
  • Participatory Design with Youth
  • Qualitative Analysis
  • Design Research Methods


Caroline is a design for informal learning researcher with a background in social science and media production, combining these areas to explore multimedia data through qualitative and mixed methods analysis. She is currently a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Information School and Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle. She helps manage KidsTeam UW and is involved in Connecting the EdTech Research EcoSystem (CERES). Much of her research focuses on designing informal educational technologies with and for teens and their communities, as well as developing best practices for concluding long-term research-practice partnerships in informal settings. Caroline is passionate about justice in education and design, as well as exploring diverse approaches to learning. When not conducting research or teaching, she enjoys playing tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) such as D&D, gardening, meandering exploratory neighborhood walks, and crafting.


  • Ph D, Information Science, University of Washington Information School, 2023
  • MS, Information Science , University of Washington, 2018
  • BS, Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park, 2014
  • BA, Anthropology, University of Maryland, College Park, 2014


  • American Educational Research Association
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • International Society of the Learning Sciences

Publications and Contributions

  • Conference Paper
    Mediating culture: Cultivating socio-cultural understanding of AI in children through participatory design (2024)
    Proceedings of ACM Designing Interactive Systems, pp. 1805 - 1822 Authors: A. Dangol, Michele Newman, Robert Wolfe, Jin Ha Lee, Julie A. Kientz, Jason Yip, Caroline Pitt
  • Conference Paper
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Changing Lanes: Relational Dispositions That Fuel Community Science Learning (2023)
    American Educational Research Journal, 60(3), pp. 621-661 Authors: Tamara Clegg, Kenna Hernly, June Ahn, Jason Yip, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Daniel Pauw, Caroline Pitt
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Changing Lanes: Relational Dispositions That Fuel Community Science Learning (2023)
    American Educational Research Journal Authors: Tamara L Clegg, Kenna Hernly, June Ahn, Jason Yip, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Daniel Pauw, Caroline Pitt
  • White Paper
    How Youth Can Build Social and Emotional Skills with Tabletop Role-Playing Games (2023)
    Authors: Caroline Pitt, Katherine Chen, Jennifer Rubin, Dominic Gibson, Sam Bindman
  • Conference Proceeding
    Supporting Teens’ Intentional Social Media Use Through Interaction Design (2023)
    Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference Authors: Katie Davis, Petr Slovak, Rotem Landesman, Caroline Pitt, Abdullatif Ghajar, Jessica Lee Schleider, Saba Kawas, Andrea Guadalupe Perez Portillo, Nicole Kuhn
  • Conference Paper
    Connected learning, collapsed contexts: Examining teens’ sociotechnical ecosystems through the lens of digital badges (2021)
    Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21) Authors: Caroline Pitt, A. Bell, B. S. Boyd, N. Demmel, Katharine Davis
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Designing a connected learning toolkit for public library staff serving youth through the design-based implementation research method (2021)
    Library & Information Science Research, 43(1), pp. 101074 Authors: Mega Subramaniam, Kelly M Hoffman, Katharine Davis, Caroline Pitt
  • Conference Paper
    The kids are / not / sort of all right: Technology’s complex role in teen wellbeing during COVID-19 (2021)
    Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21) Authors: Caroline Pitt, A. Hock, L. Zelnick, Katharine Davis
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Using the design-based implementation research method to designa connected learning toolkit for youth-serving public library staff (2021)
    Library & Information Science Research, 43(1) Authors: Ilanko Subramaniam, K.M. Hoffman, Caroline Pitt, Katharine Davis
  • Conference Paper
    "I feel like this is a bad thing": Investigating disassembly in action for novices (2020)
    Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI '20) Authors: Nicholas Logler, Caroline Pitt, Xin Gao, Allison Marie Hishikawa, Jason Yip, Batya Friedman
  • Conference Paper
