Affiliate Positions
- Senior Research Fellow, Joan Ganz Cooney Center
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington
- Child-Computer Interaction
- Participatory Design
- Families and Technologies
Research Areas
- INSC 572 - Qualitative Methods In Information Science
Jason Yip is an Associate Professor at the Information School and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Human-Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington. His research examines how technologies can support parents and children learning together. He is a co-principal investigator on a National Science Foundation Cyberlearning project on designing social media technologies to support neighborhoods learning science together. He is the director of KidsTeam UW, an intergenerational group of children (ages 7 – 11) and researchers co-designing new technologies and learning activities for children, with children. Dr. Yip is the principal investigator of a Google Faculty Research Award project that examines how Latino children search and broker online information for their English-language learning parents. He is a senior research fellow at the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop. He holds a B.A. (2001) in chemistry and M.S.Ed (2002) in science and math education from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Ph.D. (2014) in curriculum and instruction from the University of Maryland.
- Ph D, Curriculum & Instruction, University of Maryland, 2014
- MS, Education, University of Pennsylvania, 2002
- BA, Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, 2001
- Best Paper Honorable Mention - ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024
- DEI Recognition Award - ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW), 2024
- The Information School Capstone 2024 Design Award - University of Washington, 2024
- Best Paper - ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023
- Best Paper - International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 2023
- Best Student Paper Award Nominee - American Medical Informatics Association, 2023
- Jacobs Foundation Early Career Research Fellowship - Jacobs Foundation, 2020-2022
- Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award (Nominee) - University of Washington, 2022
- Best Paper - CHI 2021, 2021
- Best Paper - ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021
- Honorable Mention - DIS 2021, 2021
- Honorable Mention Best Paper - ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), 2021
- Top Paper - ICA 2021, 2021
- Top Paper Award (Games Studies) - International Communication Association, 2021
- Best Paper Honorable Mention - CM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020), 2020
- National Science Foundation Early Career Development Award (CAREER), recommended - National Science Foundation (NSF), 2020
- Faculty Appreciation for Career Education & Training (FACET) Celebration (2019) - University of Washington School of Engineering, 2019
- Google Faculty Research Award - Google, 2018
- Mozilla Research Award, 2018
- ACM SIGCHI 2017 Honorable Mention Best Paper Award (Top 5% of 2400 papers) - ACM SIGCHI Human Factors, 2017
- ACM SIGCHI 2018 Honorable Mention Best Paper Award (Top 5% of 2500 papers) - ACM SIGCHI Human Factors, 2017
- Distinguished Teaching Award (Finalist) - University of Washington, 2017
- Finalist for Most Interesting Preliminary Results Paper - iConference, 2017
- PROF (Pedagogical Recognition of our Faculty) Award - University of Washington Information School, 2017
- Google Faculty Research Award - Google, 2015
- Best Paper Award Nominee - International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2014
- Best Student Paper Award Nominee - International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2014
- Finalist for the Best Social Meida Expo Award - iConference, 2013
- Human-Computer Interaction Lab Student Researcher Award (Honorable Mention) - Yahoo!, 2013
- Second Place for Best Oral Presentation in Education - University of Maryland: Graduate Interaction Research Day, 2013
- The Joan Ganz Cooney Center Research Fellows Award - Sesame Workshop, 2013
- Doctoral Consortium - International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2012
- Visualization in Science & Education: Visionary Grant - National Science Foundation, 2011
- John Merck Institute Scholar - University of Pennsylvania, 2001
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute Scholar - Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 1997
Consulting and Other Projects
- Joan Ganz Cooney Center, 2023
- WGBH, 2023
- Amazon Alexa Skills Judge, 2017
- Microsoft, 2017
- Na'ah Illahee Fund, 2016
- Foundry10, 2015
- Seattle Public Library, Seattle, WA, 2015
- Digital Promise AI Literacy
- The Pineapple Lounge AI Initiative
- American Educational Research Association
- Association for Computing Machinery
- International Society of the Learning Sciences
Publications and Contributions
CurriculaThe Misinformation Play Pack (2025)
Conference Paper"It’s kind of weird talking to a sphere": Exploring children’s hopes and fears on social robot morphology using speculative research methods (2024)Proceedings of ACM Designing Interactive Systems, pp. 276 - 288
Conference Paper"Why is everything in the cloud?": Co-designing visual cues representing data processes with children (2024)Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Interaction Design and Children, pp. 517 - 532
Journal Article, Academic JournalChildren’s Perspectives on Self-Regulated Learning: A Co-Design Study on Children’s Expectations Toward Educational Technology (2024)Education and Information Technologies
