iSchool Capstone


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The Legislative Archive: A Taxonomy, Finding Aids, and Processing Plans for Records of the King County Council Members and Committees

As the county’s legislative branch, the King County Council represents the people, interests and issues of county constituents in Washington State. The resultant working papers of Council members, committee meeting minutes and agendas are archived at the King County Archives. Although arranged according to the principle of provenance and described at the series level, Committee meeting records and Council member files lack consistency across Committee and Council member names, dates, and covered topics. Finding Aids are also brief or unavailable, making this collection difficult to use. To address these information problems, our project designed templates for Finding Aids and Processing Plans along with a taxonomy for use by Archives staff to effectively integrate new accessions and structure existing collections for comprehensibility. These information organization tools will facilitate the work of Archives staff while making the Legislative Collection more accessible and user-friendly for researchers and the general public alike.
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The Library of Things Extended: Launching a Public-Library Affiliated Tool Lending Library

In collaboration with the Hillsboro Public Library, the information problem is how to craft an extension of the current non-traditional collection – the “Library of Things” – into one of the few tool lending libraries affiliated with a public library affiliated. To solve this problem, I assisted from research on waiver verbiage to targeted marketing and strategic planning. I have been on the ground floor of a new community resource, a part of the origin story of a burgeoning force in public libraries, a pivotal opportunity to provide an innovative, yet essential service. The “Library of Things” is a service model expanding libraries’ lending capabilities beyond books. Public libraries embrace and exemplify this emerging feature of the “sharing economy”. Talk of the sharing economy tends to revolve around flashy startups which disrupt markets. Yet public libraries were sharing before it was cool: lending materials to people who, in some sense, collectively own them yet may not otherwise be able to afford them. The sharing service model evokes a sense of community, resonates with cultivating genuine connections and lasting engagement.
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The Route Assessor

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. But when it comes to moving freight, that line becomes complex. In these uncertain times of political upheaval, natural disasters and huge amount of freight theft, Route Assessor aims to empower Expeditors in choosing better delivery routes based on various risk parameters. This robust web based solution helps Expeditors in recommending the best route to the customer, so that risk can be intelligently and appropriately managed. A real time risk score is calculated for a given source and destination, based on FBI crime data, Freightwatch data, weather and commodity type. With Route Assessor, Expeditors can provide a holistic risk assessment of customer’s shipment by helping them to choose better risk mitigation products and provide a superior quality of service compared to its competitors. Route Assessor reduces the probability of an “unwanted surprise” within the supply chain logistic.
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Time and Tide: The Wilhelm Hester Photography Collection

The Wilhelm Hester Photography Collection is a vital resource for both maritime and local historians, as well as a valuable asset to UW Special Collections. Unfortunately, as is frequently the case in large academic institutions, time constraints and financial pressures mean that the initial processing was basic, resulting in a poor-quality finding aid and inadequate document housing. Improper housing placed the photographs at risk from acidification and mechanical damage, whilst the inadequate finding aid dramatically reduced their accessibility. Our sponsor decided to completely restructure the collection and asked our team for help. We laid the foundation for this project by rehousing over 300 photographs and revamping the online description with enhanced metadata for a more intuitive user experience. Our work will transform the user’s first point of contact f into a gateway for collection discovery, enhancing its usability and maximizing our university’s contribution to research.
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To Boldly Tag: Increasing User Discovery of is an expansive podcast network of over 20 different podcasts that cover every corner of the Star Trek universe and beyond. Since 2010 the network has been consistently growing as thousands of listeners download podcasts each month to engage in fun, engaging, and thought-provoking discussions with other listeners. My project is focused on increasing the accessibility of the website. I cultivated data on the core series-focused podcasts on the network and developed a tagging system to better serve the users needs. This tagging system will make it easier for hosts to understand how to tag their own content in the future to keep the website cohesive as it grows. There are also new dedicated lists and guides for each show to act as a reference for listeners browsing for content as well. With this project is more accessible to both search queries and browsing.
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Trellis: Supporting the Growth of Depressed College-Aged Students and their Support Network

Depression acts as one of the leading mental health diagnostics affecting college-aged students today. But with a societal stigma surrounding mental health and barriers to therapy, it is difficult for students to receive the support that they need to better manage their depressive state. Trellis is a mobile application that supports students by encouraging thoughtful, caring conversations and education about depression. To understand the needs of depressed college-aged students, an anonymous survey was posted on Facebook and Reddit, yielding 639 responses. Using ATLAS.ti, a qualitative analysis was conducted to thoroughly vet the answers received. It was discovered that students with depression long for a caring, non-judgmental support group and better education about mental health, as the stigma makes is difficult to seek help. Trellis is designed to connect those that want to get support, to those that want to give support.
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TUNE Onboarding - Reducing Complexity Through User Centered Design

User onboarding is critical in helping new customers successfully adapt to a product. Currently, TUNE’s innovative but extremely complex mobile marketing products provide minimal onboarding assistance for new users. This results in high drop off rates and new customers choosing competitor products. Our team set out to tackle this onboarding problem using the design process. We performed extensive research and competitive analysis to test a combination of new and existing onboarding patterns. Informed by this research and testing, we created a new set of patterns that would solve our sponsor’s specific onboarding issues. When implemented, these new patterns will not only help new users find the product’s core value faster but also lower the number of rudimentary questions that support team and sales engineers need to answer. Overall, this will help acquire new customers, retain existing customers and increased revenue.
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Unikrn Assist

eSports is a rapidly growing industry where competitive online video gaming has reached a whopping 71 million followers. Gaming professionals compete and specialize in certain game genres such as real-time strategy, fighting, first-person shooter, or multiplayer online battle arenas. Gaming professionals have massive followings of fans who idolize their lives. Teaming up with Unikrn, an eSports betting startup in Seattle, we have been working hard at creating a mobile game to target eSports fans to hone their own gaming skills. Unikrn Assist will take hard-tom-aster aspects of competitive games and help fans to improve them anywhere using our mobile app. This app will help fans master their gaming skills in hopes that one day they will be able to become professional gamers.
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University of Washington Press Backlist Digitization

The aim of our capstone was to create a sustainable backlist digitization solution, with supporting procedural documentation, for the University of Washington Press. Our work initiates a process that will give new life to thousands of out of print books and enhance the Press’s long-term product pipeline. Founded in 1915, the University of Washington Press has accumulated a backlist of books, spanning decades of important scholarly and cultural conversations. Our work extends the reach of Press, by renewing access to currently out of print titles, increasing opportunities for tie-in promotions, and generally allowing UWP to leverage their entire collection in new and exciting ways. In addition to providing benefit for the Press and their authors and publishing partners, increasing global access to UWP’s unique collection through libraries, retailers, academic institutions, and community partners will be a value add for scholarly and cultural conversation around the globe.
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UW GAMER Group Video Game Discovery Engine

UW GAMER (GAME Research) Group has developed the UW/SIMM Video Game Metadata Schema. This Video Game Discovery Engine is constructed in order to implement the schema to catalog video games, and also to share this achievement to support the use of games in entertainment, education and science. The website enables users to find video games by searching or browsing through approaches that are more in quantity and better in quality when comparing to traditional websites. For example, users can browse by progression and visual style to discover video games on this engine. At this stage, our team has developed the website beta version and conducted user testing on visual design and functional design.