- Organization and Preservation of Multimedia and Interactive Media
- Music Information Retrieval
- LIS 577 - Participatory Design In Libraries
Michele Newman is a doctoral student in the Information School at the University of Washington advised by Dr. Jin Ha Lee. She is also a member of the UW Gamer Group and the Digital Youth Lab. In the broadest sense, her research interests include knowledge organization and preservation of interactive/multimedia, music information retrieval, and human-computer interaction. Currently, her work looks at the potential of online, fan-generated content for the long-term preservation of video games and the way artificial intelligence is impacting human creativity.
- MLIS, Library and Information Science, University of Denver, 2022
- MM, Music Theory, Indiana University, 2019
- BM, Music Composition and Theory (Double Major), University of North Texas, 2017
Publications and Contributions
Conference Paper
Conference Extended Abstract"Accidental Archivists": YouTube Gameplay Content and Game Preservation (2023)Proceedings of the 2023 Digital Games Research Association International Conference: The Limits and Margins of Games
Conference PaperGender Differences in Ethical Stances for Playing AR Games: The Case of Pokémon GO (2023)Proceedings of the Digital Games Research Association Conference 2023
Journal Article, Academic JournalHow do the kids speak? Improving educational use of text mining with child-directed language models (2023)Information and Learning Sciences
Conference PaperHuman-AI Music Creation: Understanding the Perceptions and Experiences of Music Creators for Ethical and Productive Collaboration (2023)Proceedings of the 24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference
Conference Paper"I want it to talk like Darth Vader": Helping Children Construct Creative Self-Efficacy with Generative AIProceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Conference PaperMediating Culture: Cultivating Socio-cultural Understanding of AI in Children through Participatory DesignProceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference