
  • Sociotechnical Information Systems
  • Economics of Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship


  • IMT 572 - Introduction To Data Science
  • IMT 589 - Special Topics In Information Management
  • INFO 180 - Introduction To Data Science


Dr. Mike H.M. Teodorescu is an Assistant Professor in the Information School at the University of Washington. His research and teaching interests encompass machine learning fairness, technology innovation and adoption, intellectual property, and entrepreneurship.

Through collaborations with USAID, MIT, and Harvard, he has brought a rigorous information systems approach to the ethics of AI and ML fairness - powerful tech increasingly affecting everything from hiring to lending to security across the globe. He has also partnered with U.S. Patent and Trademark Office leadership to study strategic use of patents by firms, with a focus on effects of patent policy on priorities like green technology and gender and socioeconomic equity in invention. He has published in several Financial Times 50 ranked journals such as Management Information Systems Quarterly, Research Policy, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, as well as Nature Machine Intelligence and IEEE outlets. He has several 'Best paper proceedings papers' at Academy of Management including the 2022 conference-wide Technology Innovation Management Best Paper.

He serves on the Strategic Management Journal Editorial Review Board and, after serving on the Special Issue on Digital Responsibility editorial board, he is joining the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) for a three-year term starting 2025. He is an IEEE Senior Member as well as a longstanding member of INFORMS, Academy of Management, and the American Economic Association. His AI policy work has been featured by the Brookings Institution in their Center on Regulation and Markets Paper Series, as well as an expert for the Scientific Advisory Mechanism to the EU Commission.

Prior to joining the UW, he was a faculty member at Boston College and a Visiting Scholar at MIT D-Lab, and cofounded the medtech social enterprise SurgiBox to improve access to quality healthcare globally. He has published widely in information systems, business, policy, technology, and global development journals as well as an HBS teaching materials; and is also the holder of several patents. In 2023 Dr. Teodorescu received the MIT Technology Review's 35 Innovators Under 35 Europe Award and delivered a plenary talk at the event in Ireland. His work has been featured in numerous news outlets, including Financial Times, MIT News, NECN, SciTechDaily, news24, and others. His engineering and design work has been showcased in museum exhibits in the MIT Museum and the London Design Museum.

Teodorescu earned his Doctorate from Harvard Business School and his Computer Science bachelor’s cum laude from Harvard University.

He is currently recruiting Ph.D. student applicants with a background in data science or economics for research on AI fairness, AI policy, and innovation economics.


  • MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35 Europe - MIT Technology Review, 2023
  • Premiul Academiei Romane Mihai Draganescu - Romanian Academy, 2023
  • Senior Member - IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2023
  • Top 200 Inventions of 2023: SurgiBox - TIME Magazine, 2023
  • Alumni Track Crowd Favorite Prize - Harvard Business School New Venture Competition, 2022
  • Best Paper in Technology Innovation Management, AOM Annual Meeting 2022 - Academy of Management, 2022
  • Best Paper Runner-Up Technology Innovation Management (Second paper at AOM Annual Meeting 2022) - Academy of Management, 2022
  • Illumination Award - Boston College, 2022
  • Best Paper Proceedings (TIM Division) - Academy of Management, 2019
  • Platinum Award - MassChallenge, 2018
  • “Creating Hope in Conflict” winner - Humanitarian Grand Challenges, 2018
  • Beazley Designs of the Year People’s Choice Winner - Design Museum London, 2018
  • Certificate of Appreciation - US Patent and Trademark Office, 2017
  • Ship-It Award - MICROSOFT, 2013
  • Gold Medal - EUROINVENT Invention Fair, 2012
  • Bok Award in Teaching - Harvard University, 2011
  • Gold Medal - EUROINVENT Invention Fair, 2011
  • Gold Medal - INVENTICA Fair, 2011
  • Outstanding Poster Presentation Award - Society for Mathematics in Biology, 2010
  • Grand Prize Winner - Annual International NASA Space Settlement Design Contest, 2005
  • Grand Prize Winner - Annual International NASA Space Settlement Design Contest, 2003