Conference PaperEvaluating the Use of Hypothetical 'Would You Rather' Scenarios to Discuss Privacy and Security Concepts with Children (2024)Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 8(CSCW1), pp. 32
Journal Article, Professional JournalEvaluating the Use of Hypothetical ‘Would You Rather’ Scenarios to Discuss Privacy and Security Concepts with Children (2024)CSCW, 8(Unknown Issue)
Conference PaperMaking a Metaphor Sandwich: Analyzing Children's use of Metaphor During Tabletop Telepresence Robot Supported Participatory Design (2024)Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference, pp. 173 - 188
Conference PaperMediating culture: Cultivating socio-cultural understanding of AI in children through participatory design (2024)Proceedings of ACM Designing Interactive Systems, pp. 1805 - 1822
Conference PaperPurposeful play: Evaluation and co-design of casual music creation applications with children (2024)Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference
Journal Article, Professional JournalSelf Perceptions as Mechanisms of Achievement Inequality: Evidence Across 70 Countries (2024)NPJ Science of Learning, 9(2)
Journal Article, Academic JournalSelf-perceptions as mechanisms of achievement inequality: evidence across 70 countries (2024)Nature Partner Journals (npj) Science of Learning, 9(2)
Conference PaperTuning into the world: Designing community safety technologies to reduce dysfunctional fear of crime (2024)Proceedings of ACM Designing Interactive Systems, pp. 3097 - 3116
Conference Paper
Conference Paper“I felt like I was doing grown-up things”: Young adult reflections on their childhood experiences of online searching and brokering in immigrant families (2024)ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 8(CSCW1), pp. 1-30
Journal Article, Professional Journal“I felt like I was doing grown-up things”: Young adult reflections on their childhood experiences of online searching and brokering in immigrant families (2024)ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 8(CSCW1), pp. 1-30
Conference Paper“I want it to talk like Darth Vader”: Helping children construct creative self-efficacy with generative AI (2024)Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Conference Paper"Money shouldn't be money!" : An Examination of Financial Literacy and Technology for Children Through Co-Design (2023)IDC '23: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference
Journal Article, Academic JournalChanging Lanes: Relational Dispositions That Fuel Community Science Learning (2023)American Educational Research Journal, 60(3), pp. 621-661
Conference PaperChild- centred AI design: Definition, operation, and considerations (2023)Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Journal Article, Professional JournalCo-design Tensions Between Parents, Children, and Researchers Regarding Mobile Health Technology Design Needs and Decisions: Case Study (2023)Journal of Medical Internet Research Formative Research, 7(e41726)
Conference PaperCo-designing mind-body technologies for sleep with adolescents (2023)Proceedings of American Medical Informatics Association
Journal Article, Academic JournalComputational Empowerment and children: Expanding empowerment, agency and participation in computation (2023)International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 38(Unknown Issue)
Conference PaperDeceptive Design Patterns in Safety Technologies: A Case Study of the Citizen App (2023)Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23),, pp. 18
Conference PaperDesigning Together, Miles Apart: A Longitudinal Tabletop Telepresence Adventure in Online Co-Design with Children (2023)IDC '23: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference
Conference PaperDeveloping participatory methods to consider ethics of emerging technologies for children (2023)Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Conference PaperGender Differences in Ethical Stances for Playing AR Games: The Case of Pokémon GO (2023)Proceedings of the Digital Games Research Association Conference 2023
Journal Article, Professional JournalMeeting the Values of the Host Country: Conducting online participatory design from the United States with children in South Korea with a focus on cultural awareness (2023)Behavior and Information Technology
Journal Article, Academic JournalMeeting the values of the host country: Conducting online participatory design with children with a focus on cultural awareness (2023)Behaviour and Information Technology
Conference PaperParticipatory Approaches to the Ethics of Emerging Technologies for Children (2023)IDC '23: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference
Journal Article, Academic JournalUsers’ Perspectives on Ethical Issues Related to Playing Location-Based Augmented Reality Games: A Case Study of Pokémon GO (2023)
Journal Article, Academic JournalCaring for the community: An Academically Based Community Service course in LIS (2022)Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 55(1)
Conference Paper"It would be cool to get stampeded by dinosaurs": Analyzing children's conceptual model of AR headsets through co-design (2022)Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Journal Article, Professional JournalDisrupting informal computing education: Teen-led co-design in libraries (2022)ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 22(3), pp. 1–33
Conference PaperExploring needs, interests and preferences for digital mind body tools for youth (2022)Proceedings of American Medical Informatics Association
