
  • Data & Analytics
  • Business Intelligence
  • Organizational Leadership


Sean is a Guest Faculty Member at the University of Washington Information School and teaches Business Intelligence in the MSIM program. He specializes in data, analytics, and a number of other domains. He brings over 22 years of enterprise level experience to the classroom and has worked at dev, engineer, architect, program manager, and executive levels. Sean has worked with companies such as T-Mobile, Amazon, Microsoft, NFL, Nike, Blizzard and EA to name a few. In working for these companies, Sean lead large teams in the modernization of the software development capabilities with a focus on data, automation, and innovation as ways to differentiate the organization. He has a Master of Science in Information Management (MSIM) from the University of Washington.

Other iSchool Courses Taught:
IMT 576 – Foundations of Strategic and Managerial Business Intelligence
IMT 577 – Business Intelligence Systems


  • MS, Master of Science Information Management (MSIM), University of Washington, 2019
  • BA, Boise State University, 2001