High School to iSchool

“High School to iSchool” introduces BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) and other underrepresented minoritized/marginalized (URM) middle and high school students to Informatics and Direct-to-Major Admission. We engage and inform students and their teachers and families about the UW, Informatics and different career paths in technology.
At the iSchool, inclusion and connectedness are celebrated as essential components of academic excellence. With the iSchool now offering direct admission to the undergraduate Informatics program, students with limited early-access to technology may feel they are not as competitive as those who have greater access. "High School to iSchool" programs created by the iSchool and our student groups work to eliminate barriers created by institutional discrimination and create opportunities for BIPOC/URM students.
We invite high school students from the Seattle area and the state of Washington to three events during the school year:
FearLess Tech More Innovation Challenge
Updated 2024 dates: Oct. 14-18, 2024
Presented by the Office of IDEAS, Informatics Undergraduate Association (IUGA), and Women in Informatics (Winfo)
We are excited to welcome middle and high school students from Washington state and beyond to engage in a weeklong online design challenge. The Fearless Tech More Innovation Challenge is an opportunity for middle and high school students to experiment and explore the possibilities using technology for social good, to understand that they can and will shape our future. It is not about what can we do with technology; rather, it is about what should we do with technology.
FearLess is a weeklong hackathon and includes time for students to watch instructional videos, engage with mentors, and build their own project with a team of their choosing. The process is completely virtual, and at the end participants get to showcase their projects to each other and judges from the UW iSchool. (Did we mention there are prizes too?)
Current iSchool students: Learn details about mentorship opportunities for this innovation challenge.
iTech Inclusion Modules Project
Winter quarter
Presented by Winfo, IUGA and the Office of IDEAS
The iTech Inclusion Modules are inclusive, engaging and beginner friendly 20-40-minute technology modules to be used in classrooms for students to explore technology topics, such as: virtual reality; coding; design process; user experience; cybersecurity; how to create an app; webpage development and more. All the modules will have a strong focus on equity, inclusion and social justice.
The modules may be used as a one-time tech unit or in combination as a tech series. They can be combined into a one-day or half-day conference; used as an on-campus workshop or off-campus high school or community “pop-up” experience in conjunction with outreach; and countless other events and activities. The modules are offered in-person or online, and have been developed by iSchool students, faculty, alumni and staff, demonstrating the type of learning that happens at the iSchool.
Hack for Social Good
Friday, April 5, 2024; wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House
Presented by Women in Informatics, the Office of IDEAS and the Dream Project
Attention TEACHERS! Hack for Social Good (H4SG) is a half-day field-trip for students to:
- Learn about Informatics, the fastest growing major on Seattle Campus
- Learn about UW first-year direct-to-major admission
- Experience a mini-hackathon
- Meet current UW students (H4SG mentors)
- Enjoy a delicious taco bar lunch (provided)
- Hear about UW student experiences during a lunchtime student panel
- Go on an (optional) guided UW campus tour
Hack for Social Good brings together 200 diverse middle and high school students to engage technology and equity and social justice. The event is beginner-friendly – no technology skills required! We explore, design and create potential technology-based solutions that unlock the power of technology for positive change. H4SG challenges students to venture into real-world problem spaces and develop thoughtful solutions that advance diversity, equity and inclusion.
H4SG fosters an inclusive and collaborative environment for middle and high school students to engage with UW Informatics students, learn about potential careers in the field, learn about UW direct-to-major admission, and increase their exposure to the UW campus. Lunch will be provided, and students will have the opportunity to win prizes!
To learn more about how to bring your students to H4SG, please contact: Cynthia del Rosario at: iIDEAS @uw.edu. If you are an interested middle or high school student, please have your teacher reach out!
Current UW students: Learn details about mentorship opportunities for this innovation challenge.