iSchool Capstone


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Why I Want to Quit Librarianship

We acknowledge that librarianship is subjective, but subjectivity invites potential for artistry, esotericism, provocation which I feel is sorely underexplored. My project encompasses four works of library art - art which critically and creatively engages with the theory, practice, politics, culture, technology, and mechanics of libraries and information. My work includes exploratory information technology and design experiments and ideological messaging, but above all it is art, aimed at intangible enrichment of the self and others.
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WTBBL Diversity Audit

The Washington Talking Book and Braille Library (WTBBL) needs diverse collections in order to meet its users’ needs. In order to expose gaps in WTBBL’s holdings, our team conducted a diversity audit of the young adult collection. We found that the authors and main characters in the collection are overwhelmingly white, cisgender, and heterosexual. We recommended ways to make the collection more representative of Washington’s population and improve the library’s subject headings. With these recommendations and the data to justify them, WTBBL will be better equipped to serve its users with diverse, representative collections.