now underway (2021)
    Corporate Counsel Business Journal - Virtual
  • Maintaining Operational Risk Momentum in Times of Economic Stress (2021)
    Shared Assessments Steering Committee - NA
  • Operational Risk Management in Tough Financial Times (2021)
    Shared Assessments Risk Committee - Online
  • The Federal Trade Commission -- Privacy and Trust Busting (2021)
    SecureWorld Seattle Regional Conference - Bellevue, WA, USA
  • Three Different Ways to Consider Cyber Risk (2021)
    SecureWorld West Coast - Virtual
  • Two Faces of Artificial Intelligence (2020)
    2020 Data Privacy Day Session, UW Privacy Office - Seattle, WA
  • Creating a Risk Resilient Dream Team (2019)
    17th Annual Continuity Insights Management Conference - New Orleans, LA
  • Cybersecurity and Technology Futures: Artificial Intelligence (2019)
    Jackson School of International Studies, Information School, Women’s Center Lecture Series - Seattle, WA
  • Cybersecurity and Technology Futures: Crisis Informatics (2019)
    UW Jackson School of International Studies, UW iSchool, and UW Women's Center - Seattle
  • Cybersecurity and Technology Futures: Systemic Risk (2019)
    Jackson School of International Studies, Information School, Women’s Center Lecture Series - Seattle, WA
  • Risk Frameworks and Risk Appetite (2019)
    12th Annual Third Party Risk Summit - Washington, DC
  • The Future of Women in Security (2019)
    SecureWorld Seattle - Seattle
  • The Two Faces of AI (2019)
    SecureWorld Seattle - Seattle
  • "Information Ethics: Leadership and Responsibility in the Information Age With Ivette Bayo Urban & Annie Searle" (2018)
    UW DIversity Committee Power Hour Lunch - Seattle, Washington
  • Addressing Cyber Security on a Global Scale (2018)
    Predictera Executive Cyber Summit - Seattle, WA
  • Assessing Risk in Challenging Times (2018)
    UW Access Student Resource Group - Seattle, Washington
  • Leveraging Multiple Perspectives on Multiple Threat Vectors (2018)
    New York University Urgent Threats Forum - New York, NY
  • Monkey See, Monkey Do: Security, Privacy and Conduct Risk (2018)
    SecureWorld Seattle - Bellevue, Washington, USA
  • Conduct Risk -- Fixing the Systems (2017)
    OpRisk North America 2017 Conference - New York, NY
  • Cybersecurity Policy That Crosses Borders (2017)
    SecureWorld Seattle - Seattle, WA
  • Enterprise Risk Security Management: Current and Future State (2017)
    The Great Conversation: Security Risk Management in 2017 - Seattle, WA
  • Linking Enterprise Risk Management to Organizational Value (2017)
    The Great Conversation: Security Risk Management in 2017 - Seattle, WA
  • Malicious Insider Threats and Conduct Risk (2017)
    ISACA Puget Sound Chapter Meeting - Seattle WA 98115
  • Ethical Misconduct: Our Largest Operational Risk? (2016)
    18th Annual OpRisk North America Conference - New York, NY
  • How Did I Get Here Stories (2016)
    Balancing Risk and Opportunity: Transforming Cybersecurity, Risk & Privacy Beyond the Enterprise, Executive Women's Forum 14th Annual Conference - Scottsdale, Arizona
  • Urgent Threats Forum, Global Risk Network, InterCEP Progam (2016)
    New York University - New York, NY
  • Access, Privacy and Information Risk (2015)
    iAffiliates Day 2015: Information, Technology and Society - Seattle, Washington
  • Assessing Third-Party Relationships Under the New Regulatory Regime (2015)
    2nd Annual Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Forum - New York, New York
  • If You Can't Manage Your Data, How Can You Manage Your Company? (2015)
    Data Management Association Puget Sound DAMA Day - Bellevue, Washington
  • Making the Case to Executives and Boards (2015)
    SecureWorld Portland - Portland, Oregon
  • Making the Case to Executives and Boards, Part II (2015)
    SecureWorld Seattle - Bellevue, Washington
  • Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Regulate? (2015)
    OpRIsk World 2014 Amsterdam Consortium - Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • "Advice From A Risk Detective" (2014)
    Starbucks 2014 Global Safety & Security Forum - Seattle, WA
  • "Living Wills and Business Resiliency" and "Too Big to Fail?" (2014)
    OpRIsk World 2014, Consoritum - Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • "The BIA as the Foundation of Operational Risk Management" (2014)
    Continuity Insights Spring Conference - New Orleans, LA
  • "Weaving Together the Right Plan to Prepare for Reputational and Operational Risks" (2014)
    Kibble & Prentice Forum - Seattle, WA
  • "Corporate Risk Management Since 9/11" (2013)
    Starbucks Lunch & Learn presentation - Seattle, WA
  • "Cyber Security/Cyber Terrorism" (2013)
    Shared Assessments Summit, FInancial Services Roundatable - Boston, MA
  • "Extending Our Reach: Public-Private Partnerships" (2013)
    2013 DHS Confererence on Building Resilience, Department of Homeland Security - Washington, DC
  • "Making a Crisis Count: Transitioning from Reaction to Proactive Enterprise Risk Assessment" (2013)
    2013 IIA Conference on Governance, Risk and Controls, Institute of Internal Auditors - Phoenix, AZ
  • "Managing the Risk of Cyber Fraud" (2013)
    2013 Business and Management Conference, Washington Society of CPAs - Bellevue, WA
  • "Walking the Security TIghtrope" (2013)
    2013 Pacific Northwest Construction Industry Conference, Washington Society of CPAs - Seattle, WA
  • "Business Continuity Planning: Lessons Learned from the Joplin Tornado" (2012)
    EPCOR spring and fall conferences 2012, EPCOR electronic payments conference spring and fall 2012 - Columbus, Ohio and Kansas City, Mo.
  • "Ethical Misconduct: Is It Your Biggest Risk?" (2012)
    Pacific Northwest Enterprise Risk Forum - Bellevue, WA
  • "Thnking Big About Small Business" (2012)
    Building Resilience Through Public-Private Partnerships, FEMA and USNORTHCOM - Colorado Springs, CO
  • "What Does An Auditor Need to Know About Crisis Management?" (2012)
    Institute of Internal Auditors GRC Conference, Institute of Internal Auditors 2012 GRC Conference - Palm Beach, FL
  • "Risks and Benefits of Cloud Computing" (2011)
    Financial Services Roundtable's Shared Assessments Summit - Boston, MA
  • "Tweet Me Up: Using Social Media for Crisis Management" (2011)
    Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference - Tacoma, WA
  • "Community Security and Resiliency/Recovery in a Catastrophic BiologicaL Incident" (2010)
    Interagency Biological Restoration Demonstration Summit - Seattle, WA
  • "Conquering Tough Challenges Through Public Private Partnerships" (2010)
    Disaster Recovery Journal Fall Conference - San Diego, CA
  • "Security Interoperability and Cloud Computing" (2010)
    Financial Services Roundtable's Shared Assessments Summit - Providence, RI