iSchool Capstone

Allergy App

Project tags:

information behavior & user research

mobile or web development

ux & interaction design

Commercialization Potential Award, First Place
Project poster

For people with food allergies, grocery shopping is an inefficient task with potentially deadly consequences: they must research products to ensure that they are avoiding harmful ingredients. We created Allergy App, a mobile Android application designed to enhance the grocery shopping experience. Allergy App puts the power of information in the users’ hands. Users can select their food allergies, and the app determines if a scanned product contains harmful ingredients. Allergy App’s user-friendly design sets it apart from similar applications by providing useful information quickly and clearly. We have measured our success with a user-testing plan that evaluates usability and customer satisfaction.

Project participants:

Alan Chi


Dylan Bussone


Vince Thomas


Omar Farajallah