  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Senior Member
  • American Economic Association
  • Academy of Management

Publications and Contributions

  • Journal Article, Professional Journal
    Dangers of speech technology for workplace diversity (2024)
    Nature Machine Intelligence, 6(3), pp. 4 Authors: Mike Teodorescu, Mingang K. Geiger, Lily Morse
  • Research Report
    Fairness in machine learning: regulation or standards? (2024)
    Brookings Institution Paper Series The Economics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies, Authors: Mike Teodorescu, Christos Makridis
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    Natural language processing techniques in management research (2024)
    Research Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making in Organizations, pp. 58-79 Author: Mike Teodorescu
  • Working Paper
    Perceptions of algorithmic criteria: The role of procedural fairness (2024)
    Brookings Institution Working Paper Series The Economics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies Authors: Lily Morse, Mike Teodorescu, Yakov Bart
  • Conference Paper
    Preserving Location Privacy for Mobile Phones with Homomorphic Encryption: The False Position Protocol (2024)
    Proceedings of the 57th Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) Authors: Mike Teodorescu, Sam Ransbotham
  • Conference Paper
    Fairness Constraints in Speech-to-Text Applications – Clinical Effects of Salivation (2023)
    2023 International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD), pp. pp. 72-77 Authors: Mike Teodorescu, Ionut Taraboanta, Sorin Andrian, Angela Ghiorghe, Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, Mihaela Grigorie
  • Conference Paper
    Closing the Gender Gap in Patenting: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial at the USPTO (2022)
    Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, AOM Conference Technology Innovation Management, 2022(1), pp. 14401 Authors: Nicholas Pairolero, Andrew Toole, Charles deGrazia, Mike Teodorescu, Peter-Anthony Pappas
  • Working Paper
    Determining systematic differences in human graders for machine learning-based automated hiring (2022)
    Brookings Institution Working Paper Series, Center on Regulation and Markets, pp. 1-36 Authors: Mike Teodorescu, Nailiya Ordabayeva, Marios Kokkodis, Abhishek Unnam, Varun Aggarwal
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Do the Ends Justify the Means? Variation in the Distributive and Procedural Fairness of Machine Learning Algorithms (2022)
    Journal of Business Ethics [Financial Times 50 ranked journal], 181(4), pp. 1083–1095 Authors: Lily Morse, Mike Teodorescu, Yazeed Awwad, Gerald Kane
  • Conference Paper
    Patents and the Independent Inventor Lifecycle (2022)
    Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, AOM Conference Technology Innovation Management, 2022(1), pp. 15745 Authors: Charles deGrazia, Nicholas Pairolero, Peter-Anthony Pappas, Mike Teodorescu, Andrew Toole
  • Working Paper
    Raising the Volume on Fairness in Speech Technology (2022)
    Academy of Management 2021 Authors: Mike Teodorescu, L. Morse, M. Geiger
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Role of context in knowledge flows: Host country versus headquarters as sources of MNC subsidiary knowledge inheritance (2022)
    Global Strategy Journal, 12(4), pp. 658-678 Authors: Mike Teodorescu, Prithwiraj Choudhury, Tarun Khanna
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    User-centred innovation to advance safe surgery at the point of need: report on development of the SurgiField system (2022)
    British Medical Journal Innovations, 8(4), pp. 317–322 Authors: Debbie L. Teodorescu, Sashidhar Jonnalagedda, Atif Rakin, Mike Teodorescu, Macauley Kenney, Julian Greene, Steven Bokshan, Hassan Mashbari, Asad Moten, Osaid Alser, Robert D. Sinyard III, Ander Dorken-Gallastegi, Arnav Mahajan, Robert J. Smalley, Daniel Frey, David R. King, Meena N. Cherian
