iSchool Capstone


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SIFF: Building Your Archive From The Ground Up

Phase II of the SIFF capstone focused on preparing items for the online archive. This process involved scanning, photographing, and cataloging the digital and physical items in SIFF’s collection. These items would populate the online archive once made available not only for the general public but also for future archivists and researchers interested in film history and film festivals. The deliverables for this capstone include not only the website for the online archive but also a preservation plan and a finding aid for the physical items of the collection.
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SignStory: ASL Story Time for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Children

Recognizing the difficulty deaf children face in acquiring reading skills due to limited resources and learning opportunities, our project focuses on creating accessibility in story time. To address this challenge, we developed SignStory, a digital library of ASL (American Sign Language) translated storybooks accompanied by videos and closed captioning. Alongside ASL storytime, SignStory hosts a plethora of resources that enable and empower our users to explore various ASL resources. Signstory enhances educational opportunities and provides an additional resource for deaf and HoH children to succeed in primary, secondary, and post-secondary education whilst fostering a love for reading in their lives.
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Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon: A Network-based Approach to Venture Capital

Team Eureka collaborated with PitchBook to leverage their rich, proprietary data on VC investments and NoSQL technology, to organize and visualize the data in a way that adds value for its customers. The team has developed an interactive visual experience based on a powerful knowledge graph database that empowers VCs and companies alike to explore their network and find the shortest path to their next investor or investment. Additionally, users can filter on AUM industry verticals amongst other dimensions. The shared vision is to fully integrate the feature into PitchBook’s product as an extension to its current offerings.
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Skagit Valley College Archival Collection Project

Skagit Valley College (SVC) has been collecting historic materials for decades but never had the chance or the resources to organize and house them. This project seeks to lay the groundwork for an archive, offering access to materials for the upcoming centennial anniversary in 2026 and beyond. The project outcomes, including processes, recommendations, and documentation, are designed to pave the way for SVC to carry forward with standardized practices for the project. These outcomes will set the foundation for a lasting resource that will provide insights into the college's past and guidance for future endeavors in education and community engagement.
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Smartsheet: Streamlining Identity Access Management

Smartsheet faces challenges in conducting efficient and accurate user access reviews for federal regulation (SOX). The current reviewing process is time-consuming, error-prone, and poses security risks. Our team designed and developed an automated solution that streamlines user access review sheets, flags unauthorized accounts, and tracks KPIs. We also created a centralized data dictionary, providing managers with clear insights into user access and risks. Our solution has saved over 800 billable hours annually, optimized access reviews, enhanced compliance efforts and reduced security risks.
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Addressing the challenge that underprivileged youth face in landing technical job interviews due to lack of higher education and interest, Smash offers an AI-driven solution. Currently, many face barriers due to limited resources, educational disparities, and systemic inequalities. Our users seeks opportunities in tech but often encounters obstacles such as lack of guidance, resources, and networking connections. Smash Bot serves as a personalized mentor, conducting tailored interviews and recommending case studies aligned with users' goals. By bridging personalization, relevance, and accessibility, Smash Bot empowers marginalized communities to access fulfilling tech careers, regardless of traditional educational barriers.
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Storytelling as a Community Resilience Practice

The widespread social isolation and disconnection of our society is a pressing information issue because it results in radicalization, proneness to misinformation, and an erosion of connection to others. My objective was to study the foundational nature of story, explore its relationship to social development, empathy, and resilience, and give practical programming recommendations for creating a communal storytelling practice. I found that story is a form of resistance to oppressive systems, is a connective experience, and gives people a chance to see shared humanity. This project speaks on how we can leverage it to bring resilience to all communities.
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Styled: A Revolutionized Ethical and Inclusive Digital Fashion Space

Addressing the fashion industry’s sustainability challenges and lack of inclusive online communities, Styled seeks to revolutionize the digital fashion space by prioritizing education, diversity, and responsible consumption. Through community forums and guides, users can explore new styles, manage their wardrobe efficiently, and receive constructive fashion feedback in a safe environment. To empower users to make eco-conscious choices we provide sustainability statistics related to their closet and direct individuals to tools for learning about and contributing to the eco-friendly fashion space. Our emphasis on ethical and inclusive values inspires individuals to adopt sustainable practices and navigate the fashion landscape with confidence.
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Supporting Professionals and Young Minds: Creating Effective Libraries for Early Childhood Educators

At the UW Children’s Center at Portage Bay, the goal of the project was to enhance professional development for early childhood educators by focusing on social-emotional and anti-bias curricula. By curating a specialized library, educators gain access to resources that delve into these critical areas, offering insights, strategies, and practical tools to implement inclusive teaching practices. Additionally, auditing and restructuring the existing book collection will ensure alignment with these priorities, fostering a more comprehensive resource hub. Through the implementation of a cataloging system, educators can utilize the curated materials, empowering them to create nurturing and equitable environments for young children.
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Switching Your DEI-ET: A project to Standardize Diversity Reports

Our project introduces a unified diversity framework," a standardized approach to reporting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) metrics within the tech industry. Recognizing the current inconsistencies and confusion in DEI reporting, we are establishing a common standard to enhance transparency and accountability across the sector. This initiative aims to streamline how companies measure and compare their DEI efforts, facilitating better strategic decisions and resource allocation. By implementing this framework, tech companies will be better equipped to foster a more inclusive and equitable workplace, ultimately advancing systemic equality throughout the industry. This is a crucial step toward meaningful change in tech.