iSchool Capstone


Project tags:

digital youth & youth services

mobile or web development

Project poster

The Center for Disease Control has found that 80 percent of the U.S. population do not meet the federal government’s physical activity recommendation. Having a workout partner can help double your chances for fitness success. In fact, people who visit the gym with a partner have only a 6.3 dropout rate but finding that perfect partner can be difficult. Fiternity, a mobile fitness application, aims to help you find that fit by strategically providing you with a perfect match from your network of friends and family. Simply plug in your favorite fitness activities and your desired partner skill level and watch as the matches populate. By taking a collaborative approach to exercising as opposed to a competitive one, Fiternity encourages you to create a community to motivate each other to be a better self.

Project participants:

Ahmed Elkholy


Nathan Booco


Isaac Kuek


Kevin Tsang
