iSchool Capstone


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Climate Change: Through the Lens of American Communities

Our team seeks to understand the relationship between climate change and the 15 different community types that our sponsor, the American Communities Project, has identified. Working with climate data provided by USAFacts, we seek to analyze and understand temperature/precipitation data, as well as income data, to see if we can identify significant relationships between specific communities and climate change. Our website contains data visualizations that will assist journalists in telling the story behind these communities and drawing conclusions about their impact on the climate.
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Women of color students are a marginalized identity within the field of STEM spaces. In understanding how we can better support WOC students in educational settings, we can turn to teaching assistants. Teaching assistants play a direct, vital role in providing encouragement and empowerment to help students strive in pursuing the tech field. CONNECTA’s mission is to educate and engage students and teaching assistants to better equip them with tools to work with students with diverse backgrounds in creating comfortable and engaging learning spaces.
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Creating a New Mediterranean Diet App for Patients with Early-Onset Dementia

The Mediterranean Diet has been scientifically shown to improve people’s cognitive abilities. However, there is currently no nutrition app on the market specifically for elderly patients with early-onset dementia. Our team sought to create a new app based on the Mediterranean Diet app, Olitor, and increase the app’s accessibility for patients with early-onset dementia. Through usability testing, we found that relevant users wanted an interface with enlarged text, simplified language, and the option to record their nutrition more frequently. We thus implemented these features into our app so that this population can reach their nutritional goals and lead healthier lives.
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Cultured // The Easiest Way to Explore Your City

Cultured is a web app that builds personalized itineraries through an interactive quiz. As vaccination rates increase, people seek in-person experiences but struggle to coordinate with loved ones to try new things in their city. This led us to a key question: how might young adults make plans more efficiently to discover new activities and experiences? In a few easy steps, Cultured builds a personalized itinerary for individuals and groups looking to explore their city. Our interactive quiz learns what you like and builds a custom plan just for you. Discover hidden gems & local delights with Cultured!
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Diversifying Readers' Advisory

As a person of color, I often receive requests to recommend books by Indian or Asian authors. Though I do have some favorites, any library staff member (not just those of color) should feel confident recommending work by authors of color. The site “Diversifying Readers’ Advisory” highlights popular authors of recent years. Each author page will provide recommendations for similar titles written by authors of color. I believe emphasizing work by authors of color will encourage immersion into diverse perspectives, increase empathy, and allow diverse work to receive more attention.
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Dormino: Connect and share your dorm living experience

Currently, about 20% of all college students live in dormitories. These students spend more than half of their time at their residence halls. Students' dorm experiences are an important aspect of their overall college experience. Dormino is an information sharing platform for all things related to dorm life. From sharing stories about the dorm to connecting with friends. With Dormino, students can live, share, and reflect beyond their dormitory rooms.
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Fiction Filters: Crowdsourcing Website

Fiction subject tagging in libraries is largely ineffectual for a variety of reasons—e.g. a lack of robust, open-access vocabularies, the difficulty and time commitment of assessing the contents of fiction, and unsuitable software. In partnership with Fiction Filters: Taxonomy for Adult Fiction, who created our core vocabulary of tags, we created a website in which users tag previously read books in subject areas such as character traits and tropes, using their own or pre-existing tags. This gives power to readers to highlight what they find most important and appealing about books, browse by personal interests, and filter out unwanted content.
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Young people in college often have problems with debt management, don't have access to financial classes, and set fewer financial goals. To address these problems, we created a mobile application that connects low-income young adults to pro-bono financial advisors for individualized support. Users will be able to track their financial progress at their own pace and get one-on-one coaching with their advisors regarding their goals or concerns. Our app will help more young adults learn how to manage their credit and debt, and create the habit of setting financial goals that fit their lifestyle in the long term.
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Guddy: Connecting Gamers Around The World

Among 200 million U.S Gamers, 83% of American adults have experienced harassment in online multiplayer games. Our research showed that 64% of the harassment seemed from the low skill level of the players. Thus, the gaming community needs a friendly and safe environment where they can find teammates and improve their in-game skills. Guddy seeks to create the environment by matching players based on their gameplay, interests, and preferences. With Guddy, players from around the world would be able to find new ways of improving together and find connections that can last for a lifetime.
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Healio: Your children, your family, you. Manage your family’s medical information in one patient portal.

Healio provides a modern and accessible solution for users to access their healthcare information with a user-friendly interface and family healthcare integrations to manage health information efficiently. Based on our research, many users face difficulties managing their family’s healthcare online, with issues ranging from difficulty logging into family member portal accounts, making appointments and reviewing treatments online, as well as health privacy concerns. To address these issues, Healio is designed to be navigable and easy to understand to allow users to access and share family health information, communicating with providers as they often would in person - as a family.