iSchool Capstone


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Empowering homecare communities through innovative, research-driven design solutions to provider-consumer unresponsiveness on Carina’s homecare matching platform

Carina is a two-sided matching platform for those who are in need of homecare and those who provide homecare. To address user concerns about unresponsiveness, our team conducted extensive research and user testing. Findings showed that users faced missed notifications, forgotten replies, and overlooked messages. To increase the number of successful matches, we developed innovative designs relating to an unread message summary and message notification reminders with a focus on user experience.
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File Management for Artists and Creatives

The guide created for this capstone project aims to educate artists and creatives on the importance of file management while providing a guide for implementation. The survey sent out to artist communities found that artists (1) have a limited understanding of information organization, (2) do not follow an organization system, and (3) feel that information organization is essential. These results inspired the creation of a how-to guide for artists to follow and implement into their creative profession. The guide educates on various information organization topics specific to art and creative use with modeled examples.
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Hybrideation: Creative Solutions to Epic Problems

Our team was tasked with updating the Fortnite Creative Documentation and Unreal Editor Fortnite keyword taxonomy and processes to improve engagement, scope, and scalability. We evaluated the current documentation and gameplay to build our foundational knowledge of the issues in the space. Our next step involved interviewing team members to uncover areas of opportunity. We made changes to the current taxonomy based on feedback. Lastly, we developed a governance plan to create standards for maintaining and modifying the taxonomy as the space evolves. Our efforts will help onboard users, remove roadblocks, and increase the usability of the taxonomy.
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Market Maps - Empowering Customers with Targeted Market Segments

Market maps groups companies providing similar services together for industry analysis. Its optimization addresses limitations of manual creation and user customization. Through NLP techniques including keyword extraction and topic modeling, we have achieved improved segmentation, better naming, enhanced brand-image and credibility. The project's results include automation of a cumbersome manual task and faster refresh, resulting in reduced latency and improved customer experience. By enabling customers to find companies in newer segments as a starting point for research, our project makes a significant difference in the lives of investors, entrepreneurs and stakeholders, empowering them with accurate, timely insights for better decision-making.
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Microsoft Learn Search Experience

Trying to find information can be tough, especially when a website has lots of product offerings. Microsoft Learn users are facing difficulty because of the myriad of information, confusing UI, and lack of filter options. We conducted in-depth user research with surveys, interviews, and analysis and rendered 5 evidence-based solutions to improve the search experience on Microsoft Learn. Further, We developed an end-to-end roadmap to implement these recommendations and visualized them with a high-fidelity prototype. We expect these changes to provide improved content quality and relevance along with ease of use, saving significant time for the users.
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Munch - Simplifying Social Media for Small Businesses

More than ⅓ of small businesses lack social media accounts, despite it being one of the most popular resources for discovering new restaurants. Rather than needing to spend time learning complex interfaces, Munch is a user-friendly web app that enables small restaurants to upload content and improve visibility. Munch allows restaurants in Seattle’s University District to post updates, events, and promotions to a shared community Instagram page. Our Instagram page engages current and potential customers by providing a stream of content from multiple restaurants, fostering stronger customer relationships, and broadening audience reach.
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Pallet Shelter: Collecting Data To Enhance Village Models Aimed At Addressing Homelessness

Pallet Shelter addresses unsheltered homelessness by constructing transitional shelter villages. To gather data on their impact, we developed a solution for collecting anonymized information from village residents. This measures the effectiveness of non-congregate village models in addressing residents' health, well-being, and homelessness journey. Google Forms surveys capture resident and service partner experiences, while a staff dashboard enables data analysis. Our solution provides insights into non-congregate villages' effectiveness by gathering data from residents and staff, enhancing our understanding. A project proposal was created to ensure Pallet is on the right track to obtaining constant data they want to enhance our solution.
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Psycare: Cultural Approach to Manage ADHD Symptoms

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common yet underdiagnosed neurodevelopmental disorders in the US. Research suggests that more than a million people are undiagnosed and untreated because of constraints such as time and money. Psycare provides free support to both diagnosed and undiagnosed ADHD patients by providing non-pharmaceutical interventions to improve anxiety, concentration, and restlessness. It adds a unique angle to the market by drawing upon traditional wisdoms of several Asian cultures and introduces these ancestral practices to a wider audience.
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Stakeholder Investigation for UW Open Scholarship Commons

Verletta Kern and Beth Lytle collaborate to maintain the UW Libraries virtual space, Open Scholarship Commons. To expand this space into a more collaborative online platform, we conducted a needs assessment by interviewing other institutions with similar online platforms, as well as UW faculty. Through qualitative analysis, we determined recommendations and best practices for building an online digital scholarship commons that our sponsors can use to strategically develop an interdisciplinary online community at UW. This project supports the increase of interdisciplinary collaboration across UW.
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Survey and Evaluation of King County Library System Genealogical Collections

The King County Library System genealogical collections have never been evaluated for their efficacy. This project surveyed the state of the genealogical collections through cataloging of collection material, interviewing the target audience and peers, and analyzing how it serves the community. While there was a range of practices from peer libraries, the target audience showed satisfaction with the current state of the KCLS collections and their accessibility, and current practices were evaluated to be effective with the available labor. With the gathered information, KCLS is better equipped to understand patron needs for this particular collection.