Conference PaperJoint media engagement in families playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2022)ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing (CSCW 2022)
Journal Article, Professional JournalPushing boundaries of co-design by going online: Lessons learned and reflections from three perspectives (2022)International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, ISBN/ISSN: 2212-8689
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewUnderstanding Collegiate Esports A Practitioner’s Guide to Developing Community and Competition, Chapter Five: Coaching in Esports: Promoting Well-Being & Performance (2022)
Journal Article, Professional JournalVirtual reality and youth incarceration: Methodological reflections from a media education & research program (2022)Canadian Journal of Communications, 47(4), pp. 745-760
Journal Article, Academic JournalYouth invisible work: the sociocultural and collaborative processes of online search and brokering between adolescents and English-language learning families (2022)Information and Learning Sciences, 123(7/8)
Journal Article, Professional Journal“Don’t let the robots walk our dogs, but it’s ok for them to do our homework”: children’s perceptions, fears, and hopes in social (2022)ACM Interaction Design and Children, pp. 352–361
Journal Article, Academic Journal"I need to just have a couple of White Claws and play Animal Crossing tonight": Parents coping with video games during the COVID-19 pandemic (2021)Psychology of Popular Media
Conference PaperCo-design with older adults: Examining and reflecting on collaboration with aging communities (2021)
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewCoaching in Esports: promoting well-being & performance (2021)Understanding collegiate Esports: A practitioner's guide to developing community and competition
Journal Article, Academic JournalFamilies playing Animal Crossing together: Coping with video Games during the COVID-19 pandemic (2021)Games and Culture
Magazine/Trade PublicationLife Goes On with Pokémon: Reimagining the Design of Location-Based Games during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021)XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students, 28(2)
Journal Article, Academic JournalParenting in a pandemic: Juggling multiple roles and managing technology use in family life during COVID-19 (2021)ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work
Conference PaperParents coping with video games during the COVID-19 pandemic (2021)The 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference
Conference PaperPre-service librarians' perspective on the role of participatory design in libraries with youth (2021)Proceedings of the iConference 2021
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe 4A's: Ask, Adapt, Author, Analyze - AI literacy framework for families (2021)Journal of Design and Science
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe 4As: Ask, Adapt, Author, Analyze - AI Literacy Framework for Families (2021)Journal of Design and Science
Conference PaperThe Show Must Go On: a conceptual model of conducting synchronous participatory design with children online (2021)Proceedings of the 39th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21)
Published CurriculaVirtual Reality Art & Design Curriculum (2021)
Conference PaperWould You Rather: A Focus Group Method for Eliciting and Discussing Formative Design Insights with Children (2021)
Conference Paper"I feel like this is a bad thing": Investigating disassembly in action for novices (2020)Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI '20)
Workshop Paper"Why does he know my name?" Exploring failure in designing AI, robots and intelligent technologies for children (2020)Interaction Design and Children 2020 Workshop on "Creating opportunities for children's reflections on AI, Robotics and other intelligent technologies"
Journal Article, Academic JournalAssumptions Checked: How Families Learn About and Use the Echo Dot (2020)Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol., 4(1)
Workshop PaperFrom needs to strengths: Operationalizing an assets-based design of technology (2020)Conference Companion Publication of the 2020 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, pp. 527-535
Journal Article, Academic JournalIntergenerational online health information seeking: Framing health literacy as a family asset (2020)Health Communication
Workshop PaperInvolving end-users in HCI education: A case study and steps forward (2020)EduCHI at ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020)
Conference ProceedingsOpportunities and challenges in involving users in project-based HCI education (2020)Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020)
Conference PaperParenting with Alexa: Exploring the Introducation of Smart Speakers on Family Dynamics (2020)Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI '20), pp. 1-13
Conference Workshop PaperVR Spaces For Safe Places (2020)CHI 2020 Workshop on Technology Ecosystems: Rethinking Resources for Mental Health
Conference Workshop Paper"Will You Kill Me in My Sleep?": An Agenda to Study Children's Perceptions of Creepiness and Technologies (2019)Extended Abstracts of the 37th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI EA ’19), pp. 1-5
Conference PaperCommunication Breakdowns Between Families and Alexa (2019)Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’19), 243(Unknown Issue), pp. 1-13
Journal Article, Academic JournalConnecting children's scientific funds of knowledge shared on social media to science concepts (2019)International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
