Clarita Lefthand-Begay, Maya Magarati (UW Social Work), and Terri Parr (Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians) received a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) award for A Holistic Environmental Health Approach to Promoting Health, Equity, and Water Security in One Alaskan Native Village. The total award amount is $359,000, of which $274,992 will come to the iSchool.
Kurtis L. Heimerl (UW CSE), Jason Young, and Spencer Sevilla (UW CSE) were awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant of $250,000 for Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Community-Powered Connectivity in The New Arctic. Of the total award, $26,835 will come to the iSchool.
Karen Fisher:
- had an article published in ACM Interactions titled, “Co-Designing on the Jordanian-Syrian Border: How 2,000 Syrian Refugees Created the Za'atari Camp Cookbook.”
- will present at the Academy of Urbanism (AoU)-Urban Design Group (UDG) Lessons from the Middle East Symposium next week.
Katie Davis presented as an invited keynote speaker at the Oregon Psychiatric Physicians Association Fall Conference. Her presentation was titled, “Coping through COVID: Understanding Technology’s Role in Teen Resilience and Wellbeing.”