    A Badge, Not a Barrier: Designing for–and Throughout–Digital Badge Implementation (2019)
    CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), pp. 14 Authors: Caroline Pitt, Adam Bell, Edgar Onofre, Katie Davis
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Connecting children’s scientific funds of knowledge shared on social media to science concepts (2019)
    International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 21(Unknown Issue), pp. 54-64 Authors: Kelly Mills, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Tamara Clegg, June Ahn, Jason Yip, Daniel Pauw, Lautaro Cabrera, Kenna Hernly, Caroline Pitt
  • Conference Paper
    Social media in the science classroom: Bridging funds of knowledge to scientific concepts (2019)
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL ’19) Authors: Kelly Mills, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Tamara Clegg, Jason Yip, June Ahn, Austin Beck, Daniel Pauw, Caroline Pitt, H. Jeong, C. Orellana
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Supporting learners' STEM-oriented career pathways with digital badges (2019)
    Information and Learning Science, 120(1/2), pp. 87-107 Authors: Caroline Pitt, Adam Bell, Rose Strickman, Katharine Davis
  • Conference Paper
    Empowering families facing English literacy challenges to jointly engage in computer programming (2018)
    Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018) Authors: Rahul Banerjee, Leanne Liu, Kiley Sobel, Caroline Pitt, Kung Jin Lee, Meng Wang, Sijin Chen, Lydia Davidson, Jason Yip, Amy J. Ko, Zoran Popovič
  • Conference Paper
    Exploring practices on the move: Facilitating learning across a neighborhood (2018)
    Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2018) Authors: L. Cabrera, J. Ahn, Jason Yip, T. Clegg, K. Hernly, E. Bonsignore, Caroline Pitt, D. Pauw, , ,
  • Conference Paper
    Science Everywhere: Designing public, tangible displays to connect youth learning across settings **First authors are listed by alphabetical order (Ahn, Clegg, Yip).** (2018)
    Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018) Authors: June Ahn, Tamara Clegg, Jason Yip, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Daniel Pauw, Lautaro Cabrera, Kenna Hernly, Caroline Pitt, Kelly Mills, Arturo Salazar, Diana Griffing, Jeff Rick, Rachael Marr
  • Conference Paper
    Using digital badges to promote student agency and identity in science learning (2018)
    Proceedings of the Connected Learning Summit (CLS '18) Authors: Katharine Davis, Caroline Pitt, Adam Bell, Suhkyung Kim
  • Conference Paper
    Using digital badges to promote student agency and identity in science learning (2018)
    Proceedings of the Connected Learning Summit (CLS’18) Authors: Katharine Davis, Caroline Pitt, Adam Bell, Ada Kim
  • Conference Paper
    Designing together?: Group dynamics in participatory digital badge design with teens (2017)
    Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’17), pp. 322-327 Authors: Caroline Pitt, Katharine Davis
  • Conference Paper
    Examining adult-child interactions in participatory design (2017)
    In Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017) Authors: Jason Yip, K. Sobel, Caroline Pitt, Kung Jin Lee, S. Chen, K. Nasu, L. Pina
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    How to survive creating an intergenerational co-design group [invited article] (2016)
    ACM Interactions, 23(4), pp. 65-67 Authors: Jason Yip, Lindsey Arnold, Alyssa Gallo, Kung Jin Lee, Caroline Pitt, Kiley Sobel, Sijen Chen


  • Supporting teens' intentional social media use through an in-the-moment intervention (2023)
    Digital Media and Developing Minds International Scientific Congress, - Washington, D.C.
  • Eliciting Scientific Funds of Knowledge Through Social Media Sharing in Formal Learning Environments (2019)
    Toronto, Canada
  • Why does a joyful process of co-design matter for children's technology design? (2019)
    American Educational Research Association (AERA) - Toronto, Canada
  • Designing interactive public displays for neighborhood scientizing (2018)
    2018 Annual Meeting for the American Education Research Association - New York, NY
  • Designing to Illuminate Children's Scientific Funds of Knowledge through Social Media Sharing (2018)
    17th Interaction Design and Children Conference - Trondheim, Norway
  • Empowering youth co-designers to promote student adoption of a digital badge system (2018)
    American Educational Research Association (AERA) - New York, NY
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