Journal Article, Academic JournalConnecting children’s scientific funds of knowledge shared on social media to science concepts (2019)International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 21(Unknown Issue), pp. 54-64
Journal Article, Academic JournalDesign partnerships for participatory librarianship: a conceptual model for understanding librarian co-designing with digital youth (2019)Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, pp. 1-15
Conference PaperGroup interactions in location-based gaming: a case study of raiding in Pokémon GO (2019)Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘19)
Journal Article, Academic JournalIntentional Technology Use In Early Childhood Education (2019)Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, CSCW, 3(78), pp. 1-22
Conference PaperLaughing is Scary, but Farting is Cute: A Conceptual Model of Children's Perspectives of Creepy Technologies (2019)Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’19), 73(Unknown Issue), pp. 1-15
Conference PaperLights, Music, Stamps! Evaluating Mealtime Tangibles for Preschoolers (2019)Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM conference on tangible, embedded, and embodied interactions (TEI ’19), pp. 127-134
Workshop PaperMaking the learning sciences count: Impacting Association for Computing Machinery communities in human-computer interaction (2019)Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Lyon, France
Conference PaperSocial media in the science classroom: Bridging funds of knowledge to scientific concepts (2019)Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL ’19)
Journal Article, Academic JournalSparking interest: A design framework for mobile technologies to promote children’s interest in nature (2019)International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
Conference PaperThe role of funds of knowledge in online search and brokering (2019)Proceedings of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (CSCL ’19)
Conference PaperChildren as informal health advocates: Implications of intergenerational online information seeking for communication privacy management (2018)International Communication Association
Conference PaperChildren as informal health advocates: Implications of intergenerational online information seeking for communication privacy management (2018)Kentucky Conference on Health Communication
Conference PaperDesigning to illuminate children’s scientific funds of knowledge through social media sharing (2018)Proceedings of ACM Interaction Design and Children
Conference PaperEmpowering families facing English literacy challenges to jointly engage in computer programming (2018)Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018)
Conference PaperExploring practices on the move: Facilitating learning across a neighborhood (2018)Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2018)
Conference PaperHow U.S. Latino children engage in collaborative online information problem solving with their families (2018)Proceedings of ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work
Conference PaperInformal computing mentoring of low-income adolescents: Relationships, roles, qualities, and impact (2018)Proceedings of SIGCSE 2018
Conference PaperScience Everywhere: Designing public, tangible displays to connect youth learning across settings **First authors are listed by alphabetical order (Ahn, Clegg, Yip).** (2018)Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018)
Conference PaperSí, dependemos. Dependemos de ellos': How Latino families engage in collaborative online searching and brokering to address family needs (2018)21st ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewThe design of digital learning activities for libraries through participatory design (2018)Reconceptualizing libraries: Perspectives from the information and the learning sciences
Conference PaperUsing co-design to examine how children conceptualize intelligent interfaces (2018)Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018)
Conference Paper"It wasn't really about the Pokémon": Parental perspectives on a location-based mobile game (2017)Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1483–1496
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewChildren of immigrants’ experiences in online information brokering (2017)Children and families in the digital age: Learning together in a media saturated culture
Conference PaperCollaborative scientizing in Pokémon GO online communities (2017)Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2017), pp. 167-174
Conference PaperExamining adult-child interactions in participatory design (2017)In Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017)
Conference PaperFrom personal informatics to family informatics: Understanding family practices around health monitoring (2017)Proceedings of Computer-Supported Collaborative Work, CSCW 2017
Conference PaperImpact of location-based augmented reality games on people’s information behavior: a case study of Pokémon GO (2017)Proceedings of the iConference 2017, pp. 459-468
Conference PaperLive physiological sensing & visualization ecosystems: An Activity Theory analysis (2017)ACM SIGCHI 2017
Conference PosterMore Than Form and Function: Developing a Design Course for Graduate Library Education (2017)ALISE 2017
Book, Scholarly-NewParticipatory Design for Learning: Perspectives from Research and Practice (2017)Editors: Betsy Disalvo, Jason Yip, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Carl Disalvo
