iSchool Capstone

This Library Life

Project tags:

knowledge organization

mobile or web development

social media

Project poster

This Library Life Gabbie Barnes, Residential MLIS Rebecca Fronczak, Online MLIS Erin Vonnahme, Residential MLIS Librarians love to share. Despite our love for sharing ideas among ourselves and our patrons, there’s no single, independent repository available to find library programming across the country. Until now. This Library Life (TLL) is an interactive website where library professionals can share ideas, encouraging users to discover diverse library services and initiatives happening across the country. We’ve done a lot of “behind the scenes” work for this online tool, developing a well-thought out structure and metadata schema which will allow users to navigate TLL with ease. These considerations will make future growth and more customization possible. In short, we’re presenting a digital platform that aggregates and visualizes just how dynamic, creative, and vital libraries are to their communities. Just like the library itself, This Library Life is an environment that encourages engagement, interaction, and community growth, one story at a time.

Project participants:

Gabbie Barnes


Rebecca Fronczak


Erin Vonnahme


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