- Digital Humanities
- Cultural Analytics
- Literature
Research Areas
- INFO 498 - Special Topics In Informatics
Melanie Walsh is an Assistant Professor in the Information School at the University of Washington. Her research interests include data science, digital humanities, cultural analytics, contemporary literature, and library and information science. She investigates how data and computational methods shape contemporary culture — such as the publishing industry and public libraries — and how they can be used to understand culture in turn. Previously, she was a Postdoctoral Associate in Information Science at Cornell University. She received her PhD in English Literature from Washington University in St. Louis, where she specialized in computational approaches to text and social media data and served as a Fellow in the Humanities Digital Workshop.
Walsh is currently working on a book called When Postwar American Fiction Went Viral: Protest, Profit, and Popular Readers in the 21st Century, which traces how postwar literary texts were recirculated and reimagined by various internet communities and political movements, such as Black Lives Matter. She is also co-PI of the NEH-funded AI for Humanists project (formerly the BERT for Humanists project), and she is co-editor of the Post45 Data Collective, a peer-reviewed, open-access repository for literary and cultural data from 1945 to the present. Lastly, she is the author of the widely used online textbook, Introduction to Cultural Analytics & Python, which was voted the “Best Digital Humanities Training Material” of 2021.
- Ph D, English & American Literature, Washington University in St. Louis, 2019
- MA, English, Washington University in St. Louis, 2015
- BA, English, Washington University in St. Louis, 2013
- Cross-disciplinary Research Cluster Award - Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington, 2023
- Data Science Minor Course Development Award - University of Washington, 2023
- Digital Humanities Summer Fellowship - Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington, 2023
- Humanities Data Science Summer Institute Fellowship - University of Washington, 2023
- NEH Digital Humanities Level III Advancement Grant - National Endowment for the Humanities, 2023
- Best Digital Humanities Training Material - The Digital Humanities Awards, 2021
- NEH Digital Humanities Level I Advancement Grant - National Endowment for the Humanities, 2021
- Emerging Open Scholarship Award, Honorable Mention - Canadian Social Knowledge Institute, 2020
- Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence - Arts & Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis, 2019
- Dissertation Fellowship - Center for the Humanities, Washington University in St. Louis, 2018
- Everett Helm Visiting Fellowship - The Lilly Library, Indiana University, 2018
- William J. Hill Visiting Researcher Travel Grant - Wittliff Collections, Texas State University, 2018
- Humanities Digital Workshop Summer Fellowship - Washington University in St. Louis, 2015-2017
- Harriet Schwenk Kluver Prize - English Department, Washington University in St. Louis, 2010
- Responsible Computing Challenge Award - Mozilla Foundation, 2023
Publications and Contributions
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewNot with a Bang But a Tweet: Democracy, Culture Wars, and the Memeification of T.S. Eliot (2025)Expressive Networks: Poetry and Platform Cultures
Conference PaperDoes ChatGPT Have a Poetic Style? (2024)Proceedings of the Computational Humanities Research Conference 2024, 3834(Unknown Issue), pp. 1201-1219
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewSocial and Conceptual Networks in Eighteenth-Century German Periodical Literature (2024)Between Network and Narrative: German and European Cultural Histories, 1789- 1810
Conference PaperSonnet or Not, Bot? Poetry Evaluation for Large Models and Data (2024)Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP, pp. 15568–15603
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe Afterlives of Shakespeare and Company in Online Social Readership (2024)Journal of Cultural Analytics and Modernism/modernity (Crossover Issue)
Conference PaperRiveter: Measuring Power and Social Dynamics Between Entities (2023)Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 377-388
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewThe Challenges and Possibilities of Social Media Data: New Directions in Literary Studies and the Digital Humanities (2023)Debates in the Digital Humanities 2023, pp. 275-294
Magazine/Trade PublicationWhat 35 Years of Data Can Tell Us About Who Will Win the National Book Award (2023)Public Books
Magazine/Trade PublicationWhere Is All The Book Data? (2022)Public Books
Book, Textbook-New
Journal Article, Academic JournalTags, Borders, and Catalogs: Social Re-Working of Genre on LibraryThing (2021)Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW), 5(Unknown Issue), pp. 29
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe Goodreads ‘Classics’: A Computational Study of Readers, Amazon, and Crowdsourced Amateur Criticism (2021)Journal of Cultural Analytics and Post45
Journal Article, Academic JournalReview: Name That Twitter Community! (2020)1(2)
WebsiteTweets of a Native Son (2020)
Magazine/Trade PublicationEchoes: Memes, Art, & Collectives on the Internet (2019)The Spectacle Editor: Melanie Walsh
Magazine/Trade PublicationA Conversation with Cathy Davidson: On the Digital in the Humanities and Her Journey to Revolutionize Higher Ed,” (2018)Human Ties
ReviewBeautifying Beale Street (2018)Los Angeles Review of Books
Journal Article, Academic JournalTweets of a Native Son: The Quotation and Recirculation of James Baldwin from Black Power to #BlackLivesMatter (2018)American Quarterly, 70(3), pp. 531-559
Flash FictionUnattended Packages (2018)Chicago Reader
Beyond the Hype: Charting a Path for AI in Humanities Research
ong Kong Association for Digital Humanities 2025 International Conference on AI & the Digital Humanities - Hong Kong
AI + DEI? Investigating Automated Diversity Audits in Public Libraries
UCLA Critical Data Lab (DataX) - Virtual
Future Direction in Text Analysis and Social Media Data
Text Analysis Module Series Brown University - Providence, Rhode Island
Not With a Bang But a Tweet
The Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society, Department of English at Notre Dame (virtual) - Notre Dame, Indiana
Reinventions and responsibilities in the Age of AI
Digital Humanities (DH) 2024 Conference - Arlington, VA
Responsible Datasets in Context: Teaching with Data and Emphasizing the Value of Historical Context
Digital Humanities (DH) 2024 Conference - Arlington, VA
The Meme of the Author
International Reader Studies Symposium, Price Lab for Digital Humanities, University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA
What ChatGPT Poetry Can Teach Us About AI and Language
Disruptive Innovation: A.I., Language, Arts, and Education, Alliance Française - Seattle, WA
What do LLMs ‘know’ about poetry?
