iSchool Capstone


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WWII Evacuation and Internment of Unangax in Southeast Alaska: a Subject Bibliography

Following the Japanese attack on Unalaska in 1942, government officials forced Unangan civilians to evacuate their villages in the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands and transported them to inadequate living quarters in locations across Southeast Alaska. They lived in these camps for two to three years without adequate food, shelter, or medical care. Relatively few resources exist concerning these tragic events. This subject bibliography includes citations to primary and secondary resources on the topic. It was created to support future research and aid the Juneau-Douglas City Museum in curating an exhibit to be on display in the summer of 2020.
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Zines and Body Image at Ballard High School Library

This project aims to create a connection between Ballard High School’s library and existing sex education curriculum through creative, student-led engagement. After consulting students and staff, information about body image emerged as a need. We developed a list for new acquisitions centered on sex education, created a book display including passive programming, and planned three in-person zine workshops. Due to the COVID-19 closures, we adapted the workshops to occur online synchronously and asynchronously. This project creates space for students to creatively express themselves while utilizing the library as a space to have hard conversations about body image.