iSchool Capstone


Project tags:

information behavior & user research

mobile or web development

social media

Project poster

The community for Blender, a 3D graphics application, has become a stagnant cesspool of websites targeting novice 3D artists. In response, we have created Vyrtical, a web space where advanced Blender artists can foster improvement by competing, inspiring, and contributing to the community while showcasing the best works created in Blender. Using prior surveys and by analyzing related websites, we determined that the Blender user base is dispersed, immature, and lacks professional engagement in the community. Vyrtical is now open for the benefit of the community and has begun allowing Blender artists to share their high quality works and will continue to inspire and motivate Blender artists far into the future.

Project participants:

Justin Brown


Thien Bui


Eric Choi
