Informatics Registration Policies
General Informatics Registration Policy
Registration for all Informatics courses is managed by the Informatics Student Services advising staff. Do not contact INFO instructors to ask for an add code or permission.
100 & 200 Level INFO Courses
Registration for 100- and 200-level INFO courses is open to all current UW undergraduates during Periods 1, 2, and 3.
Certain sections of our 100- and 200-level courses may have add code restrictions for First-Year Interest Groups (autumn quarter only) or for EOP students. Please contact the associated departments for registration access to these sections.
We do not overload Informatics courses. If a course is full, you will need to wait for a spot to become available.
300 & 400 Level INFO Courses
Registration for 300- and 400-level INFO courses is open to INFO majors only during Periods 1 and 2. Registration for these courses opens to all current UW undergraduates during Period 3.
For autumn & winter quarters only, 300- and 400-level INFO courses will open to newly admitted INFO majors, in addition to current INFO majors, during Period 2.
For summer quarter only, all students are eligible to register for 300- and 400- level INFO courses during all periods.
Students must complete the prerequisites to be enrolled in the course.
We do not overload Informatics courses. If a course is full, you will need to wait for a spot to become available.
Informatics Minor Note
It can be challenging for non-major students (including INFO minors) to get a seat in the 300- and 400-level INFO courses. As a result, we cannot guarantee that all interested students will be able to complete enough courses for an Informatics minor and recommend that students only declare the minor with their academic advisor once they have completed most of the courses and have the final requirements in progress.
We do not give any registration priority to INFO minors. Please prioritize your declared major requirements when planning your course schedule and take the INFO courses you are interested in if space is available. Registration for 300- and 400-level INFO courses opens to non-majors during Period 3 for autumn, winter and spring quarters, and during all periods for summer; non-major students typically find it easier to secure a seat in an upper-level INFO course during the summer, but summer course offerings are more limited.
Course Repeat Policy
By default, the registration system will not allow students to repeat an Informatics course if you have received a numerical grade, I grade, S/NS grade, or CR/NC. You will need departmental approval in order to register for the course. You may request approval using the form below.
We will approve an Informatics course repeat during period I & II registration if you meet the following criteria:
- You have received a numerical grade below 2.0, NS grade or NC grade
- Course space is available. We do not overload Informatics courses.
- You meet the registration restrictions of the course including but not limited to 19 credits or below during period I & II registration, time conflicts, major restrictions
If you intend to repeat a course for grade improvement or to strengthen your familiarity or skill with the content, we can approve a course repeat during period III registration (start of the quarter) if space is available.
Late Add Period Registration
All UW courses become add code restricted during the late add period. Students may be added to Informatics courses by filling out the late add request form. No students will be added after week 2 of the quarter. We strongly recommend that students requesting to register for an INFO course sign up for other classes as a backup.
Late Add Process
The late add request form will open Friday at the end of week 1
Submissions will be reviewed daily during the start of the late add period.
If selected, you will receive an email with an add code for registration. You will have 24 hours to register for the courses. If you do not register within the time frame then we distribute the spot to another student. Due to the high volume of requests we receive, we do not have the capacity to contact students who have not been selected for a space in our course during this period. We strongly recommend that students finalize a backup schedule prior to the late add period.
No students will be added after week 2 of the quarter.
Late Add Criteria
We review the following criteria when deciding on access to our courses. This is to ensure that we provide fair and equitable access to all students. Meeting the criteria does not guarantee access.
Instructor preferences: The instructor has agreed to add students during this period. We contact the instructor about their preferences. Do not contact INFO instructors to ask for an add codes or permission.
Space availability: The course must have space available; we do not overload Informatics courses.
Course prerequisites: The prerequisites of the course must be met for us to enroll you in the course.
Time of submission: Submitting a request early does not guarantee access but may be used as a decision factor between two students who meet the same criteria.
Graduation date: Students who have filed to graduate will receive priority over those who are earlier in the degree.
Data science students: Students in majors with data science options (Geography, Applied Math, Atmospheric Science, etc.) will be given priority to courses needed for their degree requirements.
Major status: We will prioritize INFO majors if the course is needed for a degree requirement. Apart from that, we prioritize the other criteria above.
Previous selections: If you have already been selected to enroll in a course during the late add period, we will prioritize access to students have not been selected for courses with high demand.
Please Note
- Informatics does not distribute add codes to overenroll classes at any time. If a course is full, you will need to wait for a spot to become available.
- Students with registration priority from DRS, veterans, or graduating senior status still need to abide by the INFO major-only registration restrictions.
- Informatics minors do not get any registration priority for INFO courses.
- Summer quarter does not have any INFO-major only restrictions.
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