iSchool Capstone


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While cooking we spend a majority of time looking for recipes online and then matching it with our available kitchen inventory. This effort takes significant time and essentially results in cooking the same meals or spending money and eating out at a restaurant. It has become a reoccurring problem and one of the major motivations for our project. InstaCook, suggests recipes to the users based on the items they already have in the kitchen. Novice cooks will be able to use the application while cooking and operate it through voice commands and avoid the hassle of using a smart device with their messy hands. It empowers our users to experiment with new and variety of easy to cook recipes. Not only will this lead to a nutritious diet but will also minimize food wastage, as it effectively maintains a kitchen inventory leading to a decrease in expenditure.
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Internet of Everything - Grapevine

Home automation for years has been the domain of home installers, outfitting wealthy consumers with expensive setups. Now, there are companies like Nest, Hue, Dropcam, Honeywell and Belkin that let people individually control their lights, locks, cameras, garage doors or anything with a plug. The biggest challenge here is the steep learning curve for people to setup and use multiple applications with very different user interfaces. In short, it is a nightmare to make all these devices work as a single unified system. Our project – Grapevine, is a one‐stop solution, which aims to simplify this process of home automation and make your entire apartment building intelligent. Grapevine will allow residents to completely personalize and automate their apartments, while also enabling apartment managers to conveniently manage processes like security, lighting or maintenance for the whole building. Grapevine will offer complete control, convenience and security through a simple, well‐designed mobile application.
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Internet of Things: Grocery Store Operations Manager

A typical grocery store in your neighborhood grapples with the challenges of high operating costs, narrow margins and losses in expired inventory. Achieving incremental gains in optimizing inventory stocking, efficient consumption of utilities and avoiding wastages will result in huge impact on the bottom line of locally operated grocery stores. Our project ventures in this space to provide a facility management platform for store managers to centrally monitor performance of various devices in the store and collect insights for operational intelligence. We have designed a centralized dashboard for store managers to connect, configure and monitor performance of typical devices that you find in a grocery store. The dashboard can be used for fault and configuration management to minimize MTTR (mean time to response). Data is collected by a polling mechanism which queries devices about their statuses. The data collected can be used for rendering trending graphs and generate reports for forecasting and proactively detect issues before they arise.
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Photography is a skill that is improved by proper feedback and practice. Most online communities, like Instagram and Flickr, focus more on showcasing photography and not on giving critical feedback to help photographers improve. ISOPRO strives to help the users improve their photography skills by learning through tips and the community's feedback. Through the point system in the commenting section, it will create an incentive for users to give critical feedback. The more points a user has, the higher their reputation will be in the community. When a user is in a rush, they can easily upload their photo and receive generic tips to help them on the spot. Lastly, our drawing tool points out problem areas in a photograph, so the photographer can easily understand what's wrong. We created ISOPRO to help our users share, learn and connect with photographers everywhere.
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Jumo: We’ll log your hours Auditing is an important component to UW Athletics because this determines whether or not athletes can compete for their university’s athletic success. The current system is quite complex and inefficient; coaches struggle with logging practice hours for their athletes due to a cluttered interface, poor user experience, and having to deal with a lot of manual inputs. Additionally, the current system does not provide coaches with any sort of review process, which represents a lack of compliance checking. Jumo aims to solve these concerns by utilizing RFID technology to accurately log hours for coaches, reducing manual input and human errors. Simultaneously, Jumo checks for compliance in the back end to ensure NCAA bylaws are met. With Jumo, we do the heavy lifting for the UW Athletics. Team Members Howard Lin | Informatics Kevin Ly | Informatics Tuvshin Tulga | Informatics Kevin Yang | Informatics
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KairosPDX Learning Academy: Managing Documentation for Emergent Curriculum and Social-Emotional Learning

KairosPDX Learning Academy (KLA) is a new Portland, Oregon charter school aimed at attacking the racial achievement gap. Curriculum is both designed – based on the Common Core Standards, and emergent – evolving from the interests and curiosity of students. KLA also specifically teaches foundational life skills including: focus and self-control, perspective taking, communicating, making connections, critical thinking, taking on challenges and self-directed engaged learning. Crucial to this process is documentation – capturing and recording activity and behavior of individual children in order to create curriculum for them and track their development. An enormous amount of information – images, text, audio, and video – is generated for and about each student. I modeled for KLA an implementable cloud-based method to organize, store, manage, and retrieve information as needed for curriculum development, reporting, reflection, and longitudinal assessment of student development, particularly as regards social-emotional learning and life skills.
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Kickstarting the East Bonner County Library District Strategic Plan

The East Bonner County Library District (EBCL) is a mid-size public library system based in Sandpoint, Idaho. In response to the EBCL administration’s expressed need for a strategic plan, I researched industry standards and best practices for creating a public library strategic plan, gathered existing data, carried out additional qualitative research based on staff input, and created a full strategic plan outline with detailed recommendations for the project’s completion. Laying the groundwork for this project helped the library staff and administration view the strategic planning process as inclusive and inspirational, instead of intimidating. A thoughtfully-created strategic plan will help the East Bonner County Library District prioritize its decision making to better align its goals with that of its community, allowing it to achieve the highest levels of effective service possible.
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Knowledge Management Initiative: Collecting and Centralizing Architectural Information

Callison Architecture specializes in designing built environments, including projects in retail, hospitality, healthcare, and mixed-use. Headquartered in Seattle, it employs over 1,000 architects, designers and support staff worldwide. Yet despite its large size and the complexity of its projects, Callison has never centralized its project information into a single dedicated location. Recognizing the opportunity to assist in knowledge organization efforts, this project captures and collects data that is a) currently scattered across various internal servers or b) has remained unrecorded. This carefully curated data is critical in launching the beta mode of Callison’s first project database. As a master repository of project information, the database presents a quick snapshot of any given project within the firm. This is essential in saving the time of the architects and the staff who support them and, on a broader level, ensuring that the institutional knowledge of the firm’s forty-year history is preserved in one authoritative location.
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Kōjām: A Gateway to eBooks for Marshallese Students

Kōjām is a Marshallese word for a door, doorway, or gate. This project, developed in partnership with the U.S. Embassy Majuro, has resulted in a new virtual portal – a single, straightforward website that directs students and educators in the Republic of the Marshall Islands to thousands of eBooks currently available for free from a variety of online sources. It gathers links to these sources together and describes them in one convenient place. In the future, if additional funding is secured, this portal is poised to link to even more titles available via an OverDrive subscription. The Marshall Islands are extremely geographically isolated, but their relationship to the U.S. remains close and unique. Enhancing educational opportunities available to Marshallese students is a priority for the United States. The U.S. Embassy Majuro seeks to increase student access to eBooks and to encourage digital reading. Kōjām is an important part of this effort.
Project Logo - A community for language learners

When searching for opportunities to learn to speak any language, the resources available are scarce, at best. Learning what words mean is one step, but being able to converse in the language is a difficult and crucial task for any language learner. This is something that requires lots and lots of practice, ideally in a face-to-face conversation. This is where Lamunity comes in. We built a website that will enable users to search for other members of their community, meet with them, and practice speaking together.