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewParticipatory design, learning sciences, and instructional design (2017)Issues in technology, learning, and instructional design: Classic and contemporary dialogues
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewSesame Street (2017)The SAGE encyclopedia of out-of-school learning
Conference Short PaperBlockStudio: Empowering children to rapidly author games and animations without writing code (2016)Proceedings of Interaction Design and Children
Workshop PaperCo-designing with children: An approach to social robot design (2016)11th ACM//IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
Conference Extended AbstractConflict and HCI: Preventing, deescalating, and recovering (2016)Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '16)
CurriculumDigital Games and Family Life infographic (2016)
White Paper
Conference Short PaperEmpowering children to rapidly author games and animations without writing code (2016)Interaction Design and Children
Magazine/Trade PublicationHow to survive creating an intergenerational co-design group [invited article] (2016)ACM Interactions, 23(4), pp. 65-67
Conference PosterScienceKit for Science Everywhere: A Seamless Scientizing Ecosystem for Raising Scientifically-Minded Children (2016)American Educational Research Association Conference
Journal Article, Academic JournalScientizing with ScienceKit: Social media and storytelling mobile apps for developing playful scientist dispositions (invited paper) (2016)Educational Technology
Conference PaperThe Evolution of Engagements and Social Bonds During Child-Parent Co-design (2016)Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '16)
Conference PaperThe learning experiences of youth online information brokers (2016)Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2016)
Conference Workshop PaperWhat Is Freddie Science? The Role of Personal Epistemologies in Science/Engineering Identity Development (2016)American Educational Research Association Conference
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewEarly learning and healthy development in a digital age (2015)SAGE handbook for early childhood development, pp. 398 - 418
Conference Workshop PaperInnovations in Interaction Design & Learning (2015)Interaction Design and Children
Conference PaperNavigating connected inquiry learning with ScienceKit (2015)Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015, 1(Unknown Issue), pp. 300-307
Conference Workshop PaperParticipatory STEM learning in children and families (2015)Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2015), pp. 905 – 906
Journal Article, Academic JournalSeeing the unseen learner: Designing and using social media to recognize children’s science dispositions in action (2015)Learning, Media, and Technology
CurriculumThe Apple Guide to Apps for Children and Families (2015)
Conference Workshop PaperYouth perspectives on equity, access and information exchange in educational technology: Implications for research, practice, and policy (2015)Workshop, Digital Media & Learning Conference
Conference Extended AbstractCHI 2039: Speculative research visions (2014)CHI 2014 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Conference PaperCapturing personal and social science: Technology for integrating the building blocks of disposition (2014)Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2014)
Conference PaperSelf-recorded audio feedback as a means to allow young, vulnerable children to participate in design (2014)Proceedings of the 8th International Development Informatics Association Conference, pp. 206-222
Conference Short PaperSelfies for science: Collaborative configurations around ScienceKit (2014)Proceedings of the Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW2014)
Conference PaperThe role of identity development within tensions in ownership of science learning (2014)Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2014)
Conference Paper“I want to be a game designer or scientist”: Connected learning and developing identities with urban, African-American youth (2014)Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2014)
Conference Paper“It helped me do my science.” A case of designing social media technologies for children in science learning (2014)Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2014)
Playful designs: The role of participatory design and children in co-designing new technologies
Sandbox Summit Reading Literacy, Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop - Virtual
Playful designs: The role of participatory design and children in co-designing new technologies
Listen, Learn, Act Meeting, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund - Virtual
What’s possible in research and design when we listen to young people
Common Sense Media Summit on America’s Kids and Families - San Francisco, CA
"Money shouldn't be money!" : An examination of financial literacy and technology for children through co-design
ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2023) - Chicago, Illinois
Community engaged scholarship alumni symposium
Netter Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Designing for digital well-being: Frameworks for optimizing positive media experiences for children and families
Society of Research on Child Development - Salt Lake City, Utah
Participatory design at the intersection of learning sciences and information sciences
University of Illinois - Chicago, IL
Participatory design at the intersection of learning sciences and information sciences
Simon Fraser University - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Co-design with kids: Enabling meaningful child participation in the private sector in a digital era.
