iSchool Capstone


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Transitional Readers' Advisory Tools for North Central Regional Library

Readers ready to transition from one reading collection to another may find themselves in a new part of the library, unfamiliar with its layout and unsure of popular authors and titles within their new collection. To fill this knowledge gap, our group partnered with North Central Regional Library. We created twelve patron read-alike guides, six transitioning from Middle Grade to Young Adult and six from Young Adult to Adult, and an additional librarian guide, with information on all of the books from the patron guides. With our documented processes, NCRL can recommend transitional reading material for future popular books.
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Unreal Engine Taxonomy for Learning Paths

As more industries leverage real-time 3D creation, new roles with skill sets geared towards this technology are emerging all the time. For Unreal Engine, this generates an audience of learners with diverse and unique information needs. Unreal Engine taxonomy is the basis for unifying learning materials across sources. By providing standardized terms for Unreal Engine components, it is easier to surface relationships between various learning sources such as webinars, documentation, and online learning courses. Relating this taxonomy with learning skills through ontology strengthens paths and connects users in emerging roles with the learning materials they need.
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UW Analytics

UW faculty make data-driven decisions every day. From large-scale business decisions to helping students succeed, data analytics affects the lives of everyone in the UW community. The current solution, created by UW Enterprise Reporting and Analytics, uses two portals: B.I. Portal, UW Profiles. Our solution, UW Analytics, addresses current issues such as cost and inefficiency in maintaining two distinct portals, feature underutilization, and inconsistent UW branding. UW Analytics is a one-stop-shop featuring an intuitive, streamlined UI that adheres to UW branding. Less time looking for data means more time for analyzing and making better-informed decisions.
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The problem Varmada addresses is how people who purchase products online can achieve a simple and quick return process in order to save time and money. This mobile application is targeted for smartphone users living in urban areas who do not have time to return items back to a drop off center or lack the resources to do so. With few options to handle this problem, Varmada was created to create a seamless return experience. Using Varmada, users can request an item pickup within multiple time ranges and dates that work with their schedule.
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Venture Funding and Patent Portfolio

With the rise in Venture Capital investments, it is necessary to provide investors with additional information apart from traditional data sources. A good investment indicator is the patent data of a company. Patents allow investors to know the technical capability and intellectual property of a company. This enables much more sound investments. However, a major drawback is the unavailability of a consolidated data source providing all the information. The project aims to resolve this by developing a novel algorithm for fast fuzzy matching of two companies between Pitchbook funding data and United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) data.
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VHS Audit for RBA and Digitization

This project addressed Scarecrow Video’s need for close assessment of part of its collection of 14,000+ out-of-print VHS cassettes. Records for the 500 oldest titles were transferred to an Excel workbook, and the data enhanced with copyright information, current fair market values, and notes on archival value. This information was then used to create: 180+ new “Rental by Agreement” (RBA) recommendations; a list of titles earmarked for future digitization; written suggestions for future VHS collection management; and several technical documents. This project provided Scarecrow staff with both enhanced collection management data, and tangible tools for future audits and volunteer training.
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Web Development of True Brands: Salsify Integration, Performance Assessment and Sub-brand Website Design

Our project focuses on providing web development solution to True Brand. True Brands is the leading designer and supplier of beverage lifestyle accessories worldwide, a perfect medium sized for-profit enterprise with startup mentality. Our solution focuses on web development. This web development project includes three aspects, data integration from NetSuite to Salsify, developing sub-brand website frontend framework using the page layout builder, and assess the performance of the current website using PageSpeed Insights and Chrome Devtools. This web development project aims to optimize the performance of True Brand website and drive more profit by focusing on long-term digital success.
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What Women Really Think of Women Affinity Groups in Tech

Women Affinity Groups (WAGs) are the most prevalent Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) intervention methods utilized in the technology industry. Like other D&I interventions, WAGs have not been studied and their effectiveness has not been empirically assessed. This project investigated WAGs' characteristics using a qualitative approach conducting interviews and focus group, with industry professionals. The study explores WAG members and non-members' experiences and perceptions of WAGs. Findings suggest WAGs' benefits and highlight the complexity of perceptions and expectations of members and non-members; along with the importance of identifying differences in needs, intersectionality, and the stigma that exists relative to “women-only groups.”
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What’s in a Name? Reviewing, Organizing, and Researching the History of Eastern Oregon University’s Pierce Library

It has long been debated if Walter Pierce, namesake of Eastern Oregon University Pierce Library, was affiliated with the KKK. The committee tasked with reviewing this issue requested access to archival materials about library history and Walter Pierce, but these materials were neither inventoried nor organized, leaving them inaccessible. To address this, I inventoried the items and organized them into two collections, then I produced finding aids and itemized spreadsheets for each collection. I also searched for library-related newspaper articles to supplement the collections. The Walter M. Pierce and Pierce Library General History collections are now accessible to library users.
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Which is the Safest Car for You? Deriving Safety Score from Real World Collision Data

Which car model is the safest while facing a car collision? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has a popular car safety rating system based on crash tests in controlled environments, but how about a safety rating based on real world accident data? Provided with extensive vehicle collision records across the US, by VinAudit, we built a regression model to evaluate the vehicle safety for each vehicle make/model/year, and created a web application that allows people to look up and browse safety scores. We provide a brand new perspective for consumers who care car safety.