Jason Young was interviewed about his work with the Tacoma Cooperative Network for a UW Daily article titled, “UW researchers work to decrease digital divide.”
Jacob O. Wobbrock was interviewed for a UW Daily article titled, “UW iSchool professor begins work on an ability-based design toolkit for more accessible technology.”
Mingrui “Ray” Zhang had a paper accepted to CHI 2021:
- Mingrui “Ray” Zhang, Shumin Zhai. (2021). “PhraseFlow: Designs and Empirical Studies of Phrase-Level Input.” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’21). Yokohama, Japan (May 8-13, 2021). New York: ACM Press. To appear.
Wanda Pratt has the following news to share:
- The latest issue of the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) is a special issue titled, “Building on Diana Forsythe’s legacy: the value of human experience and context in biomedical and health informatics,” and a paper she co-authored was the Editor’s Choice and featured article for the issue: “Different roles with different goals: Designing to support shared situational awareness between patients and clinicians in the hospital.“ The paper was co-authored with Ari H. Pollack, Sonali R. Mishra (iSchool PhD alum), Calvin Apodaca, Maher Khelifi, and Shefali Haldar.
- She had a paper accepted to CSCW 2021: Yiran Zhao, Yoojung Kim, Shefali Haldar, Sonali R. Mishra (iSchool PhD alum), Julia Dunbar, Calvin Apodaca, Regina Casanova-Perez, Ari H. Pollack, and Wanda Pratt. (2021). “Supporting Goal-Based Collaboration for Hospitalized Children.” Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction Vol. 5 (CSCW3). New York: ACM Press. To appear.
- She also had a paper accepted to the CHI 2021 Late-Breaking Work Track: “Theory is in the Eye of the Beholder: Exploring Difficulties with Validating Intervention Mechanisms.” The paper was co-authored with Sonali R. Mishra (iSchool PhD alum), Shefali Haldar, Ari H. Pollack, and Predrag Klasnja.
Research conducted by Michael Freeman was featured in a Science Alert article about world map distortion: “New 'Radically Different' Map Is Said to Be The Most Accurate 2D Map Ever Made.”