iSchool Capstone


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Arctic Data Explorer

The data captured in historic ships' logbooks represent one of the world's deepest untapped reservoirs of meteorological, historical, and environmental information. Logbooks from nineteenth-century Arctic exploring vessels, with their meticulous recordings of weather, sea ice extent, and species range, can support climate reanalysis models and provide a biogeographic and historical atlas of the Arctic past. Since 2012, citizen scientists at Old Weather ( have transcribed more than 100,000 scanned logbook pages from historic Arctic ships. In order to make this data discoverable and accessible, we built and populated an information structure for Old Weather's data—weather observations, ship positions, daily narratives, and associated manuscripts—and designed a pilot interface for exploration and display. For the first time, both researchers and the public have access to logbook scans, data, transcriptions, links to related materials, and full documentation of sources.
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Everyone has something they can donate to charity, but many do not have the time. Existing applications that aim to make charity convenient have focused on monetary donations while neglecting physical donations. Non-profit organizations need physical items that many individuals own, but do not use. CherryTime is a web application that seeks to enable anyone with limited time to donate physical items. With CherryTime, donations take minutes. Users can find nearby donation sites, give to charity, and continue their day. The list of sites is community-provided and community-maintained. Non-profit organizations can specify exactly what they need and monitor the health of their donation sites. CherryTime gives users a lens into the needs of their community and gives them the power to make a difference.
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Cisco Dash

The proliferation of Internet connected devices in the home has brought with it a disparate array of user interfaces. Use of multiple devices often means changing from one interface to another, yielding a disjointed experience. Further, a massive amount of information is collected and stored in these devices. Cisco Dash is a web application that serves as a single location to view and use Internet of Everything devices. It also provides an enterprise-grade analytics platform to give users the capability of making smart living decisions at home.
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Nowadays, nobody’s schedule is the same and a significant amount of time is wasted trying to find common openings for group meetings. While there have been other services created to try and address this problem, they have major issues including poor user interface and a lengthy data entry process. Coordinate was created by our team to solve this problem and address the critical flaws in the existing tools. Coordinate is an online scheduling platform that allows users to quickly organize schedules together to find meeting times for the entire group. After receiving a link from the host, all a user needs to do is use our click-and-drag entry calendar to indicate their availability and our system will identify the optimal time for the group to meet. By simplifying event scheduling, we hope to allow the groups to have more time to improve their event, rather than wasting it comparing schedules.
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Do Something!

There is well documented anecdotal evidence that people often experience difficulties establishing and maintaining new friendships in an unfamiliar place. In Seattle, the colloquial term for this phenomena is “The Seattle Freeze.” The Stranger, a popular internet magazine and blog describes The Seattle Freeze as a “belief that it is difficult to make new friends in Seattle” and describes Seattleites to be “standoffish, cold, distant, and not trusting.” Do Something! is a mobile application for Android Phones that seeks to thaw the Freeze. Do Something! is a mobile application for the Android platform that provides an activity planning service that facilitates real-world interactions through user defined activities and events. People use a map interface with contextual icons to quickly find and participate in activities they are interested in. Do Something! reduces the social overhead in finding new friends and makes it easier for friends to quickly organize activities.
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The Center for Disease Control has found that 80 percent of the U.S. population do not meet the federal government’s physical activity recommendation. Having a workout partner can help double your chances for fitness success. In fact, people who visit the gym with a partner have only a 6.3 dropout rate but finding that perfect partner can be difficult. Fiternity, a mobile fitness application, aims to help you find that fit by strategically providing you with a perfect match from your network of friends and family. Simply plug in your favorite fitness activities and your desired partner skill level and watch as the matches populate. By taking a collaborative approach to exercising as opposed to a competitive one, Fiternity encourages you to create a community to motivate each other to be a better self.
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One key to success is to build positive relationships with people but sometimes it might be difficult to find a connector or keep in touch after meeting new connections. Today we are introducing our project FoodBuddy that will bridge the gap between technology and interpersonal relationships and revolutionize the way to network in a casual environment through dining. FoodBuddy essentially is an events-based IOS app that connects you to eat with your friends, colleagues or even strangers. Registered users can easily publish and join events, explore hot activities nearby and follow the person you are interested in talking to. More importantly, you can grow your relationship with others right away. Can’t wait? Stop by our booth and let us help you build up your network while having fun meals. Remember, you should never eat alone!
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People love meeting new friends. There are some applications in current market that can help people to date strangers. They are effective in some ways, but target users are limited and the matching and scheduling process is not efficient enough. In order to provide a better service to the users, we created an application that can both simplify user operations and provide more ways to meet new friends. Improvise is a Mobile application working on iOS platform that can help users to meet new friends sharing mutual interests. The best part of using Improvise is that users can skip the boring process of filling out long profiles and scheduling a formal date after slow matching. Just send out an invitation or accept one in a finger flip, your new friends, who listen to same interest channel, may already wait for you outside the tennis court when you park your car.
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Impuls, find your moment

Impuls is a map based event location service that strives to provide users with all the information they need in order to find local events. People shouldn't need to spend hours planning a simple evening, and they're too busy to think about it several days in advance. There is a better way to plan a night out, connect with friends, and just have fun. No more scouring endless websites to find local events. No more hours wasted on tedious planning details. With Impuls, users can find events easily, see full event details, filter events based on their interests and availability, and even post their own events to the map. Impuls is the first map based event location service that is free to use and targeted towards the individual’s spontaneous nature. Finally, people can embrace their spontaneity and feel confident that waiting until the last minute won’t result in failed evenings.
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While cooking we spend a majority of time looking for recipes online and then matching it with our available kitchen inventory. This effort takes significant time and essentially results in cooking the same meals or spending money and eating out at a restaurant. It has become a reoccurring problem and one of the major motivations for our project. InstaCook, suggests recipes to the users based on the items they already have in the kitchen. Novice cooks will be able to use the application while cooking and operate it through voice commands and avoid the hassle of using a smart device with their messy hands. It empowers our users to experiment with new and variety of easy to cook recipes. Not only will this lead to a nutritious diet but will also minimize food wastage, as it effectively maintains a kitchen inventory leading to a decrease in expenditure.