iDEAS Affinity Group iWelcome
The IDEAS Affinity Group iWelcome Lunch & Social connects incoming and current iSchool BIPOC & international undergraduate and graduate students and students from other historically excluded groups. Students meet and mingle across programs, cohorts and modes in order to share stories and experiences, socialize and build community together.
An essential part of developing and sustaining a community of belonging is creating authentic pathways to connect with one another in meaningful and powerful ways. We invite you to connect with others, as well as to meet your program chairs, program coordinators and IDEAS and career advisors. Leaders and members of iSchool student orgs are looking forward to welcoming you to the iSchool. Find voice, find friends, find future by connecting with your student orgs.
We invite activists, advocates, allies, academics and adventurers from all backgrounds. ALL are welcome to join us and lunch is provided! Get involved early and make a difference. Change lives!
*In Person, On Campus*
RSVP to attend, space is limited