Additional Resources
Related master's degrees
Find out how the MSIM degree compares with other graduate programs at the University of Washington.
Class profile
Learn about admissions rates, academic data and demographics on our most recently admitted MSIM cohort: Early-Career ("1 year Early-Career MSIM" refers to the Early-Career Accelerated track while "2 year Early-Career" is the traditional Early-Career track) and Mid-Career.
MSIM online portal
If you're interested in pursuing your MSIM fully online, get detailed information on our MSIM online portal.
Employment & career data
Student employment
Students work in a variety of different positions, both at the iSchool and in other units around campus. Some sample student employment data from Autumn 2019:
- 40 percent of first-year MSIM Early-Career Residential students had secured an on-campus job midway through their first quarter in the program.
- Of all of the MSIM Early-Career Residential students with on campus jobs, 27 percent are working at the iSchool and 48 percent had secured jobs with Housing and Food Services.
- The remaining 25 percent worked in a variety of places at the UW: office/admit support, ticket office, recreation, HUB staff, custodial staff, transportation office, UW Libraries.
- The majority (85-90%) of Early-Career MSIM students do an internship during the summer.
- The average internship pay is around $30 per hour.
Once enrolled in classes, students will have access to employment opportunities on campus. Those will include Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant positions, hourly student positions and part-time jobs. These positions could be within the iSchool, for another academic unit or department on campus or within the UW library system. Additionally, new students will have access to iCareers, our student job database, once they start the program in autumn quarter.
Additional jobs information is available here.
Post-graduate employment
View an infographic showing employment statistics, salary ranges and locations of our recent MSIM graduates.
Capstone projects
Capstone is the culmination of the iSchool student experience for MSIM Early-Career students. Students team with partners from the private, public and nonprofit sectors to solve a problem, showcasing the skills they've learned at the iSchool. Capstone is optional for Early-Career Accelerated and Mid-Career students. Learn about the process or view recent Capstone projects in our archive.
Study abroad
Each year, the iSchool partners with the UW’s Study Abroad Office to offer Exploration Seminars short-term study abroad programs (3-4 weeks) led by UW faculty that take place during the gap period between the end of the UW summer quarter and beginning of the autumn quarter. Learn more about the programs.
Connect with us
Find out how to contact an advisor, schedule a visit or attend an upcoming information session.
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