iSchool Capstone


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9 out of 10 college students report trouble with procrastination, and 7 out of 10 procrastinate because they have difficulty getting started. Tempo provides an easy solution for tracking and getting started on tasks. Simply input your task names, sizes, and due dates and Tempo will automatically prioritize what you should focus on first. You will receive occasional notifications to encourage you to start thinking about your task. When you sit down to work, you will already have an idea of what you need to do and can quickly start working using the pomodoro timer provided by Tempo.
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The Effects of Visual Presentation on the Perceived Veracity of News Sources

In online news, as in many forms of media, the appearance of content influences the reader, possibly even more than the content itself. Our experiment investigates this possibility further by researching how certain content-supporting attributes, such as links and pictures, affect how judgments are made about unfamiliar news sources, independent of any informative content. Studying how people evaluate the credibility of news sources is important because our society is increasingly turning to online news sources, while simultaneously becoming more adept at creating them. We hope our research will provide new insights into what factors influence what consumers of news believe.
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USC Events App

USC Events is the leading music festival and events company in Washington state, with over 200,000 annual show attendees. Despite this volume of success, USC Events does not have an app where people can find their events or a system that rewards consistent attendees. Thus, we covered both of these key business needs by developing iOS and Android mobile applications for USC Events. Our apps will significantly enhance the music show experience for a substantial amount of the 200,000 annual attendees. We fully completed the app’s design and are nearly finished refining the app development’s MVP for launch.
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Every day, most of us take our ability to see the world around us for granted. According to World Health Organization, approximately 246 million people have some form of visual impairment and do not see the world as you and I would. We are working on a smartphone application that simulates various visual impairments such as macular edema, age-related macular degeneration, color blindness, cataracts, and glaucoma. The goal of our application is to establish empathy and understanding while educating the user on the challenges a person with a specific visual impairment may encounter.
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Our team set out to fill in the information gap between state government and its voters. Specifically, we aimed to provide Washington state voters an easy opportunity to voice their opinions on upcoming legislature, communicate these viewpoints to their legislators, and track how their legislators’ voting records matched their thoughts and concerns on issues. Our app utilizes the legislative data from to display to users pertinent information regarding bills and the roll call voting record per legislation. Votify aims to provide a streamlined user interface focused on local issues that will more directly affect its users.
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WA State Public Meetings System

Set a data standard for all the public meetings digital records in Washington State. Create a cloud dataset based on this data standard and fill up the dataset with test data scraped from the city and county council websites. Build a website to visualize the database at its backend. Users will be able to perform queries about public meetings via the website.
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Gas tax revenue will continue to decline as more fuel-efficient, hybrid, or all-electric vehicles are added to our roadways and with 60% of our state transportation infrastructure budget from gas taxes, we have to make a change if our transportation systems are going to survive long-term. Our approach and end solution to the problem is a mobile application that utilizes modern vehicle technology to track and record road usage with minimal impact on your driving experience. WARUC secures a long-term solution for the future of our infrastructure.
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Waste 2 Resources - Open Data Literacy Project

The Washington State Department of Ecology works to manage and conserve public resources and collects information about the effectiveness of its conservation programs. Our project will help in the Open Data Literacy initiatives of the Department of Ecology by transferring this information to the open data portal of Washington state ( and designing user-friendly data visualizations. This project will create a positive social impact by presenting the existing waste management information through interactive and powerful visualizations to the public. It will also help the department and government officials in tracking of the progress of their conservation efforts more effectively.
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Yuzu is a mobile application that targets to solve the pain points when buying in bulk. While wholesale stores offer great value when bulk shopping, it also contributes to the food waste crisis by the excessive quantity of bulk items left unfinished. Yuzu allows its users (Yuzu-ers) to find shoppers in real-time, at the same location, to split items with. Shoppers purchase items at bulk prices and reduced quantities by being matched with each other depending on the shared items of interest. This solution creates a social community where sharing is not only caring, but saving money and reducing waste.


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There are currently no effective methods of monitoring the health of your loved ones in a real-time, automated, and efficient way. aWear provides a solution in the form of a companion application to a user’s wearable technology (such as Microsoft Band 2) that allows family members to control and monitor when they receive alerts of their loved one’s health information when they cannot be by their side. In doing so, we have increased interconnection between elders and their loved ones, expanded the usage of wearable technology to a new demographic, and help raise awareness for heart related health problems.