Alexis Hiniker was quoted in a UW News article titled, “‘I saw you were online’: How online status indicators shape our behavior.” The article highlights one her CHI 2020 papers, “User Experiences with Online Status Indicators,” which was co-authored by Camille Cobb (Carnegie Mellon), Tadayoshi Kohno (UW CSE), and Lucy Simko (UW CSE).
Chirag Shah:
- had a new textbook on data science titled, A Hands-On Introduction to Data Science, published by Cambridge University Press. This book is a practical introduction to data science and is well-suited to students from a range of disciplines.
- received the Microsoft BCS/BCS IRSG Karen Spärck Jones Award at the European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2020). The conference was moved online this year and you can watch a clip of Chirag’s award keynote here.
- was a keynote speaker at the International Workshop on Algorithmic Bias in Search and Recommendation (Bias 2020).
- in collaboration with Sahil Verma (UW CS) and Ruoyuan Gao (Rutgers CS) published a paper titled, “Facets of Fairness in Search and Recommendation” in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Algorithmic Bias in Search and Recommendation.
Jason Young, Chris Jowaisas, Bree Norlander, and Renee Lynch co-authored an article titled, “Volunteer geographic information in the Global South: barriers to local implementation of mapping projects across Africa.” The article, published online in GeoJournal, highlights how dramatically digital divides can bias crowdsourcing results; the importance of local cultural views in influencing participation in crowdsourcing; and the continued importance of traditional, authoritative organizations for crowdsourcing.
Katie Davis and Alexis Hiniker were interviewed for a Seattle Times article titled, “Technology’s had us ‘social distancing’ for years. Can our digital ‘lifeline’ get us through the coronavirus pandemic?”
Miranda Belarde-Lewis:
- along with Sandy Littletree, contributed to a co-authored article in Human Biology (WSU Press) titled, "'Of course, data can never fully represent reality': Assessing the relationship between Indigenous Data and IK, TEK, and TK.”
- gave a lecture at the University of Arizona in February as part of the School of Art's Visiting Artists and Scholars speaker series focused on art and social justice. The title of her talk was "Artivism: the role of art and social media in the movement."
- attended the opening of the second installment of "Preston Singletary: Raven and the Box of Daylight," the exhibition which she guest curated for the Museum of Glass in Tacoma. The Wichita Art Museum in Kansas is hosting the exhibit until August before it travels to the Smithsonian in Washington D.C.