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    A Paradigm Shift in Critical Care Infrastructure in Complex Settings: Evaluating an Ultraportable Operating Room to Improve Field Surgical Safety (2021)
    Military Medicine Authors: D. L. Teodorescu, S, Okajima, Moten A, Mike Teodorescu, M. El Hechi, S.. Gutierrez-Arango, K. Meier, R. Smalley, D. R. King
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Examination Incentives, Learning, and Patent Office Outcomes: The Use of Examiner's Amendments at the USPTO (2021)
    Research Policy [Financial Times 50 ranked journal] Authors: Charles deGrazia, Nicholas Pairolero, Mike Teodorescu (alphabetical)
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Failures of Fairness in Automation Require a Deeper Understanding of Human-ML Augmentation (2021)
    MIS Quarterly [Financial Times 50 ranked journal], 45(3), pp. 1483-1499 Authors: Mike Teodorescu, Lily Morse, Yazeed Awwad, Gerald Kane (MT and LM shared first authorship)
  • Conference Paper
    Machine Learning Fairness is Computationally Difficult and Algorithmically Unsatisfactorily Solved (2021)
    Proceedings of IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing 2021 Authors: Mike Teodorescu, Xinyu Yao
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    The Track One Pilot Program: Who Benefits from Prioritized Examination? (2021)
    Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal [Financial Times 50 ranked journal] Authors: Jeffrey Kuhn, Mike Teodorescu (all junior coauthors)
  • Conference Paper
    An Open Design for an Air Flow and Pressure Control Circuit for Medical Devices (2020)
    2020 International Conference on Applied Electronics Authors: Mike Teodorescu, H.N. Teodorescu
  • Grant Report
    Exploring Fairness in Machine Learning for International Development (2020)
    CITE Report, MIT D-Lab Authors: Y. Awwad, R. Fletcher, D. Frey, A. Gandhi, M. Najafian, Mike Teodorescu (alphabetical)
  • Conference Paper
    Seeking Ethical use of Algorithms: Challenges and Mitigations (2020)
    International Conference on Information Systems 2020 Proceedings Authors: Monideepa Tarafdar, Mike Teodorescu, Huseyin Tanriverdi, Lionel Robert, Lily Morse
  • Conference Paper
    Revisiting the Impact of USPTO Examiner Incentives: Learning and Patent Office Outcomes (2019)
    Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings [Selection: About 10% are included in best paper proceedings] Authors: C. deGrazia, N.A. Pairolero, Mike Teodorescu (alphabetical)
  • Conference Paper
    Convolutional Gravitational Models for Economic Exchanges: Mathematical Extensions for Dynamic Processes and Knowledge Flows (2018)
    Human Factors, Business Management and Society Author: Mike Teodorescu
  • Business Case
    Shopkick: The Power of Shopper Data (2018)
    Harvard Business School Case 517-069 Authors: John Deighton, Allison Ciechanover, Mike Teodorescu
  • Business Case
    Big Data in Marketing (2016)
    Harvard Business School Course Overview Note 517-077 Authors: Deighton John, Mike Teodorescu
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    A Review of Swarm-Based 1D/2D Signal Processing (2012)
    Memoirs of the Scientific Sections of the Romanian Academy Author: Mike Teodorescu
  • Conference Paper
    A Collective Biological Processing Algorithm for EKG Signals (2011)
    BIOSIGNALS 2011 Author: Mike Teodorescu
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Swarm Filtering and Application to MRI Mammography (2010)
    Polibits Author: Mike Teodorescu
  • Conference Paper
    Effects of Pseudo-Lensing and Pseudo-Dispersion in Curved Radiation Shields and Collimators: Effects on Measurements (2007)
    Sensors for Harsh Environments III, In SPIE Proceedings Author: Mike Teodorescu
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Radiation Passive Shield Analysis and Design for Space Applications (2005)
    SAE Transactions Journal of Aerospace Author: Mike Teodorescu


  • Machine Learning Fairness - Theoretical Foundations and Applications in Hiring (Invited Keynote) (2024)
    International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence 2024 - Romania
  • Perceptions of algorithmic criteria: The role of procedural fairness (2024)
    Harvard Business School Strategy Alumni Conference 2024 - Chicago IL
  • Preserving Location Privacy for Mobile Phones with Homomorphic Encryption: The False Position Protocol (2024)
    Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Strategy and Innovation: Solving Problems in a Dynamic World (2024)
    Boston University Questrom School of Business - Boston, MA
  • The Green Technology Pilot Program: Opportunities for Firms in a Green Economy (2024)
    EPIP 2024: Intellectual Property and the Future of the Data Economy - Pisa, Italy
  • The Green Technology Pilot Program: Opportunities for Firms in a Green Economy (Invited) (2024)
    ZEW – Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung - Mannheim Germany
  • Multifunctional, IoT Enabled, Smart Portable Enclosures (2023)
    ICEET 2023 - Virtual
  • AI in the Economy – Fairness Considerations (2023)
    SAPEA - Virtual
  • AI in the Economy – Fairness Considerations (2023)
    European Commission's Scientific Advice Mechanism, Workshop on AI in Science, SAPEA - Virtual
  • Closing the Gender Gap in Patenting: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial at the USPTO (2023)
    Boston University IP Day 2023 - Boston, MA
  • Fairness Constraints in Speech-to-Text Applications – Clinical Effects of Salivation (2023)
    International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD 2023) - Bucharest, Romania
  • Innovator Spotlight: A Deployable Surgery Room Saving Lives on the Battlefield and in Disaster Zones (2023)
    The Future of Society, MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 Europe - Gaoth Dobhair, Ireland
  • IoT Sensors with Blockchain for Control Processes. Concept and Design Issues (2023)
    International Conference on Applied Electronics (AE 2023) - Pilsen, Czech Republic
  • Systematic Differences in Graders in Automated Hiring Solutions: A Machine Learning Fairness Approach (2023)
  • Systemic Differences in Graders in Automated Hiring Solutions: A Machine Learning Fairness Approach (2023)
    INFORMS Annual Meeting - Phoenix, Arizona
  • Technology Management PhD Seminar (2023)
    University of California Santa Barbara - Virtual
  • Technology Management PhD Seminar (2023)
    University of California Santa Barbara - Virtual
  • The Green Technology Pilot Program: Entrepreneurial Outcomes (2023)
    18th Annual Conference on European Policy for Intellectual Property (EPIP 2023) - Krakow, Poland
  • AI and Emerging Technologies Track: Artificial Intelligence and Ethics (2022)
    2022 Annual Academy of Management conference - Seattle, WA
  • Business School Seminar (2022)
    University of California Riverside - Riverside, CA
  • Challenges facing independent inventors: Do patents help? (2022)
    EPIP 2022 - Cambridge, UK
  • Closing the gender gap in patenting: Evidence from a randomized control trial at the USPTO (2022)
    EPIP 2022 - Cambridge, UK
  • Closing the gender gap in patenting: Evidence from a randomized control trial at the USPTO (2022)
    Asia Pacific Innovation Conference 2022 - Incheon, South Korea
  • Closing the Gender Gap in Patenting: Evidence from a Randomized Control trial at the USPTO (2022)
    National Bureau of Economics Research (NBER) - Cambridge, MA
  • Determining Human Biases and Corrections in Machine Learning-Based Automated Hiring (2022)
    Wharton/Columbia Management, Analytics and Data Conference - New York City, NY
  • Determining systematic differences in human graders for machine learning-based automated hiring (2022)
    Harvard Business School 2022 Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Business Analytics - Boston, MA
  • IAJES Summit Speaker (2022)
    Boston College - Boston, MA
  • Independent Inventors and Returns to Patenting: Evidence from an Experiment at the USPTO (2022)
    National Bureau of Economics Research (NBER), Productivity Seminar - Cambridge, MA
  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Closing the Gender Gap in Patenting (2022)
    Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition - Virtual
  • Patents and the inventor lifecycle: Evidence from a randomized control trial (2022)
    American Economics Association Annual Meeting, 2022 ASSA/SGE Sessions - Virtual
  • Session Demographics and disclosure: studies on the US patenting process and innovation (2022)
    American Economic Association 2022 ASSA/SGE SessionsV - Virtual
  • The First Randomized Controlled Trial on Independent Inventors: An Experiment at the US Patent and Trademark Office (2022)
    American Economic Association Annual Meeting 2022, Paper Session Technological Change - Virtual
  • Computational Approaches to Studying Organizations and Markets New Methodological Frontiers (2021)
    AOM 2021 (peer reviewed) (forthcoming) - Forthcoming
  • Do corporate contributions spur innovative activity in online crowdsourced goods? Evidence from the Linux kernel (2021)
    Session Corporate Innovation and Renewal, ISA 2021 (peer reviewed) - Virtual
  • Human vs. Machine: Biases in Hiring Decisions* (Invited) (2021)
    Brookings CRM Artificial intelligence authors’ conference, Brookings Institution - Virtual
  • Raising the Volume on Fairness in Speech Technology (2021)
    AOM 2021 (peer reviewed) - Virtual
  • A Framework for Fairer Machine Learning in Organizations (2020)
    Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting 2020 - Virtual
  • A Framework for Managing Fairer Machine Learning in Organizations (2020)
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2020 (peer reviewed) - Virtual
  • A Framework for Managing Fairer Machine Learning in Organizations (Best Conference Paper Finalist) (2020)
    Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting 2020 (peer reviewed) - Virtual
  • A Framework for Managing Fairer Machine Learning in Organizations* (Invited) (2020)
    NYU AI in Strategic Management Workshop - Virtual
  • A Natural Language Processing Analysis of Changes in Patenting Behavior in Business Methods (2020)
    Accepted at Patcon 2020 (Conference Canceled due to COVID-19) - Cancelled
  • Barriers to Learning in Open Source Digital Public Goods: The Linux Kernel and Corporate Contributors (2020)
    The Statistical Conference in E-Commerce Research (SCECR 2020) - Virtual
  • Barriers to Learning in Open Source Digital Public Goods: The Linux Kernel and Corporate Contributors (2020)
    Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting 2020 - Virtual
  • Do Corporate Contributions Spur Innovative Activity in Online Crowdsourced Goods? (2020)
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2020 (peer reviewed) - Virtual
  • Examination Incentives, Learning, and Patent Office Outcomes: The Use of Examiner's Amendments at the USPTO (2020)
    Thirteenth Annual Conference on Innovation Economics, USPTO/ Kellogg School of Management/Northwestern Center on Law, Business, and Economics (formerly the Northwestern SEARLE Annual IP Conference) - Virtual
  • Industry Studies Association Early Career Scholars Professional Development Workshop (2020)
    Industry Studies Association Early Career Scholars Professional Development Workshop - Virtual
  • Invited Discussant (2020)
    Thirteenth Annual Conference on Innovation Economics, USPTO/ Kellogg School of Management/Northwestern Center on Law, Business, and Economics (formerly the Northwestern SEARLE Annual IP Conference) - Evanston, IL
  • Role of Context in Knowledge Flows: Host Country versus Headquarters as Sources of MNC Subsidiary Knowledge Inheritance (2020)
    AIB 2020 (competitive presentation; peer reviewed) - Virtual
  • Role of Context in Knowledge Flows: Host Country versus Headquarters as Sources* (Invited) of MNC Subsidiary Knowledge Inheritance (2020)
    Wharton Management Department Seminar - Virtual
  • Seeking Ethical use of Algorithms: Challenges and Mitigations (2020)
    ICIS 2020 (peer reviewed) - Virtual
  • SI 2020 Innovation Workshop – Invited (2020)
    National Bureau of Economic Research Summer Institute 2020 - Virtual
  • The Track One Pilot Program: Who Benefits from Prioritized Patent Examination? (2020)
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2020 - Virtual
  • Context in Knowledge Flows: Host Country versus Headquarters as Sources for the MNC Subsidiary (2019)