Thematic Semester Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence Final Conference - Paris, France
What Does ChatGPT Know About Poetic Form?
Modern Language Association (MLA) Convention 2024 - Philadelphia, PA
Artificial Intelligence: An Overview for the NEH
National Endowment for the Humanities - Virtual
Collections as Data: State of the Field and Future Directions
Collections as Data: Part to Whole, Mellon-funded initiative - Vancouver, Canada
Data and Culture: Understanding Culture Through Data While Protecting Culture From Data
Colloquium at the Information School at the University of Texas - Austin, Texas
David Foster Wallace Bros on Reddit
Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present (ASAP) - Seattle, Washington
Large Language Models for FAccT Researchers
FAccT - Chicago, Illinois
Large Language Models for Humanists: A Hands-On Introduction
AI, Creativity, & Humanities Research Cluster Simpson Center - Seattle, Washington
Not with a Bang But a Tweet
The Social Lives of Digitized Culture Research Cluster, Information School at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign - Champaign, Illinois
Poetic Authorship in the Digital Age: Rupi Kaur, Instagram, and Performing Authenticity in Public
American Studies Association Conference 2023 - Montreal, Canada
Post45 Graduate Symposium
Department of English at the University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
Publisher-Platform Data Relationships
Exploring the Anti-Ownership Ebook Economy, co-sponsored by The Engleberg Center on Innovation Law & Policy at NYU School of Law and Library Futures - New York, New York
Rupi Kaur and Reception Data
Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present (ASAP) - Seattle, Washington
The Social Media Lives of Texts: Reception in the Age of the Internet
Digital Humanities Series Department of English at Duke University - Durham, North Carolina
The Social Media Lives of Texts: Reception in the Age of the Internet
New Horizons in Digital Humanities & Cultural Data Science at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) - Hong Kong, Hong Kong
What Do Readers Value? Manually Tagging and Quantitatively Measuring ‘Aspects’ in Goodreads Reviews
Text as Data (TADA) - Amherst, MA
BERT for Social Sciences and Humanities
ICWSM - Atlanta, GA
Computational Reception and Readership Studies
The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) Conference - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Data as Culture
Women in Data Science Conference, Claremont College - Claremont, California
Online Readership and Perception of Genre Over Time
Digital Humanities Conference - Tokyo, Japan (Virtual)
Toward a Critical Data Pedagogy: American Studies Perspectives in the Digital Humanities Classroom
American Studies Association Conference - New Orleans, LA
BERT for Humanists: Uses, Challenges, Translations
ACH Conference - Virtual
Computational Approaches to Book Reviews
ACH Conference - Virtual
Library Circulation Histories Workshop
National Endowment for the Humanities Workshop - Virtual
Multilingual NLP as Interface
DARIAH Conference - Virtual
New Histories of Quantitative and Computational Methods
MLA Annual Convention - Toronto, Canada (Virtual)
Social Textworking: Books, Readers, and Online Media
SHARP Conference - Virtual
The Crowdsourced ‘Classics’ and the Revealing Limits of Goodreads Data
DH - Ottawa, Canada (Virtual)
Between Readers: A Short Methodological History of Networked Reading
MLA Annual Convention - Chicago, IL
Documenting Twitter Prot
American Studies Association - Honolulu, HI
Mapping the Librotraficante Movement
Global DH Symposium - East Lansing, MI
New Horizons in Network Analysis
ACH Conference - Pittsburgh, PA
The Crowdsourced ‘Classics
Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present - College Park, MD
Working with Twitter Data
Day of Data – Cornell University Library - Ithaca, NY
James Baldwin, #BlackLivesMatter, and Networks of Textual Recirculation
DH 2018 Conference - Mexico City, Mexico
Kurt Vonnegut Unstuck in Time for $1.99: Amazon Kindle Worlds and the Readerly Reimagination of Postwar American Fiction
Post45 Graduate Symposium - New Haven, CT
Text Mining the Novel (NovelTM) Workshop - Montreal, Canada
Archives Unleashed
Web Archiving Workshop for Researchers - San Francisco, CA
Cultural Analytics
Computational and Data-Intensive Cultural Studies Symposium - South Bend, IN
Geospatial Workshop
Text Mining the Novel (NovelTM) Workshop - South Bend, IN
James Baldwin’s New Media Readers
Global DH Symposium - East Lansing, MI
Stories of Dissent: Rereading #Ferguson
American Studies Association - Chicago, IL
Tweets of a Native Son: James Baldwin and the Literary-Critical Use of a Social Media Archive
Midwest Modern Language Association - St. Louis, MO