Alumni Impact Award Nomination Form
Distinguished Alumni and Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD) Alumni Impact Awards
When submitting your nomination, please indicate how and why your nominee should be selected. The focus should highlight specific examples of how the nominee is making a difference in the field or community. As the selection committee is composed of individuals across industry, please provide detail, background and context to help the committee understand the nominee’s impact. Nominees must meet at least one of the following criteria:
Distinguished Achievement in the Field of Information: The individual has received recognition for their knowledge and extraordinary contributions to the information field.
Distinguished Service to the Information Community: The individual has improved the lives of others through public service to the community.
Distinguished Achievement in Academia: This individual has distinguished themself through their knowledge and contributions to the field of Information through education and research.
Advancing Diversity in the Field: This individual demonstrates their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion by prioritizing the needs of vulnerable populations, minoritized and marginalized groups.
Distinguished Entrepreneurial Excellence: This individual exemplifies the ideals of entrepreneurship by establishing one or more entrepreneurial ventures; contributing to the information profession in ways that have inspired others; or by changing the world in a positive way through their information skills and creativity.
The nomination period for the 2025 iSchool Distinguished Alumni and GOLD Impact Awards has closed. Please check back for information about the 2026 awards.