Megan Finn, in collaboration with Katherine Shilton (University of Maryland), received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2) program grant of $225,929 for the Development of Research Ethics Governance Projects in Computer Science.
Katie Davis, along with Mega Subramaniam (University of Maryland), guest edited a special issue of Information and Learning Sciences: Beyond Digital Youth: Understanding, Supporting, and Designing for Young People's Digital Experiences. Among the ten papers in the issue, there is an introduction that Katie co-wrote with Mega and a paper with Jason Yip as lead author.
Chris Rothschild contributed to a co-authored article in npj Ocean Sustainability: “Social equity is key to sustainable ocean governance.”
Mandi Harris (Cherokee Nation) was a panelist on the Native America Calling radio program to discuss banned and challenged books. She was on the panel with Dr. Debbie Reese (Nambe Pueblo), founder of American Indians in Children’s Literature blog; Kevin Maillard (Seminole), author and professor of Law at Syracuse University; and Lynette Dial (Lumbee), a library supervisor for Hoke County Library.
One of Alexis Hiniker’s CHI papers was featured in a Wall Street Journal article last week: “How to Keep From Getting Lost in Mindless Social-Media Scrolling.” The work referenced in the article was led by CSE PhD student, Amanda Baughan.
Marika Cifor was interviewed about her book, Viral Cultures: Activist Archiving in the Age of AIDS (University of Minnesota, 2022), for the New Books Network. The podcast is available at:
Katherine A. Cross’ December 2021 interview about the Metaverse was highlighted by the Brookings Institution in an article celebrating the 2-year anniversary of their TechTank podcast.
Chirag Shah was quoted in an article for “Tech Workers Struggle With Hybrid IT Complexity.”