Informatics Registration FAQ for Newly Admitted Students
Q: Can I register for Autumn quarter classes immediately after being admitted?
A: No. Students who have confirmed their offer will be allowed to register for INFO courses during June course registration. While MyUW may allow you to register before then, newly admitted students who register for classes before then will be dropped from the class and will need to re-register after that opening time.
Q: Do I need add codes to register for Informatics classes?
A: No, as long as you meet the prerequisites stated on the time schedule.
Q: What if I don’t get the classes I need?
A: There will be multiple opportunities for you to take the classes you need. If you have questions about academic planning, please email or make an appointment with an advisor.
Q: What if I don’t get the specific course sections I prefer?
A: Many students change their schedules up until the quarter starts. So even if you don’t get into the classes/sections you want right away, things can change in the coming weeks and months.
Q: I have a lot of credits. What if I can’t get all the classes I need?
A: Once we've admitted you to the program, we are committed to helping you complete it. We will work with you to remove any holds or blocks that might be caused by your high number of credits.
Q: I’m a transfer student. What do I need to do to register?
A: As part of your admission to the UW, you should complete the online U101 training to learn to register for classes. You will be able to formally register for classes once you attend a transfer advising and orientation (A&O) session. We highly recommend that you register for an A&O session. You can register for an alternate date if you have schedule conflicts. If there are specific classes you are concerned will close before your orientation date, please email
Q: I am a transfer student and haven’t taken INFO 200. What do I do?
A: Newly admitted transfer students to the UW will be signed up for sections of INFO 200 as well as INFO 290 (a required orientation class for new majors) by the Informatics advising team before their UW Advising & Orientation session. You will initially be registered for the same INFO 200 class as other transfer students, but if you need to switch sections to better accommodate your personal schedule or need to postpone enrollment to a later quarter, please contact the Informatics advising team at to work out your graduation plan. You will be expected to complete INFO 200 within your first year in the INFO major.
Q: I have a conflict with a class I need to take. What do I do?
A: Look for other options or consider adjusting your schedule or other commitments (work, volunteer, etc.). If you are at an impasse, send an email to When you send the email, please be as clear as possible and provide your name, student number and specific days, times, sections and/or SLNs (Schedule Line Numbers).