Arizona State University + Global Silicon Valley (ASU+GSV) Summit - San Diego, CA
Co-designing with youth
Joan Ganz Cooney Center - Virtual
Design thinking: Collaboration to improve quality of evidence
Jacobs Foundation CERES - Marbach, Germany
Family informatics & family-centered design
Jacobs Foundation CERES - Marbach, Germany
How co-designing is at the core of building responsibly
Meta Summit 2022 on Youth Safety and Well-Being - Washington, D.C.
Lessons learned from design partnerships with children and adults
Joan Ganz Cooney Center - Virtual
Communication with Alexa Devices
American Association for Applied Linguistics - Virtual
Lessons learned from design partnerships with children and adults
IDC School of Design - ITT Bombay, Mumbai, India (Virtual)
Lessons Learned from Design Partnerships with Children and Adults
Community Based Design - Boulder, CO
Lessons Learned from Design Partnerships with Children and Adults
Pediatrics Digital Health Reading Group - Evanston, IL
Youth Invisible Work in Families and Adolescents
National Scientific Council on Adolescence - Virtual
Co-Designing their Future
LEGO Idea Conference 2020 - Virtual
Co-design online
Lego Ideas Conference 2020 - Billund, Denmark (Virtual)
Co-design online
University of Washington - College of Education - Virtual
Co-design online
Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, PA (Virtual)
Families and collaborative learning
Program in Interdisciplinary Education Research, Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburg, PA
Remote research methods
Joan Ganz Cooney Center - Virtual
Communication breakdowns between families and Alexa
ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019) - Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Eliciting Scientific Funds of Knowledge Through Social Media Sharing in Formal Learning Environments
Toronto, Canada
Family matters
iConferece - College Park, MD
Family Matters: Studying information phenomena within the context of the family
Washington, DC
Group interactions in location-based gaming: A case study of raiding in Pokémon GO
ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019) - Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Intentional technology use in early childhood education
Proceedings of ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work 2019 - Austin, TX
Laughing is scary, but farting is cute: A conceptual model of children's perspectives of creepy technologies
ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019) - Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Research in service to practice in libraries: Connecting faculty and practitioners to transform library services
American Library Association - Washington, D.C.
The role of funds of knowledge in online search and brokering
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference - Lyon, France
Why does a joyful process of co-design matter for children's technology design?