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2019 - Boston, MA
  • Context in Knowledge Flows: Host Country versus Headquarters as Sources for the MNC Subsidiary (2019)
    Boston College Digital Innovation Workshop 2019 - Chestnut Hill, MA
  • Do Corporate Contributions Spur Innovative Activity in Online Crowdsourced Goods? Evidence from the Linux Kernel (2019)
    Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE) 2019 - Munich, Germany
  • Do Corporate Contributions Spur Innovative Activity in Online Crowdsourced Goods? Evidence from the Linux Kernel (2019)
    Strategic Management Society 39th Annual Meeting - Minneapolis, MN
  • Do Corporate Contributions Spur Innovative Activity in Online Crowdsourced Goods? Evidence from the Linux Kernel* (Invited) (2019)
    INFORMS 2019 - Virtual
  • Ethical Use Framework* (Invited) (2019)
    Convening on Exploring Fairness in Machine Learning (co-organizers Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USAID, and Ashesi University) - Accra, Ashesi University
  • How does Patent Examination Change Patent Claims? (2019)
    Intellectual Property Scholars Conference 2019 (IPSC 2019) - Chicago, IL
  • Management Research and Machine Learning* (Invited) (2019)
    Futuremark (UL Finland) - Espoo, Finland
  • Myth of the Rubber Stamp Patent: Impact of Examiner’s Amendment on the Innovation Ecosystem (2019)
    Strategic Management Society 39th Annual Meeting - Minneapolis, MN
  • Operating in Austere Environments* (Invited) (2019)
    Summer Science Program, CU Boulder - Boulder, CO
  • Power of Education Panel* (Invited) (2019)
    Ekal USA - Cambridge, MA
  • Revisiting the Impact of USPTO Examiner Incentives: Learning and Patent Office Outcomes (2019)
    Midwest Macroeconomics Meeting UGA 2019 - Athens, GA
  • Revisiting the Impact of USPTO Examiner Incentives: Learning and Patent Office Outcomes (selected in AOM Best Paper Proceedings by TIM division) (2019)
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2019 - Boston, MA
  • The Need for Speed: Who Benefits from Prioritized Examination? (2019)
    Roundtable on Empirical Methods in IP, co-organized by Northwestern and USPTO - Alexandria VA
  • Will Robotics and AI Lead Engineers to Rule the World?* (Invited) (2019)
    Harvard Business School - Cambridge, MA
  • Convolutional Gravitational Models for Economic Exchanges: Mathematical Extensions for Dynamic Processes and Knowledge Flows (2018)
    AHFE 2018 - Orlando, FL
  • Fairness in Machine Learning* (Invited) (2018)
    Aspiring Minds - Gurgaon, India
  • The Need for Speed: Effects of Uncertainty Reduction in Patenting (2018)
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting - Chicago, USA
  • The Need for Speed: Effects of Uncertainty Reduction in Patenting (2018)
    HBS Strategy Doctoral Alumni Conference 2018 - Chicago, USA
  • Knowledge Flows within MNCs (2017)
    Strategy Workshop, Harvard Business School - Cambridge, MA
  • Natural Language Processing Techniques for Patent Analysis in Management Research (2017)
    INFORMS 2017 - Houston, TX
  • The Need for Speed: Effects of Uncertainty Reduction in Patenting (2017)
    HBS Strategy Faculty Seminar - Cambridge, MA
  • The Need for Speed: Effects of Uncertainty Reduction in Patenting (2017)
    INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, Oral Session SA16 - Houston, TX
  • The Need for Speed: Effects of Uncertainty Reduction in Patenting (2017)
    Strategic Management Society 37th Annual Conference (peer reviewed) - Houston, USA
  • The Need for Speed: Effects of Uncertainty Reduction in Patenting (2017)
    INFORMS Data Mining and Decision Analytics Workshop 2017 - Houston, TX
  • TIM Doctoral Consortium (2017)
    Academy of Management - Atlanta, GA
  • A Gravity Model of Knowledge Flows within Multinationals (2016)
    Strategic Management Society 36th Annual Conference - Berlin, Germany
  • Intro to Machine Learning (2016)
    USPTO Office of Chief Economist (internal talk) - Alexandria, VA
  • Modeling Innovation Flows within Multinationals through the Use of Natural Language Processing* (Invited) (2016)
    CIEL Series - Halmstad, Sweden
  • Image Re-Morphing and Feature Extraction with Swarming Algorithm* (Invited) (2010)
    Mathematical Methods in Systems Biology - Tel Aviv, Israel