Directed Fieldwork & Internships
Directed Fieldwork (DFW) historically has been one of the iSchool’s most popular elective courses (LIS 590). It is designed much like a practicum and provides MLIS students with a structured opportunity to gain real-world, hands-on experience in a library or information science setting. DFW allows students to apply concepts and practices learned in coursework as they assist in professional-level work under the formal guidance from a qualified supervisor/mentor. They also create a website to showcase their deliverables and reflections.
Students typically pursue tasks and projects that constitute entry-level professional work. In addition, since fieldwork is meant to be a learning opportunity for students, DFW tasks usually involve skills and knowledge that the student has already begun to develop through coursework but for which the student has not yet developed a high level of expertise. Directed fieldwork assignments are mapped to the MLIS program-level student learning outcomes, and intersect with the IDEAS (inclusion, diversity, equity, access, and sovereignty) concepts that reflect the mission of the Information School. Here are some sample learning outcomes that show this mapping.
Prior to doing a DFW students will have completed much of their core coursework. Students may also pursue a DFW for the following credits/minimum number of hours completed by the end of the quarter:
- 1 credit = 50 hours
- 2 credits = 100 hours
- 3 credits = 150 hours
- 4 credits = 200 hours
- 5 credits = 250 hours
DFW must be completed within the UW academic quarters. Up to three DFWs can be completed during a student’s time in the program, up to a total of 10 credits.
DFW Process and Forms
For Students
- Current MLIS students can find all necessary DFW information and forms on the MLIS Student Resources Canvas site.
For Host Sites
- If you are a current host site/supervisor or are interested in learning more about becoming a Directed Fieldwork Host Site, please see the DFW Host Sites page for additional information.
- DFW Forms for DFW Host Sites & Supervisors:
Directed Fieldwork for Law MLIS Students
Law MLIS students have done their DFW in some of the country’s best law libraries, including academic, firm, corporate, and public state or county libraries. With excellent connections throughout the U.S. and the world, former students have worked at the U.S. Supreme Court library, fine academic institutions such as Cal-Berkeley, Yale, and the University of Texas, and many firms and county law libraries.
As part of the Directed Fieldwork Program, Law MLIS students attend the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Conference, held in July of each year. At the conference, students participate in the many networking and educational opportunities offered by AALL. They also take advantage of the comprehensive career services available at the conference, including the opportunity to interview for professional positions.
For more information, contact the law librarianship program director: or 206.685.4980.