American Educational Research Association (AERA) - Toronto, Canada
Children as informal health advocates: Implications of intergenerational online information seeking for communication privacy management
International Communication Association Annual Conference - Prague, Czech Republic
Children as informal health advocates: Implications of intergenerational online information seeking for communication privacy management
Kentucky Conference on Health Communication - Lexington, KY, USA
Children engage in collaborative online information problem solving with their families
Proceedings of ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work - Jersey City, NJ, USA
Co-Designing with librarians: A case study of Cooperative Inquiry to support learning designs
2018 Annual Meeting for the American Education Research Association - New York, NY
Designing interactive public displays for neighborhood scientizing
2018 Annual Meeting for the American Education Research Association - New York, NY
Designing to Illuminate Children's Scientific Funds of Knowledge through Social Media Sharing
17th Interaction Design and Children Conference - Trondheim, Norway
Empowering families facing English literacy challenges to jointly engage in computer programming
Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018) - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Exploring practices on the move: Facilitating learning across a neighborhood
Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2018) - London, UK
Informal computing mentoring of low-income adolescents: Relationships, roles, qualities, and impact
SIGCSE 2018 - Baltimore, MD
Information searching and brokering in Latin American families
Digital Promise - Palo Alto, CA
Pokemon Go and family learning in location-based mobile gaming
Future of Childhood Salon - Tempe, AZ, USA
Science Everywhere: Designing public, tangible displays to connect youth learning across settings
Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018) - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Using co-design to examine how children conceptualize intelligent interfaces
Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018) - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Collaborative scientizing in Pokémon GO online communities
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - Philadelphia, PA
Even Kids Can Do It: Making online learning work for your communities
Next Library Festival - Aarhus, Denmark
Examining adult-child interactions in participatory design
SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017) - Denver, CO
Interaction Design and the Learning Sciences
16th Interaction Design and Children Conference - Stanford, California
Intergenerational game play and family learning: Current insights and future directions
ACM Foundations of Digital Games conference - Cape Cod, MA
KidsTeam UW Presentation
Seattle Design Fair - Seattle, WA
KidsTeam UW: Why do equal partnerships in co-design matter for children and family technologies?
University of Washington Communication School - Seattle, WA
Live physiological sensing & visualization ecosystems: An Activity Theory analysis
SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017) - Denver, CO
More Than Form and Function: Developing a Design Course for Graduate Library Education
ALISE 2017 - Atlanta, GA
Online search and brokering among Latino youth
Google - Fremont, Seattle, WA
Quests in the Ivory Tower: U. of Washington GAMER Group
Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) West - Seattle, WA
Research on Pokemon GO and Ingress at the University of Washington
Invited talk at Niantic Labs for CEO and founder, and senior management - US
Workshop on Equity & Inclusivity at IDC
16th Interaction Design and Children Conference - Stanford, CA
Connecting learners to place, space, and personal experience with technology and new media.
American Educational Research Association - Washington D.C.
Freddie science: Can we tease apart science and engineering identities?
American Educational Research Association Conference - Washington, D.C.
Masters of Library and Information Studies orientation
Panel at University of Washington - iSchool - Seattle, WA
The evolution of roles and social bonds during child-parent co-design
SIGCHI Human Factors Conference - San Jose, CA
The Learning Experiences of Youth Online Information Brokers
Society for Research in Child Development 2016: Special Topics Meeting on Technology and Media in Children's Development - Irvine, California
The Participatory Library: Partnering with Teens to Design Library Learning Experiences
Young Adult Librarian Services Association (YALSA) - Pittsburgh, PA
Digital youth: The state of affairs (invited panelist)
Digital Media and Learning - Los Angeles, CA
Early Career Workshop
Invited participant, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference - Gothenburg, Sweden
Education technologies and inequities
University of Washington – Communications - Seattle, WA
Families and Media
Invited meeting at Stanford University - - Menlo Park, CA
Innovations in Learning and Design
Invited workshop leader at Interaction Design and Children - Boston, MA
National Science Foundation workshop: Designing media for underserved families
Invited workshop at Stanford University - - Menlo Park, CA
National Science Foundation workshop: Designing media for underserved families
Invited workshop at Stanford University - - Menlo Park, CA
Online information brokering in children of limited English proficient families
Invited talk at Google - Mountain View, CA
Participatory Youth!
Design Use Build (DUB) Talk, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Science Everywhere
Meeting with Senator Barbara Mikulski's (Maryland) office - Washington, DC
Seattle Digital Youth Think Tank 2014: Inaugural Reporting Out.
Annual Meeting of the American Library Association - San Francisco, CA
Talking with policy makers and politicians
National Science Foundation panel, CIRCL meeting - Arlington, VA
Video game research at the iSchool
Invited panel at University of Washington – Information School - Seattle, WA
Digital Youth - The State of Affairs
Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) 2014 - Seattle, WA
From the HCIL to Sesame Street
31th Annual Human-Computer Interaction Symposium - College Park, MD
Interactive technologies for early childhood: Harmful or helpful
Tutorial at the 13th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2014) - Aarhus, Denmark
Co-design online
T32 seminar, Northwestern University - Evanston, Illinois (Virtual)