Temi Odumosu published an essay in Public Memory, Public Art – Reflections on Monuments and Memorial Art Today [artandtheory.org] (Art and Theory Publishing): “On Shadows and Disintegrating Forms: A mixtape for an imperfect moment.”
Jason Young, Katie Davis, Jevin West, Shaun Glaze (Black Brilliance Research), and Ahmer Arif (UT Austin), received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Convergence Accelerator Phase II grant of $5,000,000 for Co-designing for Trust: Reimagining Online Information Literacies with Underserved Communities [nsf.gov]. Chris Jowaisas, Cindy Aden, David Levy, Emma Spiro, Michael Caulfield, Nic Weber, Stacey Wedlake, Tanu Mitra, Maddy Jalbert, and Rachel Moran will serve as key personnel on the project. Of the total amount, $2,740,223 will come to the iSchool.
Jevin West joined a research and policy delegation last week at the U.S. Embassy in Finland that included Governor Inslee, Senator Liias, and various Washington leaders. The goal of the trip was to build on the Memorandum of Understanding [finlandabroad.fi] signed by the two governments last year.
Chirag Shah gave a talk titled "From Responsible AI to Responsibility in AI: Fairness and Transparency in Information Access [si.umich.edu]” to University of Michigan last week.
Jevin West, Kate Starbird, Jason Young, and Ryan Calo had a paper published this week in the Journal of Online Trust and Safety: Auditing Google’s Search Headlines as a Potential Gateway to Misleading Content: Evidence from the 2020 US Election [doi.org]. The paper included student authors Himanshu Zade, Morgan Wack, and Yuanrui Zhang (INFO Alum). The paper will be presented next week at Stanford University for the Trust and Safety Research Conference [tsresearchconference.org].
Adam Moore’s article “Privacy, Security, and Surveillance,” Technology Ethics: A Philosophical Introduction and Readings [routledge.com] (Routledge), edited by Gregory Robson and Jonathan Y. Tsou will be available Dec. 2022. Adam has also completed a substantial revision to “Intellectual Property,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Aug. 2022 https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/intellectual-property/ [plato.stanford.edu]
Heather Whiteman was interviewed by Benefit News about monitoring employee productivity data: “How to track employee productivity without crossing privacy lines.”
Annie Searle was quoted in a new Risk Universe article [riskbusiness.com]: “WhatsApp fines: what does this mean for compliance?”
Alexis Hiniker’s work on dark patterns in children’s technology was recently covered by Newsweek [newsweek.com] and TODAY [today.com].