Jason Yip and Julie Kientz will serve as co-PIs for the 2017H2 Mozilla Research Grant awarded to Alexis Hiniker in the amount of $67,572. Their research is titled, Understanding Design Opportunities for In-Home Digital Assistants for Low- and Middle-Income Families.
Wanda Pratt and her team had three full papers accepted to the upcoming ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’18):
- Interpersonal Informatics: Supporting Collaborative Health Tracking in the Hospital. With Sonali Mishra, Andrew Miller, Shefali Haldar, Maher Khelifi, Jordan Eschler, Rashmi Elera, and Ari Pollack.
- Designing a Reclamation of Body and Health: Cancer Survivor Tattoos as Coping Ritual. With Jordan Eschler and Arpita Bhattacharya.
- “Suddenly, we got to become therapists for each other”: Designing Peer Support Chats for Mental Health. By Katie O’Leary, Stephen Schueller, and Jake Wobbrock.
Batya Friedman, David Hendry, and Alan Borning had A Survey of Value Sensitive Design Methods published in the journal Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction.