
  • Data Curation
  • Digital Research Collections
  • Scientific and Scholarly Information Work


Carole Palmer is a Professor at the iSchool and works in the areas of data curation and digital research collections. Her research is aimed at advancing data services, especially for interdisciplinary inquiry. In this era of “big data,” she is particularly interested in optimizing the reuse value of small data and access to open data across disciplines. Her current projects include developing a framework for Site Based Data Curation and a model program for Data Curation Education in Research Centers. As an educator, she has been a leader in professional workforce development in data curation for nearly a decade, recognized in 2013 with the Information Science Teacher of the Year Award from the Association for Information Science & Technology.


  • Ph D, Library & Information Science, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1996
  • MLS, George Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, 1986
  • BA, Psychology, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1980


  • Best Long Paper Award - 2020 ASIS&T Virtual Annual Meeting, 2020

Publications and Contributions

  • Position Paper
    Ensuring a Vibrant Future for LIS in iSchools (2023)
    1(Unknown Issue), pp. 39 Authors: Amelia Acker, Cindy Aden, Maria Bonn, Christopher Coward, Chance Hunt, Emily Knox, David Lankes, Michelle H. Martin, Marijel Melo, Ana Ndumu, Carole L Palmer, Beth Patin, Brian Sturm, Mega Subramaniam, Andrea Thomer
  • Research Report
    Indigenous data case study: Toward contextual integrity for Indigenous data (2022)
    Authors: Carole L Palmer, Miranda Belarde-Lewis, Tami Hohn, Christopher B. Teuton
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    Public Libraries and Open Government Data: Partnerships for Progress (2021)
    Library Journal Authors: Carole L Palmer, Nicholas Weber, Kaitlin Throgmorton, Bree Norlander
  • Conference Paper
    Cross-Disciplinary Data Practices in Earth System Science: Aligning Services with Reuse and Reproducibility Priorities (2020)
    2020 ASIS&T Virtual Annual Meeting Authors: An Yan, Caihong Huang, Jian-Sin Lee, Carole L Palmer
  • Conference Short Paper
    Open data in public libraries: Gauging activities and supporting ambitions (2020)
    Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 57(1) Authors: Kaitlin Fender Throgmorton, Bree Norlander, Carole L Palmer
  • Conference Paper
    Updating the DCC Curation Lifecycle Model (2020)
    15th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) Authors: Sayeed Choudhury, Caihong Huang, Carole L Palmer
  • Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal
    Open Data Literacy and the Library (2019)
    Alki: The Washington Library Association Journal, 36(2), pp. 27-29, ISBN/ISSN: 8756-4173 Authors: Kaitlin Throgmorton, Bree Norlander, Carole L Palmer
  • Conference Poster
    Advancing Open Data: Aligning Education with Public Sector Data Challenges (2018)
    ASIS&T 2018: Proceedings of the 81st annual meeting Authors: Nicholas Weber, Bree Norlander, Carole L Palmer
  • Conference Paper
    Data reuse and reproducibility in Earth System Science: A survey of current practices, barriers, and expectations (2018)
    American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Authors: An Yan, Caihong Huang, Carole L Palmer
  • Conference Paper
    Supporting geoinformatics with site-based data curation: Development of a collaborative and interdisciplinary information framework (2017)
    Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Authors: Andrea Thomer, Carole L Palmer
  • Conference Extended Abstract
    Annotation for Transparent Inference (ATI): Selecting a Platform for Qualitative Research Based on Individual Sources (2016)
    International Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology (IASSIST), June 2, 2016, Bergen, Norway. Authors: Colin Elman, Diana Kapiszewski, Nicholas Weber, Carole L. Palmer
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Data Practices and Curation Vocabulary (DPCVocab): An Empirically Derived Framework of Scientific Data Practices and Curatorial Processes (2015)
    Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 66(3), pp. 616-633 Authors: Tiffany C Chao, Melissa H Cragin, Carole L Palmer
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Enriching Education with Exemplars in Practice: Iterative Development of Data Curation Internships (2015)
    International Journal of Digital Curation, 10(1), pp. 123-134 Authors: Matthew S Mayernik, Cheryl A Thompson, Valerie Williams, Suzie Allard, Carole L Palmer, Carol Tenopir
  • Conference Paper
    LIS Programs and Data Centers: Integrating Expertise (2015)
    iConference 2015 Proceedings Authors: Cheryl Annette Thompson, Matthew S Mayernik, Carole L Palmer, Suzie Allard, Carol Tenopir
  • Conference Poster
    Data Curation Education in Research Centers: Formative Evaluation Results from 2012-2013 Cohorts (2014)
    9th International Digital Curation Conference Authors: Carole L Palmer, Cheryl A Thompson, Matthew S Mayernik, Valerie Williams, Suzie Allard
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Extending Curation Profiles to Study Enterprise-level Data Practices (2014)
    iConference 2014 Proceedings Authors: Nicholas Weber, Carole L Palmer
  • Conference Poster
    Linking Geobiology Fieldwork and Data Curation through Workflow Documentation (2014)
    47th Annual Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union Authors: Andrea K Thomer, Carole L Palmer, Bruce W Fouke, Timothy DiLauro, Jacob G Jett, Sean Gordon, Karen Baker
  • Conference Paper
    Meeting Data Workforce Needs: Indicators Based on Recent Data Curation Placements (2014)
    iConference 2014 Proceedings, pp. 522-537 Authors: Carole L Palmer, Cheryl A Thompson, Karen S Baker, Megan Senseney
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    Representing Cultural Collections in Digital Aggregation and Exchange Environments (2014)
    D-Lib Magazine, 20(5/6) Authors: Karen M Wickett, Antoine Isaac, Martin Doerr, Katrina Fenlon, Carlo Meghini, Carole L Palmer
  • Conference Poster
    Sharing Site-Based Research Data: Standardizing and Packaging for Reuse (2014)
    47th Annual Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union Authors: Timothy DiLauro, Jacob G Jett, Sean Gordon, Andrea K Thomer, Bruce W Fouke, Carole L Palmer
  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    A model for providing Web 2.0 services to cultural heritage institutions: The IMLS DCC Flickr Feasibility Study (2013)
    D-Lib Magazine, 19(5/6) Authors: Jacob Jett, Megan Senseney, Carole L Palmer
  • Conference Poster
    Data sharing as a “broader impact”: Results from the Site-Based Data Curation Project at Yellowstone National Park (2013)
    Research Data Alliance, Second Plenary Meeting Authors: Carole L Palmer, Sayeed G Choudhury, Andrea K Thomer
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Foundations of data curation: the pedagogy and practice of “purposeful work” with research data (2013)
    Arch J, 3(Unknown Issue) Authors: Carole L Palmer, Nicholas Weber, T Munoz, AH Renear
  • Conference Poster
    Levels of services and curation for high-functioning data (2013)
    8th International Digital Curation Conference Authors: Sayeed G Choudhury, Carole L Palmer, Karen S Baker, Timothy DiLauro
  • Conference Paper
    Model development for scientific data curation education (2013)
    8th Annual International Digital Curation Conference Authors: Karon Kelly, Mary Marlino, Matthew S Mayernik, Suzie Allard, Carol Tenopir, Carole L Palmer, Virgil E Varvel, Jr.
  • Report
    Modeling Cultural Collections for Digital Aggregation and Exchange Environments (2013)
    CIRSS Technical Report, 201310-1(Unknown Issue) Authors: Karen M Wickett, Antoine Isaac, Katrina Fenlon, Martin Doerr, Carlo Meghini, Carole L Palmer, Jacob Jett
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Current trends and future directions in data curation research and education (2012)
    Journal of Web Librarianship, 6(4), pp. 305–320 Authors: Nicholas Weber, Carole L Palmer, Tiffany C Chao
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Integrating Conceptual and Empirical Studies of Data to Guide Curatorial Processes (2012)
    Authors: Carole L Palmer, Tiffany C Chao, Nicholas Weber, Simone Sacchi
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    Interdisciplinary data science education (2012)
    Special Issues in Data Management, pp. 97-113 Authors: Jeffrey Stanton, Carole L Palmer, Cathy Blake, Suzie Allard
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Value and context in data use: Domain analysis revisited (2012)
    Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 49(1), pp. 1–10 Authors: Nicholas Weber, Karen S Baker, Andrea K Thomer, Tiffany C Chao, Carole L Palmer
  • Report
    Digital collections and aggregations (2011)
    DH Curation Guide: a community resource guide to data curation in the digital humanities Authors: Katrina Fenlon, Jacob Jett, Carole L Palmer
  • Technical Report
    Report on the Data Curation Research Summit (2011)
    Authors: Nicholas Weber, Tiffany C Chao, Carole L Palmer, Virgil E Varvel, Jr
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    The analytic potential of scientific data: Understanding re-use value (2011)
    Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 48(1), pp. 1–10 Authors: Carole L Palmer, Nicholas Weber, Melissa H Cragin
  • Conference Poster
    Units of evidence for analyzing subdisciplinary difference in data practice studies (2011)
    Joint Conference on Digital Libraries Authors: Melissa H Cragin, Tiffany Chao, Carole L Palmer
  • Conference Paper
    Beyond size and search: Building contextual mass in aggregations for scholarly use (2010)
    Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 47(1) Authors: Carole L Palmer, Oksana Zavalina, Katrina Fenlon
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Data sharing, small science, and institutional repositories (2010)
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 368(1926), pp. 4023-4038 Authors: Melissa H Cragin, Carole L Palmer, Jacob R Carlson, Michael Witt
  • Conference Paper
    Characteristics of bioinformatics employment advertisements (2009)
    Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 46(1) Authors: Jennifer I Hill, W John MacMullen, Carole L Palmer
  • Conference Paper
    Comparing bioinformatics software development by computer scientists and biologists: An exploratory study (2009)
    Proceedings of the 2009 ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering, pp. 72-79 Authors: Parmit Chilana, Carole L Palmer, Amy J. Ko
  • Conference Poster
    Extending an LIS data curation curriculum to include humanities data (2009)
    DiggCCurr Conference Authors: Allen H Renear, Lauren C Teffeau, Patricia Hswe, Molly Dolan, Carole L Palmer, Melissa H Cragin, John Unsworth
  • Report
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Strategic reading, ontologies, and the future of scientific publishing (2009)
    Science, 325(5942), pp. 828-832 Authors: Allen H Renear, Carole L Palmer
  • Report
    Identifying Factors of Success in CIC Institutional Repository Development - Final Report (2008)
    Authors: Carole L Palmer, Lauren Teffeau, Mark P Newton
  • White Paper
    Findings Pertaining to the Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital Collections (2006)
    Authors: Timothy Cole, Amy S Jackson, Carole L Palmer, Sarah L Shreeves, Michael B Twidale, Oksana L Zavalina
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Curating for convergence: Data stewardship for interdisciplinary inquiry
    Library Trends, 71(12) Authors: Carole L Palmer, Melissa Cragin
  • Conference Paper
    DCC Curation Lifecycle Model 2.0
    14th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) Authors: Sayeed Choudhury, Carole L Palmer


  • Advancing LIS in iSchools: Building a Coalition to Ensure a Vibrant Future (2023)
    86th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology - Novotel London West, London, UK
  • Conceptualizing Data Behavior: Bridging Data-Centric and User-Centric Approaches (2023)
    86th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology - Novotel London West, London, UK
  • Curating for convergence: Data stewardship for interdisciplinary inquiry (2023)
    Library Trends Virtual Symposium in honor of Linda Smith Festschrift - Virtual
  • Implementing Data Services for Indigenous Scholarship and Sovereignty (2023)
    International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology Conference (IASSIST 2023) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Data Services for Indigenous Scholarship and Sovereignty (DSISS) project (2022)
    Seattle, WA
  • Data Stewardship Principles and Potentials: Knowledge Organization for Contextual Integrity and Convergence (2022)
    Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI 2022) Conference - Virtual
  • LIS Forward Forum: Shaping Future Directions for LIS to Thrive and Grow in iSchools. (2022)
    iSchools organziation - Virtual
  • Ocean’s 11 - Librarians ’22: A Conversation About the Impossibility of Staying Good at Your Job in the Information Professions (2022)
    2022 ASIS&T Annual Meeting - Pittsburgh, PA
  • Collaboration in Research (2021)
    School of Information Science, University of Kentucky - Lexington, KY (virtual)
  • 2nd Knowledge Infrastructure Workshop (2020)
    Sloan Foundation - Los Angeles, California
  • Cross-Disciplinary Data Practices in Earth System Science: Aligning Services with Reuse and Reproducibility Priorities (2020)
    2020 ASIS&T Virtual Annual Meeting - Virtual
  • Expert panel on emerging technologies and changes in research and learning (2020)
    EDUCAUSE Learning Community Annual Meeting - Bellevue, Washington
  • Knowledge infrastructure for qualitative inquiry (2020)
    Knowledge Infrastructures Workshop - Los Angeles, CA
  • Open Data in Public Libraries: Gauging Activities and Supporting Ambitions (2020)
    2020 ASIS&T Virtual Annual Meeting - Virtual
  • Participating in the data sharing ecosystem: Toward releasable, reproducible, and reusable data (2020)
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Research Retreat, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
  • Advancing open data: Aligning education with public sector data challenges (2019)
    Research Fair, Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
  • Data sharing across disciplines: “Evidential cultures” and curation for reuse (2019)
    Biomedical Research Integrity Program, UW Medicine and Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center - Seattle, Washington
  • From ambition to action: State and public libraries partnering on open data (2019)
    Chief Officers of State Library Agencies Fall Meeting - Hartford, Connecticut
  • What data does your community need the most? (2019)
    Washington State Library: First Tuesdays Webinars - Seattle, WA (online)
  • Advancing Open Data: Aligning Education with Public Sector Data Challenges (2018)
    Association for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting - Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Confronting the expanse of data education: From local open data to global cyberinfrastucture (2018)
    Association for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • Critical needs and opportunities adapting big data techniques to “small” data needs? 4D Workshop: Deep-time Data Driven Discovery and the Evolution of Earth (2018)
    Washington, DC
  • Cyberinfrastructure Professionalization Workshop (2018)
    National Science Foundation, Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRC) - Alexandria, Virginia
  • Information schools, library science & data science: Libraries in the age of big data, data science, and digital connectivity: Continuities, disruptions, and opportunities (2018)
    eScience Institute, Data Science Studies Working Group, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
  • Using data science to understand reading patterns in the global south: Lessons from the Mobile Reading Data eXchange (MRDX) project (2018)
    Libraries in the age of big data, data science, and digital connectivity: Continuities, disruptions, and opportunities - Seattle, Washington
  • Preserving principles and transforming practice: LIS expertise for the data age (2017)
    ACRL Washington and Oregon Joint Conference - Eatonville, WA
  • Information Work: Intellectual Roots and Applications (2016)
    Association for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting - Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Data Curation Education Grounded in Earth Sciences and the Science of Data (2015)
    American Geophysical Union - San Francisco, CA
  • Enriching education with exemplars in practice: Iterative development of data curation internships (2015)
    10th International Digital Curation Conference - London, United Kingdom
  • Realizing the potential of research data (2015)
    Coalition for Networked INformation - Seattle, WA https://vimeo.com/125487614
  • Retaining the Richness of Research Data (2015)
    Earth Data Science in the Era of Big Data and Compute, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources (BESR), National Academy of Sciences - Washington, D.C.
  • Cross-disciplinary data reuse (2014)
    Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2014, Future of Data Access and Preservation Panel - Oxford, England, United Kingdom
  • Data curation basics [online presentation] (2014)
    National Institutes of Health, Webinar Series: Data Literacy for Librarians
  • Fostering interdisciplinary science through data curation: Geobiology at Yellowstone National Park as exemplar (2014)
    12th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem - Yellowstone National Park, WY
  • Introduction to digital collection contexts (2014)
    iConference - Berlin, Germany
  • Preparing the workforce for digital curation: The iSchool perspective (2014)
    9th International Digital Curation Conference - San Francisco, CA
  • Putting research data into context: scholarly, professional, & educational approaches to curating data for reuse (2014)
    Association for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting - Seattle, WA
  • Responding to emerging workforce demand: Harnessing data center expertise (2014)
    Association for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting - Seattle, WA
  • Advancing site-based data curation for geobiology: The Yellowstone Exemplar (2013)
    46th Annual Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union - San Francisco, CA
  • Data curation and the reuse value of digital research data: Meeting the aims of multiple disciplines and stakeholders (2013)
    Ed Mignon Distinguished Lecture in Information Science, Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
  • Data curation for cross-disciplinary value and fit (2013)
    Computational Science & Engineering Annual Meeting - Champaign-Urbana, IL
  • Fueling and transforming evidential cultures of research (2013)
    Second Plenary Meeting of the Research Data Alliance - Washington, DC
  • Priorities for data curation education: Data center partnerships & long-tail science (2012)
    Microsoft eScience Workshop - Chicago, IL
  • Brainstorming data science @ iSchools (2012)
    iConference - Toronto, ON, Canada
  • Digital Collections & Content / DLF Beta Sprint: Context, overview, and lessons (2012)
    Digital Public Library of America, Audience & Participation Workstream Workshop - Dallas, TX
  • National evaluation of IMLS DCC & implications for DPLA (2012)
    DPLA Midwest Plenary Working Group on the Digital Hubs Pilot Project - Chicago, IL
  • The analytic potential of long-tail data: Sharable data and re-use value (2012)
    Wolfram Data Summit - Washington, DC
  • You can't use something you can't find: Data citation and data workforce dependencies (2012)
    National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences - Washington, DC
  • A new public space: Digital Public Library of America (2011)
    Digital Strategies for Heritage 2011 (DISH2011) / Europeana CCPA Annual General Meeting - Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Advancing collective cultural heritage: The IMLS Digital Collections and Content trajectory (2011)
    IMLS Digital Collections & Content / Europeana Workshop - Heraklion, Greece
  • CLIR-DLF / IMLS DCC Beta Sprint (2011)
    Digital Public Library of America Plenary Meeting - Washington, DC
  • Data curation and analytics to advance science and scholarship (2011)
    GSLIS Research Showcase - Champaign-Urbana, IL
  • Data curation and research libraries (2011)
    Data Curation Symposium, Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore, MD
  • Data practices across disciplines: Informing collections & curation (2011)
    iConference - Seattle, WA
  • Data sharing practices: Implications for curation and re-use (2011)
    American Society for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting - New Orleans, LA
  • Interdisciplinary information work: Concepts and practices (2011)
    Where Your World Meets Mine: Information Used Across Domains, SIG USE Workshop, American Society for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting - New Orleans, LA
  • Investing in research data (2011)
    Illinois Research Data Initiative, Opening Symposium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Champaign-Urbana, IL
  • The Digital Public Library of America initiative: Considering content and scope (2011)
    e-Research Roundtable, GSLIS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Champaign-Urbana, IL
  • Aggregating collections to advance our collective cultural heritage (2010)
    WebWise Conference - Denver, CO
  • Collections in the age of e-research: Realizing potential through aggregation and curation (2010)
    Digital Library Federation Fall Forum - Palo Alto, CA
  • Cross-disciplinary research on scientific data practices (2010)
    Fourth Bloomsbury Conference on e-Publishing and e-Publications - London, England, United Kingdom
  • Data curation and research librarianship (2010)
    University Libraries Council 6th Annual Staff Assembly, Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore, MD
  • Data curation and research librarianship in the age of e-science (2010)
    Medical Library Association Annual Meeting - Washington, DC
  • Information science & research library collaborations, by design (2010)
    IMLS Library Research Symposium - Baltimore, MD
  • Leveraging data conservancy R & D to advance data curation education (2010)
    Research Data Workforce Summit - Chicago, IL
  • Research and engagement with scientists to advance curation principles and processes (2010)
    Summer Institute on Data Curation, Graduate School of Library & Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Champaign-Urbana, IL
  • The Data Conservancy and data curation research and education at CIRSS (2010)
    Data Stewardship Committee, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Champaign-Urbana, IL
  • Asking difficult questions about institutional repositories: Factors for success and new directions for development and research (2009)
    American Society for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting - Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Curation of research data: Understanding scholarly practices and collections (2009)
    Summer Institute on Data Curation, Graduate School of Library & Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Champaign-Urbana, IL
  • Data Conservancy: A library based data cyberinfrastructure paradigm (2009)
    Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Conference - Portland, OR
  • Data sharing, small science, and institutional repositories (2009)
    UK e-Science All Hands Meeting - Oxford, England, United Kingdom
  • DataNet partners: Sharing science, linking domains, curating data (2009)
    American Society for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting - Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Emerging education initiatives in data curation (2009)
    Association for Library and Information Science Education - Denver, CO
  • Extending the data curation curriculum to practicing LIS professionals (2009)
    DigCCurr 2009 - Chapel Hill, NC
  • IMLS DCC: Improving the visibility and value of our digital cultural heritage (2009)
    Institute of Museum and Library Services - Washington, DC
  • Scholarly work and curated collections in the age of e-research: Surviving googlization (2009)
    Faculty of Education, McGill University - Montreal, QC, Canada
  • Strategic reading in science (2009)
    American Society for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting - Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • The Data Conservatory: A digital resource and curation virtual organization (2009)
    5th International Digital Curation Conference - London, England, United Kingdom