iSchool Capstone


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Tipout: Tip Handing for Waiters

The goal behind our project is to reduce the amount of computation waiters and waitresses perform at the end of their shifts while trying to “tip out” their support staff. Currently in most high-class restaurants, the math and tracking for payouts is left to the individual waiters to handle, which can often be complicated and difficult to keep a detailed history of. As of right now, most waitstaff do this computation by hand which takes significant amount of time. By creating a web application that will be accessible on phones and desktops, we can allow employees and businesses to keep better track of what tips they are making and who they are distributing to wherever they go.
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When traveling, people can have difficulty getting the inside scoop on where to go and what to do. They also miss opportunities to meet other interesting travelers from various walks of life. So, we created TravelMeet, an Android app designed for travelers who want to meet others, find activities, and experience new cultures in a fun and spontaneous way! In addition to allowing travelers to create and join outings, TravelMeet helps local businesses and event organizers connect with out-of-towners. TravelMeet will enable travelers to do what they value most when they travel: experience new things, meet new people, and have fun!
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UW Data & Analytics Website Redesign

Enterprise Data & Analytics is UW’s main web site for enterprise institutional data and analytics, providing resources and how-to information that assist UW faculty and staff in accessing and using data to do their jobs and make data-informed decisions. The current website of Decision Support is built under UW-IT Information Technology site within a functional aspect navigation only. Meanwhile, the issue of accessing online resources by mobile devices is not heavily concerned in the Decision Support site. As the problems addressed, our team aims to redesign the Decision Support site from following five aspects, Info-structure, Findability, Information Delivery, Responsive Design and User Engagement. The project scope crosses from user research, workflow design, prototyping, development, and launch & maintenance. The expected outcome of this project is to address new interface of Decision Support site and deliver streamline content with the goal of enhancing brand visibility, usability, accessibility and the ease of website maintenance.
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Waitless: Digital Dining Experience

Our mobile application, Waitless, addresses the problem of an outdated user experience that is found in almost every restaurant around the world. The current ordering system is inefficient, requiring the customer to wait for an employee to bring them a menu, and wait yet again before ordering. Waitless is a more efficient ordering system that improves the customer dining experience, bringing it into the digital age. Waving down a waiter will be a thing of the past with orders going from the user’s mobile device straight to the kitchen. The impact of Waitless is to save our users time and provide them the convenience of ordering throughout their meal, something that is difficult with a traditional menu. By speeding up the dining process from start to finish, restaurants will be able to flip tables faster and serve bigger tickets, meaning more profit for business owners.
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In response to the rise of aggressive email marketing and high volumes of spam, email clients have introduced partitioned inboxes and bolstered spam filters and now users expect a high level of control and low clutter in their inbox. Why don’t we think about our phone calls the same way? Phones currently provide the ability to blacklist specific numbers individually after the user sits through a solicitation call. This method ultimately proves futile, as your phone remains a direct line to your person - accessible by anyone at any time. Unfiltered. Built from a whitelisting concept, our project attempts to solve this issue and provides a non-invasive call and voicemail management service to finally put control in hands of the user. Only the calls that you want to receive will come through, and a minimal user interface allows you to handle precisely how unknown calls are treated. Welcome to Whitelist bliss.
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YouTube Cooking Shows (YTCS) want to interact with their users and know who is using their instructions to cook in real life. YTCS cannot get this information through YouTube’s default user engagement methods such as total views, comments, liking, and subscribing. We designed a YouTube app called YouCook that gives users recipe suggestions, a cookbook, a meal plan, and a grocery list. YouCook records and analyzes user data and provides YTCS with metrics to measure what their viewers are cooking. YouCook bridges an information gap: user’s will be able to have cooking resources in one convenient location, and YTCS will have more data and analysis that will allow them to cater to their user’s needs by providing user-centered content based on user’s interests.


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Alaska Airlines Incident Management System

Weather delays. Mechanical failures. Network outages. Each day, airlines are confronted with incidents that affect the efficiency of their operation. Effective management of a deluge of information is the key to a successful response. Poor communication can lead to stranded aircraft, passengers, and cargo; and in the event of an accident, information may be a lifeline. Our project designs the framework for a web-based incident management system for Alaska Airlines, meeting the company’s requirements for an intuitive interface that requires minimal training, and the ability to sort, search through, and share large amounts of data. This communication system enables resolution of complicated incidents and helps Alaska remain the #1 carrier in on-time performance.
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Allergy App

For people with food allergies, grocery shopping is an inefficient task with potentially deadly consequences: they must research products to ensure that they are avoiding harmful ingredients. We created Allergy App, a mobile Android application designed to enhance the grocery shopping experience. Allergy App puts the power of information in the users’ hands. Users can select their food allergies, and the app determines if a scanned product contains harmful ingredients. Allergy App’s user-friendly design sets it apart from similar applications by providing useful information quickly and clearly. We have measured our success with a user-testing plan that evaluates usability and customer satisfaction.
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ASAP International Web Site & Branding Redesign

ASAP International LLC is a small logistics firm based in Texas and Mexico. It specializes in high-importance deliveries made by hand. Its website and branding had not been updated in more than five years. During that time span, the web underwent a slew of changes during which users began to eschew desktop devices for mobile ones. ASAP International’s old site didn’t reflect the firm’s credibility in handling essential transactions or the quick, lean image it sought to project. We assisted ASAP International in revamping its image to customers through branding and a website redesign which, for the first time, includes optimization for mobile devices. Through this rebranding and redesign, we crafted a more representative image and focused website that will drive future customers to contact and work with ASAP.
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It is common for people to have a bucket list, a list of goals they want to achieve before they die. Unfortunately, other than each individual’s personal drive, there is very little that truly encourages them to complete their goals. With the BucketList website, we aim to solve this issue by implementing three main features with the overall goal of encouraging users to check items off their bucket lists more frequently. First, BucketList provides an easy way to track, manage, and organize a user’s list, enabling users to rank their goals and even set completion dates. Second, the social aspect of BucketList allows friends to encourage each other by giving them an opportunity to connect, view similar goals, and complete those goals together. Finally, BucketList offers various limited-time deals and offers pertaining to users’ lists that can be claimed for just a fraction of a goal’s retail price. With BucketList, lifetime aspirations are closer than ever before.