Maria Garrido

CV Principal Research Scientist, Affiliate Assistant Professor
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Fax: 206-616-5149

Affiliate Position

  • Affiliate Assistant Professor, UW Information School


Maria is a Principal Research Scientist at the Technology & Social Change Group of the University of Washington’s Information School. Experienced in conducting multi-country studies that span diverse geographic regions, much of her research focuses on the appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to catalyze social change, specifically in communities facing social, political, and economic challenges. Keenly interested in the role of ICTs in social movements, youth employability, and skill development, Maria has worked closely with civil society organizations, NGOs, public libraries, and development funders to conduct participatory research that results in actionable recommendations for policy and practice. Recent examples of her research include the role of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in advancing youth employability in Colombia, the Philippines, and South Africa; employability of migrant women and e-skills in the European Union; and youth movements, ICTs, and the struggle for democracy in Egypt’s Arab Spring. Maria is currently leading a multi-year research effort focusing on the role of access to information in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She holds a Ph.D. in Communications from the University of Washington and a Masters in International Relations from the University of Chicago.


  • Ph D, University of Washington, 2006
  • MA, University of Chicago, 1999
  • BA, Universidad Iberoamericana, 1994


  • Americas Communication Research Network
  • Association of Internet Researchers
  • International Network for Social Network Analysis

Publications and Contributions


  • Development and Access to Information 2019 (DA2i) Report (2019)
    Redplanes 2019 - Cusco, Peru
  • Public Libraries as Learning Spaces to Promote Data Literacy for Civic Participation Among Women (2019)
    NEXT Library - Aarhus, Denmark
  • Development and Access to Information: The Role of Libraries in Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (2018)
    10th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML 2018) - Chania, Crete, Greece
  • Mobile Information Literacy: Adaptable curriculum for smartphone users in Myanmar and Kenya (2018)
    Mobile Learning Week - Paris, France
  • We can work it out: Building future skills for the digital economy (2018)
    UNESCO/ITU Mobile Learning Week 2018 - Paris, France
  • Launching the Development and Access to Information report (2017)
    Remarks at side event of the UN High Political Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals, New York Public Library - New York, New York
  • Public Libraries: Thriving Social Spaces for Civic Engagement (2017)
    iAffilates Day 2017 - Seattle
  • Coding Bootcamps: a Strategy for Youth Employment in Developing Countries (2016)
    World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2016 - Geneva, Switzerland
  • Dynamics of mobile phone appropriation in transnational migration: The experience of Mexican migrants in Seattle, Washington (2015)
    International Conference on Mobile Applications for Empowerment and Social Inclusion of Immigrants - London, England, United Kingdom
  • First I-LINC project panel on youth employability (2015)
    Telecentre Europe Summit 2015 - Belgrade, Serbia
  • eInclusion actors and public access: Future trends and research in the field of ICTD (2014)
    Telecenter-Europe Summit - Zagreb, Croatia
  • Transforming research into tools for advocacy and policy action (2014)
    Telecenter-Europe capacity building workshop - Brussels, Belgium
  • Youth, employability and eleadership skills: Youth entpreneuralism in the Euroepan Union (2014)
    European e-Skills 2014 Conference e-Leadership and IT Professionalism, European Commission - Brussels, Belgium
  • Collective action in the age of social media. Theoretical and methodological considerations (2013)
    Summer Graduate Seminars, University Complutense - Madrid, Spain
  • Mapping eInclusion actors in the European Union: Preliminary Findings (2013)
    Spark 4th Global Forum on Telecenters, - Granada, Spain
  • Youth and Social Change in the Digital Age (2013)
    Department of Communications, Grad School Seminar.University of San Luis, Argentina - San Luis, Argentina
  • Appropriating Facebook: Egypt's April 6th Movement through the lens of a social networking site (2012)
    Association for Internet Researchers - Manchester, England, United Kingdom
  • Human and Political Grievances for Mobilization: Differential roles of Facebook during the Egyptian Arab Spring (2012)
    Change Seminar, Department of Computer Science - Seattle, WA
  • Intercultural communication and social movements: Lessons from the April 6th Youth Movement in Egypt (2012)
    Intercultural Communications Seminar, Department of Communications, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
  • International Research: lessons, challenges, and how it continues to shape my worldview (2012)
    International Research Methods Graduate Seminar, Department of Communications, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
  • Literature Review of how Telecentres operate and have an Impact on eInclusion. Expert Workshop on Measuring the impact of eInclusion intermediaries (2012)
    MIRIEA Project experts workshop, Joint Research Center of the European Commission - Seville, Spain
  • Mobile phone use in the context of interntaional migration (2012)
    Mobile Assistance for Social Inclusion and Empowerment of Immigrants with Persuasive Learning Technologies and Social Network Services, European Union DG Connect - Rome, Italy
  • Past and Present of Telecenters: Their demonstrated value (2012)
    Telecentre Europe Summit - Warsaw, Poland
  • RT @Leaders #g20: The emergence of influence in protest-related tweeting (2012)
    Institute for Prospective Technology Studies (IPTS) Knowledge Market Place - Seville, Spain
  • Seminario online: El Rol de los Centros de Acceso Pœblico a Internet en Situaci›n de Catÿstrofe [online presentation] (2012) Webinars
  • A Critical Theory approach to social change research: Perspectives, Strategies, and why Information Technology matters (2011)
    Social Tools for Social Change Seminar, Department of Communication, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
  • A Critical Theory approach to social change research: Social Movements, Social networks, and the role of ICTs (2011)
    PhD Research Design Seminar (INSC570) - Seattle, WA
  • Dynamics of mobile phone appropriation in transnational migration: Preliminary observations on the experiences of migrants in Seattle, WA (2011)
    Association for Internet Researchers Aoir12 - Seattle, WA
  • ICT and Collective Action: Egypt's April˜6th Youth Movement and the Revolution (2011)
    Community Informatics Seminar, Information School, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
  • Immigrant women, e-Skills, and Employability in Europe: The Case of Hungary, Italy, Romania, Spain, and The Netherlands (2011)
    iSchool Research Conversations - Seattle, WA
  • Measuring the role of social organizations in advancing EU e-Inclusion goals (2011)
    Telecentre Europe Summit 2011 - Brussels, Belgium
  • Mobility and Emergent Information Needs: Three Projects - North America, South America and Europe (2011)
    Gates Foundation Global Libraries Program - Seattle, WA
  • Public Access ICT and Disaster Management (2011)
    Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA) Talks - Seattle, WA
  • Social movements, social networks and the quest for social change (2011)
    Communication and International Relations Seminar, Department of Communication, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
  • Social movements, solidarity networks, and the quest for social change (2011)
    Community Informatics Seminar, Information School, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
  • Social movements, solidarity networks, and the quest for social change : The experience of the Zapatista Movement and the G20 Movement (2011)
    ICT4D Seminar, Information School, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
  • The Role of Libraries & Telecenters during the 2010 Chilean Earthquake (2011)
    Gates Foundation library gathering - Seattle, WA
  • The Zapatista Indigenous Women: The Movement within the Movement (2011)
    Indigenous Feminisms, Women Studies, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
  • From 'the end user is the message' to 'the interaction is the message': Proposing mediated action as a framework for analyzing the role of ICTs in development (2010)
    Open development: Technological, organizational and social innovations transforming the developing world, IDRC - International Development Research Center - Ottawa, CA
  • Understanding the links between ICT skills and employability: An Analytical Framework (2010)
    Information and Communications Technology for Development (ICTD) - London, England, United Kingdom