iSchool Capstone


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Designing the Future of Modern Work Spaces: Building a High-Performance Environment to Empower Human Collaboration

Despite 'Open-Plan' workspace having its stimulating collaboration and teamwork, it has many issues that trouble employees daily. Through the team’s research and analysis, we found out that noisy environments, lack of privacy, personalization, and health concerns are some of the major issues in an 'Open-Plan' workspace, and that workers of different job functions have different levels of dissatisfaction for 'Open-Plan' workspaces. Our design idea is a private/quiet space lookup system with real-time updates on the office spaces’ condition so that the workers can navigate within the office accurately based on their needs for privacy or quietness.
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We set out to research how intermediate programming students could achieve a more intuitive understanding of computer science data structures so that they can make better design decisions when creating software and utilize these concepts in future work. Based on feedback from programming instructors and user testing, we determined that our product,, is successful in breaking down learning barriers and cultivating strong mental models of common data structures. Our product will allow more students to feel confident in their programming skills and succeed in various technical roles.
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Digital Exhibition for the Northwest Annual Art Exhibition and Seattle Art Museum

The Northwest Annual was a yearly exhibition of painting and sculpture by Pacific Northwest artists, hosted by the Seattle Art Museum from 1914 to 1977, and served as a significant cultural event for regional artists. In order to properly manage and promote archival materials about the NWA, a new digital exhibition was created for SAM. This involved digitizing the original checklists, creating descriptive metadata, using OCR to improve search, restoring photographic material, and interviewing local NW art experts. This digital exhibition will now enable online access to these materials, providing rich information for researchers interested in 20th century Northwest art.
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Digital Preservation at the Seattle Asian Art Museum: Creating the John Grimes Travel Slides of Japan Collection

This project contributes to the Seattle Art Museum (SAM)’s Historical Media Collection, preserving materials stored in outdated formats. Due to limited resources, the Seattle Asian Art Museum (SAAM) lacks a digital preservation plan. A donation of 1,000+ slides, taken to document John Grimes’ cultural tour around Japan from 1987-88 and offering a rare glimpse at the ceremonies, architecture, and exhibits he observed, has remained unprocessed and inaccessible. To preserve and provide access to them, this project involved arranging and describing all 1,000+ slides, digitizing 200+ slides from over 20 geographical locations, and creating an Omeka exhibit for SAM’s Digital Collections.
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Diversifying Classroom Libraries: Implementing a rotating classroom library in a public elementary school

The problem our project is trying to solve is that our Sponsor organization, a PreK-8 school, is unable to provide adequate library time to the students in grades PreK-3 due to a lack of resources. We created a diverse classroom library that rotates between the PreK-3 classrooms. Our goal is to support their literacy growth by increasing their access to high quality and appealing books. The books focus on diversity and inclusion acting as windows, mirrors, and doors. We also provided the school with resources that will assist them in continuing the work of adding diverse books into their library.
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Easy Park & Ride

The Seattle Squeeze makes its transportation system strained. Although people are recommended to utilize Park and Ride facilities, they get frustrated when they do not know parking availability until they arrive. Our team EveREST addresses this information problem through providing real-time parking availability information. We gathered data from 686 users and designed a user-centered data pipeline. We collected real-time data through sensors, processed streaming data through cloud database, and visualized dynamic data through web application. Our solution not only helps users have equitable access to parking information, but also helps transit agencies make more effective decisions to solve Seattle traffic challenges.
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Save the planet in Minecraft! We use Minecraft, a game familiar to hundreds of millions, as a learning environment where students work together to explore and learn about their environmental impact. Teachers can use our collaborative experience to instruct their students digitally, augmenting their instruction with our simple, modular lesson plans, and interactive Minecraft Education experience. Students can explore our virtual village, Tree Town, and work together to save the village from climate change, all the while learning about environmental issues and developing critical thinking skills. Saving Tree Town will help kids develop the skills necessary to save the planet.
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ElectionGuard is an open-source solution not intended to be administrated by Microsoft but instead empowers organizations and voters. The ElectionGuard toolkit can be used in new and old voting systems alike and enables voters to check on their own if all votes that were cast are valid and accurately tallied. Being open-source, it does not compromise security or secrecy and does not rely on one particular software. How this solution works is a voter casts a ballot and is presented with a tracking code. At home, they can use said code to verify online that their vote was counted.
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ElectionGuard Verifier

The existing voting process has not kept up with technological changes and the emerging threats. The election procedure is highly decentralized since each state has its own devices and methods for registering votes. Currently, there is no simple, user-friendly, and efficient method for verifying elections that can be widely adopted with relative ease. Our election verifier enables independent public verification of the cast vote. ElectionGuard verifier is an open-source, lightweight, and platform-independent system that can be used by any voter to check if their votes were cast correctly, without giving away which candidate the voter voted for.
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Elisabeth C. Miller Library Horticulture Slide Capstone

The John Wott Slide Collection was originally intended to support academic reference and research, and it is now combined with 35mm slides created by Joy Spurr. Through this project, we intend to set up an organized foundation for the Elisabeth C. Miller Library to digitize these materials on a manageable budget and make them available to support teaching and research in a more modern era of technology. Deliverables include a weeded, organized, and cataloged slide collection, an online exhibit established in Omeka, and a research paper discussing digitization, preservation, funding, and budget options for the collection materials.