Karine Nahon appointed co-chair of ‘Digital and Social Media’ track at HICSS

For the first time in its 46-year history, the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), has appointed a woman to lead one of their conference tracks.

Karine Nahon, iSchool associate professor, will co-chair a new track titled, ‘Digital and Social Media’, with Kevin Crowston from the Information School at Syracuse University.  The new track will be the tenth subject area to be covered in future conferences and provide a consolidated place for research about the topic.

Nahon and her co-chair view the track as a ‘convening platform for researchers to share and discuss their cutting-edge research’ on topics such as: social networking and communities; digital media and society; digital media technologies; visualization of social networks; data analytics; digital media applications; digital media literacy; and ethical issues related to copyright, misinformation, offensive content and cyberbullying, scams and privacy, self-organization and governmental regulation.

HICSS is second in citation ranking among 18 Information Systems conferences, third out of 13 in value to the Management Information Systems field, and second among the 11 Information System conferences.