Publications and Contributions

  • Conference Paper
    How Asian Women’s Intersecting Identities Impact Experiences in Introductory Computing Courses (2021)
    Proceedings of the 2021 iConference Authors: Mina Tari, V. Hua, L. Ng, Hala Annabi
  • Conference Paper
    Experiences of Asian and Pacific Islander Women in Introductory Computing Courses (2020)
    RESPECT 2020: 5th Annual Conference For Research On Equity & Sustained Participation In Computing, Engineering, & Technology, March 2020 Authors: Mina Tari, L. Ng, V. Hua, Hala Annabi
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    It Is Time for More Critical CS Education (2020)
    Communications of the ACM, 63(11), pp. 31-33, ISBN/ISSN: 0001-0782 Authors: Amy J. Ko, Alannah Oleson, Neil Ryan, Yim Register, Benjamin Xie, Mina Tari, Matthew Davidson, Stefania Druga, Dastyni Loksa
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
    It's time for more Critical CS Education (2020)
    Communications of the ACM, pp. 31 - 33 Authors: Amy J. Ko, Alannah Oleson, Mara Kirdani-Ryan, Yim Register, Benjamin Xie, Mina Tari, Matthew Davidson, Stefania Druga, Dastyni Loksa
  • Conference Paper
    Otter this World: Can a Mobile Application Promote Children’s Connectedness to Nature? (2020)
    Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2020), pp. 444-457 Authors: Saba Kawas, Nicole Kuhn, Mina Tari, Alexis Hiniker, Katharine Davis
  • Conference Paper
    What Women Really Think of Women Affinity Groups in Tech (2020)
    Proceedings of the 26th Americas Conference on Information Systems Authors: S. Bhatia, Mina Tari, Hala Annabi
  • Conference Paper
    A Critical Analysis on the Effects of Negative IS Stereotypes on Underserved Populations (2019)
    Proceedings of the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems Authors: Mina Tari, Hala Annabi, Yvette Iribe Ramirez, Erin Beneteau, Stephanie Ballard
  • Conference Paper
    Are Women Affinity Groups Enough to Solve the Retention Problem of Women in the IT Workforce? (2018)
    Proceedings of the 51th Hawaii International Conference on System Science Authors: Hala Annabi, Mina Tari
  • Conference Paper
    Undergraduate Teaching Assistants’ Concerns in Creating Inclusive Technology Courses (2018)
    RESPECT 2018: 3rd Annual Conference For Research On Equity & Sustained Participation In Computing Engineering, & Technology Authors: Mina Tari, Hala Annabi, Amy J. Ko


  • “I Find Myself Wondering Why I Wanted to Do This:” Identifying Barriers for Students of Color in the LIS Field (2020)
    2020 ASIS&T Virtual Annual Meeting - Virtual
  • Someone On My Level: How Women of Color Describe the Role of Teaching Assistants in Creating Inclusive Technology Courses (2018)
    Fourth Annual Post-ICIS SIG Social Inclusion Workshop - San Francisco, California