Alumni Updates
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Davis Huynh
Informatics, 2019
After graduating, Davis decided to take a short break and enjoy his last free summer, playing a lot of games and traveling to Korea. He now works at Liberty Mutual.
Beth Jarrell
MLIS, 2019
In 2023, Beth was promoted to Adult Services Coordinator at Sanibel Public Library in Sanibel, Florida. She was also named a member of the American Library Association's Emerging Leaders class of 2023 and was scheduled to co-chair a committee with the New Members Round Table in 2023 and 2024. She was also an interviewee in a forthcoming book by James Patterson and Matt Eversmann, "The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians."
Shaarika Kaul
Informatics, 2019
As of 2023, Shaarika was an analytics leader for Visa’s Acceptance Solutions Marketing team. She leads a team of engineers to build analyses and views for data-driven decision making, and presents her insights to executives. She is also pursuing her MBA at the UW Foster School of Business.
Tiffany Ku
MSIM, 2019
As of 2021, Tiffany was working as a UX Researcher at Redfin, based in Seattle. Her work focuses investigating and building solutions to innovate the home buying experience.
Manasi Kulkarni
MSIM, 2019
Manasi has worked with Epic Games as a senior analytics engineer on its Rocket League and Fortnite games. As of 2023, they were currently working with Acorns, a fintech company, in robo-investing as a senior analytics engineer.
Frank Lim
MSIM, 2019
Frank is working as the director of cybersecurity for the U.S. Coast Guard at its Command, Control, and Communications Engineering Center in Portsmouth Va. He is working with Forrester Research to complete an in-depth study on the cyber issues and how to fix them in the next two years. He is also working on implementing a Model Based Systems Engineering practice to have a digital twin of the current systems in place.
Casey Lum
Informatics, 2019
As of 2022, Casey was working as a software engineer at FreeWill, a startup that makes free estate planning software and helps non-profits fundraise.
Peyton Lyons
Informatics, 2019
As of 2020, Peyton is working at Liberty Mutual as a data analyst in the Analyst Development Program. Peyton is also involved in the Liberty Mutual employee resource group, Amigos, as a west region marketing and communications co-lead.
Morgan Mackaay
Informatics, 2019
Morgan is working as a data engineer for T-Mobile.
Julie McBrien
MLIS, 2019
In 2021, Julie reports: "My career goal was to be an academic librarian and this year I finally did it! I'm starting a new job as Head of Access Services at Lasell University's Brennan Library in September and I couldn't be more excited!"