As part of Google's growing efforts to advance health equity and mitigate health disparities, Lisa Dirks and Wanda Pratt received a $50,000 gift from Google to support Lisa’s thesis work on “Co-designing with Alaska Native communities to communicate equitable health research results.”
Wanda Pratt received a $10,000 gift from Google for her work related to "Gender and Health Informatics."
Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Lisa Anthony, and Jacob O. Wobbrock received the ACM ICMI 2022 Ten-Year Technical Impact Award for their paper published in 2012:
- Vatavu, R.-D., Anthony, L. and Wobbrock, J.O. (2012). Gestures as point clouds: A $P recognizer for user interface prototypes. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI '12). Santa Monica, California (October 22-26, 2012). New York: ACM Press, pp. 273-280. []
$P was the third paper in a succession after $1 and $N that focused on stroke-gesture recognition, with $1 first appearing in 2007. A video illustrating the $P gesture recognition algorithm at work is here. Congratulations, Jake!
Wanda Pratt and Hyeyoung Ryu received the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Samantha Adams ELSI best paper award:
- Hyeyoung Ryu, and Wanda Pratt. Microaggression clues from social media: revealing and counteracting the suppression of women’s health care, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 29 (2), 257-270. []
This award honors a peer-reviewed paper published during the prior calendar year in an AMIA or non-AMIA journal or conference proceedings, that best exemplifies the legacy and scholarship of Samantha Adams’s work at the intersection of informatics and ethics.
Jevin West gave the keynote on policy interventions to misinformation at the U.S. State Department’s Humphrey Fellowship Program national meeting in Washington DC. The in-person attendees included leaders and representatives from 86 countries from around the world.
Batya Friedman gave an invited talk in the Critical Tech Talk (CTT) series at the University of Waterloo: “Shaping Technology with Moral Imagination: Leveraging the Machinery of Value Sensitive Design.”
Jevin West gave an invited lecture for the Seattle Surgical Society’s annual meeting at the Rainier Club last month where he talked about the rise of medical misinformation.
Chirag Shah gave an invited talk titled "Seeking Human-AI Synergy for Fair and Transparent Information Systems” at the Chinese CHI conference.
Marika Cifor published an article with Cait McKinney (Simon Fraser), “On Digital Models: Responding to Viral Metaphors in Pandemic Times” in Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Special Section: Metaphors as Meaning and Method in Technoculture []. It can be accessed here: [].
Marika Cifor published the article, No! Re-imagining Data Practices Through the Lens of Critical Refusal, with Patricia Garcia (Michigan), Tonia Sutherland (UCLA), Niloufar Salehi (UC Berkeley), and Anubha Singh (Michigan) in Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 6, Issue CSCW2 November 2022 Article No.: 315pp 1–20. [].
Julia Dunbar, Emily Bascom (INFO alum), Wanda Pratt, Jaime Snyder, and Ari Pollack had a paper published in the Pediatric Transplantation Journal:
Dunbar JC, Bascom E, Pratt W, Snyder J, Smith JM, Pollack AH. My Kidney Identity: Contextualizing pediatric patients and their families kidney transplant journeys. Pediatric Transplantation. 2022 Nov; 26(7): e14343.
David Wadden (CSE), Kyle Lo, Bailey Kuehl, Arman Cohan, Iz Beltagy, Lucy Lu Wang, Hannaneh Hajishirji (CSE) had a paper accepted to EMNLP Findings:
Wadden, D., Lo, K., Kuehl, B., Cohan, A., Beltagy, I., Wang, L.L., & Hajishirzi, H. (2022). SciFact-Open: Towards open-domain scientific claim verification. To appear in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022. Association for Computational Linguistics, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. arXiv: 2210.13777 []
Sanjana Chintalapati (CSE), Jonathan Bragg, and Lucy Lu Wang presented their paper at ASSETS 2022:
- Chintalapati, S.S., Bragg, J., & Wang L.L. (2022). A Dataset of Alt Texts from HCI Publications: Analyses and Uses Towards Producing More Descriptive Alt Texts of Data Visualizations in Scientific Papers. In Proceedings of the 24th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 30, 1–12.
Jason Young presented his project “Exploring The Benefits and Challenges of Community-Powered Connectivity In The New Arctic” on the “Arctic Economies, Development, and Well-Being” panel at the NNA Annual Meeting.
A coalition of 20 child-advocacy groups submitted a petition to the Federal Trade Commission asking them to ban dark patterns in children’s apps, based on Alexis Hiniker’s research in this space. The petition was covered in the New York Times: "Children’s Groups Want F.T.C. to Ban ‘Unfair’ Online Manipulation of Kids."
Lucy Lu Wang participated on a panel at PageBreak 2022 in San Francisco, CA on "How AI can make PDF useful again," discussing her work on scientific document understanding and making scientific papers more accessible.
Marika Cifor’s book, Viral Cultures: Activist Archiving in the Age of AIDS, was the subject of an author-meets-critics panel together with Cait McKinney and their book, Information Activism, at the American Studies Association conference in New Orleans. The critics for the session were Ann Cvetkovich (Carleton), Jallicia Jolly (Amherst) and Roderic Crooks (UC Irvine).
Chirag Shah presented "Misinformation and the Downward Spiral of Information Access Systems” to the SIG-Social Media panel.
Chirag Shah participated on a panel on AI, UX, and Usability at the Information Science summit.
Melanie Walsh organized and participated in a panel at the American Studies Association in New Orleans, titled "Toward a Critical Data Pedagogy: American Studies Perspectives in the Digital Humanities Classroom."
Jevin West and Kate Starbird were invited to participate in Geekwire’s Civic Conversation on Protecting Democracy.
Alexis Hiniker’s lab was profiled in Scientific American: “Why Social Media Makes People Unhappy—And Simple Ways to Fix It.”
Joseph T. Tennis was interviewed for an Oregon Daily News segment: “Deschutes Public Library dumping 150-year-old Dewey Decimal System.”
Jevin West was featured in a PC Magazine article on whether Twitter can stamp out misinformation: “Can Twitter Stamp Out Misinformation? Should It?”