iSchool Capstone


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SecViz: Learn Network Traffic Analysis With Ease

Cybersecurity is a fast-paced, ever changing field, with new threats around every corner. As a newcomer, learning complex topics such as network traffic analysis, forensic skills, and more presents a steep learning curve that pushes away prospective students. Combining data visualization with Capture The Flag style challenges, SecViz aims to reintroduce the fun in learning the fundamentals, and break through the barriers of entry for cybersecurity students. Students will gain the confidence and investigative thought patterns required to thrive in the world of cybersecurity, mastering the core skills that will remain relevant no matter how the field changes.
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Skillet Analytics: Information Management System for Restaurant Data

Skillet Analytics is a new way for Skillet Restaurant Group to analyze business KPIs and track progress among the restaurants. Small businesses lack access to technology to utilize data-driven decision-making. Our team sought to make the powerful tool of data available to Skillet so that they can measure and improve restaurant performance. This project introduces live connection between a database server and KPI dashboard to make retrieving and accessing data seamlessly for employees who work in operations and beyond. The project is implemented using data analysis, database creation, and population and data visualization.
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Software Deployment Tracker for Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is cloud-native and runs across multiple regions, making tracking its metadata complex and challenging. The current dashboard involves ad-hoc SQL data queries which is inefficient and inaccessible to non-technical users. Additionally, the dashboard doesn’t provide useful visualizations for analysis. To address these issues, we developed the Software Deployment Tracker which is designed for all team members, from project managers to engineers. Our solution empowers the Microsoft Azure team to effectively monitor global deployments by querying and visualizing deployment data instantly without writing any code.
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Translating Gun Violence Research Into Action

Gun violence and youth suicides in the U.S. are on the rise. In 2019 alone, a minor was killed by a gun every 2 hours and 36 minutes. In working with the Grandmothers Against Gun Violence Foundation (GAGVF), the “Translating Gun Violence Research Into Action” project takes statistics and research to convey the importance of gun safety through educational data visualizations, gun storage guides, and connections to more resources to gun-owning families. These educational materials will be distributed by the GAGVF to reduce unintentional gun deaths among minors, primarily in Washington State, and promote safe gun storage within gun-owning households.
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UW Course Expert: Find the Best Courses for You

Accessing comprehensive course information before registration is critical for UW students to select courses that best satisfy student needs and interests. However, our research indicates that over 60% of students express that course information is limited on current solutions, such as MyPlan and Rate My Professors, and most end up asking friends for course recommendations. By leveraging official data from Course Evaluation Catalog, we aim to empower students’ understanding of courses’ content, difficulty, workload, and peer evaluations. With UW Course Expert, students can optimize their course selection and enhance their academic potential.
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We all closed down: Reconstructing data about Washington state public library services in the emerging COVID-19 pandemic

In March 2020, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Washington State Library collected data on service disruptions across the state’s public libraries. We have built on this effort by curating, enriching, and tidying the information in this dataset — adding variables to transform it into a time series, filling in missing values, and archiving the digital sources we referenced for each observation. Our curated dataset and supporting materials, published on the Washington State open data portal, will serve as a comprehensive record to shed light on this historical moment and inform future research and emergency response planning.


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AMPLIFY: A Speech Language Pathology Dashboard

Nearly 8% of American children between 3-7 years of age were diagnosed with a communication disorder. Speech-Language therapies are used to treat these disorders. AMPLIFY is a SAAS platform to improve the quality of online voice and speech therapy for pediatric patients. The platform will be used by speech-language pathologists to visualize audio, take notes, organize patient data, and analyze the noises patients make. A clinician will be better able to analyze speech exercises with our visual feedback, be more organized in therapies. It also allows patients in remote areas to connect with more speech-language pathologists and resources.
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Anchorage Public Library Performance Measure Dashboard

Libraries are a great repository of information and data that encapsulate community literacy, engagement, and health. However, this data is scattered across disparate sources. Our dashboard will help Anchorage Public Library collate this data and transform it into readable and usable information that can be used to drive insightful business decisions and highlight their achievements. The images and visualizations of our project will explain where and how the library’s resources are being used and how to effectively alter them if required. Our results will also recommend areas of improvement for APL along with the suggested formats to collect future information.
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Aware: Being Aware About Your Online Behavior Starts Here

Social media companies are notoriously known for storing immense amounts of users’ personal data. While many social media sites do provide an option to view and download your data, the data is often given in raw formats, which can be overwhelming or hard to understand for the average user. Our project aims to analyze users’ downloaded data, and output it as data visualizations that are much more informative and intuitive. We hope that Aware will help people become more aware about what data is being stored about them and become incentivized to be more cautious about their online behavior.
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Building a Seed Bead Ontology: Making Sense of Seed Bead Color Codes

Japanese seed beads are identified by the color code assigned to each product. Three primary manufacturers assign their own alphanumeric codes, while a wholesaler combined all three identification systems into a new system. This creates confusion among consumers because these systems are not well understood and are not yet cross-referenced. My ontology is the foundation of a knowledge base that will aid in more accurate identification of colors between manufacturer numbers and the corresponding product in the wholesaler’s system. This resource will facilitate accurate color-matching and increase awareness of the variety of seed beads available.