Trellis: Supporting the Growth of Depressed College-Aged Students and their Support Network
Depression acts as one of the leading mental health diagnostics affecting college-aged students today. But with a societal stigma surrounding mental health and barriers to therapy, it is difficult for students to receive the support that they need to better manage their depressive state. Trellis is a mobile application that supports students by encouraging thoughtful, caring conversations and education about depression. To understand the needs of depressed college-aged students, an anonymous survey was posted on Facebook and Reddit, yielding 639 responses. Using ATLAS.ti, a qualitative analysis was conducted to thoroughly vet the answers received. It was discovered that students with depression long for a caring, non-judgmental support group and better education about mental health, as the stigma makes is difficult to seek help. Trellis is designed to connect those that want to get support, to those that want to give support.