iSchool Capstone


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Game Graph: A Video Game Metadata Graph Database

Game Graph is a video game metadata graph database and web application that provides an easy and extensible way to create, store, and retrieve metadata about video games. Building upon the work done at the Seattle Interactive Media Museum (SIMM) and the Game Metadata Research (GAMER) Group, this application envisions every possible point of information within a property graph database framework. By utilizing the graph database model, users are able to easily explore the relationships of video games. The goal of this project is to provide a useful tool for cataloging video game metadata, while assisting research into video games as information objects. As a component to a larger system, Game Graph provides the structural foundation for digitally cataloging video game collections.
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Good Citizens: American Childhoods from the Gilded Age to the Post-War Era

Online exhibitions for the Digital Public Library of America showcase some of DPLA's vast resources and make them more accessible to viewers. DPLA particularly wants to draw more young people to its collections and to be of use to teachers and students. In our exhibition, we chose a topic of interest to everyone: childhood. Our exhibition comprises 40 images, metadata, and text about children's home lives, school, playtime, and work. We focus on the transformation of childhood in America from the 1880s to the 1940s resulting from the migration from country to cities, the rise of the middle class, and the enforced assimilation of multiple cultures into one national identity — the production of "good citizens." Our digital exhibition shows how class, race, gender, and national origin shaped the invention of childhood, and that in the early 20th century, there was no single American childhood, but many childhoods encompassing myriad experiences.
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Graphic Novels and Comics Collection for Kitsap Regional Library

Though Kitsap Regional Library had comic format collections for Children and Young Adults, comics outside of those collections were spread across Adult Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Biography. These items were difficult for patrons to browse and discover. The shelving caused them to be weeded without having added as much value as they might to the collection. After preliminary catalog searches to identify items that might be added to the new collection, Stacy Wyatt and Lisa Longmire searched each branch to find comic format items. These items were then labeled and added to the collection in the catalog, as well as being relocated to new collection shelving in each branch. This collection is now easily identifiable whether patrons are visiting in person or online. The collection will be able to be specifically monitored to help it grow in a way that will be useful and enjoyable for patrons of Kitsap Regional Library.
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Green Initiatives at the Space Needle - Workflow Digitization

Space Needle, LLC is seeking a move to a greener and more efficient electronic billing, invoicing, and records sharing system within the organization, with ability to share outside the organization. The company was seeking a digital process and invoice approval system to convert manual entry and workflow procedures and replace the antiquated format and practices already in place. This Capstone investigated emerging industry technologies surrounding electronic receiving, invoicing, and workflow with particular consideration of processes in document management and department budgeting and approval. Project impact includes elimination of misplaced files or invoices, instant document retrieval and sharing across the company, and a fit with the company’s new Green Initiatives Mission.
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Healthcare Cost Transparency

Healthcare costs in the U.S. have skyrocketed from $1.4 trillion in 2000 to $2.9 trillion in 2014 according to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Our project – All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) Healthcare Cost Transparency, sponsored by the Washington Health Alliance (WHA) – may be a solution in healthcare cost containment and service improvement. APCDs collect de-identified medical claims data including clinical, financial, and utilization data. Several states have already passed a law to mandate an APCD, and Washington State is on the verge of passing the same law. WHA has the opportunity to be selected as the lead organization as the state authorized APCD administrator. Our project evaluates hosting options – in-house versus the cloud – and builds a functional but scaled-down APCD in Azure cloud to determine its feasibility. The result of this project will be to arm WHA with the knowledge to make informed decisions on the best APCD hosting option.
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People love meeting new friends. There are some applications in current market that can help people to date strangers. They are effective in some ways, but target users are limited and the matching and scheduling process is not efficient enough. In order to provide a better service to the users, we created an application that can both simplify user operations and provide more ways to meet new friends. Improvise is a Mobile application working on iOS platform that can help users to meet new friends sharing mutual interests. The best part of using Improvise is that users can skip the boring process of filling out long profiles and scheduling a formal date after slow matching. Just send out an invitation or accept one in a finger flip, your new friends, who listen to same interest channel, may already wait for you outside the tennis court when you park your car.
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Impuls, find your moment

Impuls is a map based event location service that strives to provide users with all the information they need in order to find local events. People shouldn't need to spend hours planning a simple evening, and they're too busy to think about it several days in advance. There is a better way to plan a night out, connect with friends, and just have fun. No more scouring endless websites to find local events. No more hours wasted on tedious planning details. With Impuls, users can find events easily, see full event details, filter events based on their interests and availability, and even post their own events to the map. Impuls is the first map based event location service that is free to use and targeted towards the individual’s spontaneous nature. Finally, people can embrace their spontaneity and feel confident that waiting until the last minute won’t result in failed evenings.
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In-Vehicle Information System Design

Drivr is a rapidly expanding personal chauffeur service which commands a fleet of Tesla Model-S vehicles but previously lacked a consolidated system for logistical planning and execution. To solve this problem, I designed front-end interfaces for both drivers and dispatchers in addition to a back-end database by following the user-centered design process. For drivers, I utilized the Tesla’s 17-inch screen in the dashboard to design a low-cost solution which runs in the vehicles’ browser. For dispatchers, I designed a web interface which provides a number of much needed flexibility options. Testing has proven that this system will not only improve the capacity of Drivr to provide superior service, but because it is so much more efficient, effective, and satisfying to use, stakeholders, dispatchers, and drivers alike expect the new system to make Drivr an even better place to work.
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Indigenizing the Digital Divide

Throughout this project, our goal was to gather enough data in order to create a greater sense of awareness regarding the technological gap between American Indian and Alaska Native communities and quality network connectivity. Past experience has shown that the coverage is spotty and mostly non-existent in certain towns within our research area—White Swan, specifically. The team used online sources to find coverage maps over the Yakama Indian Reservation and conducted a site visit to the land itself in order to check actual coverage and gather real-time connection readings. Our findings indicate that the big carriers (such as Verizon) are essentially not advertising the entire truth as they offer spotty data coverage. Next steps are to revisit the Nation and deliver this report for them to use as a preliminary study for their own use.
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Information Needs of Health Care Purchasers

Health care costs are high for both consumers and the organizations that provide health care plans to their employees. Washington Health Alliance (WHA) works with organizations throughout the state of Washington, both private and public, to help reduce the overall cost of health care. Their goals include reducing price, overuse of services, and reducing underuse of effective care. HR representatives from WHA member organizations were surveyed to understand how they create a health care benefit strategy for their organization and how they communicate the strategy and plan with their employees. Among approximately 130 recipients there was a 12% response rate. The survey responses were used to create a sample health care plan purchaser persona, which can be used by WHA to prompt discussions with HR representatives about creating health care strategies and communicating their strategy and plan with their employees.